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Everything posted by PHILINFRANCE

  1. Like you, I was less than enthused about Bancroft and, to be honest, had never heard of Renshaw until I saw he had been called in to the Australia squad following their shenanigans in South Africa - I had to look him up in WIKI, but the general feeling was positive and, for @hodge's info, he actually made his Test debut as an opening batsman . From WIKI: Renshaw scored his first Test century {as an opening batsman}, 184, against Pakistan at the Sydney Cricket Ground in his fourth match. He became the 133rd Test centurion for Australia. Renshaw became the first Australian cricketer to score 500 Test runs before turning 21 years of age and has scored the most number of Test runs before turning 21 years for Australia, with 524. That sounds promising to me, although we shall see as the season continues: I think that, one match in to the season, it is too early to suggest that 'as per last season the rest of the side are failing already'. I assume the WSM-based player to whom you refer is our goalkeeping all-rounder, currently playing for the Second XI against Kent, and I was surprised as well, although I am not sure who he might have replaced.
  2. The point I was trying (very badly) to make was that, following his recent success in South Africa, and without realising he had already signed for Durham, I was keen on the idea of exploring the possibility of signing AM, who, of course, then proceeded to make a pair on debut. Some on here (and elsewhere) appeared distinctly underwhelmed at the thought of MR replacing (the disgraced) CB as Somerset's overseas signing, and I simply suggested that he seemed a promising batsman. Anyway, of more importance is whether the team, MR included, can now repeat their performance against Yorkshire starting on Friday.
  3. As I was saying just a few weeks ago.... Well batted, Matt Renshaw.
  4. After 'Middlesex', it seems the Taunton pitch will be less conducive to spin this season. Given the (probable) lengthy absence on England duty of JL, it would seem that our spin options will be limited to Dom Bess, a promising off-spin bowler and, indeed, if his recent performances in the WI can be repeated this season, surely a welcome all-rounder. At Championship level, Cove is also a proven, albeit inconsistent, all-rounder, though I am not convinced he will be lost for much of this season on England duty. I know you didn't mention him in your post, but Cove's younger twin brother Jove is extremely fast and, if he can prove himself injury free, relatively consistent and discover his prevous form, it may be Jove who is taken from the Somerset First XI. In answer to your question, however, whilst, regrettably, our first Championship will most likely have to be postponed for yet another year, I believe we shall avoid relegation.
  5. Classy, as ever. Gaschat, re. MT. 'Wouldn't piss on him if I came across him on fire in a car accident with his missus. I would Snapchat film it with the gif of Bobby Reid with a fire extinguisher.' Read more: http://gasheads.org/thread/7402/idiot#ixzz5CZXs6wcC
  6. I knew it, just as soon as I saw the word 'Bogie'! Wow, it got through the swear filter. Bogie.Bogie. Yep, definitely buggered.
  7. As I suggested earlier, the quote in James Clavell's novel would have been in the 1970s so I assumed that D&C would have 'cribbed' from this. It now seems it might have been the reverse. My apologies, by the way - I seem to have an awful (and unintended) habit of hijacking threads with my trivia!
  8. So. The mystery deepens - who was first. Certainly, the first time I read it was in one of James Clavell's Far East novels (Shogun, Taipan?) and that would have been back in the late 1970s/early 1980s. From memory, Derek and Clive were around in the late 1970s, so I would hazard a guess that they 'borrowed' the line from JC.
  9. So you enjoyed James Clavell's books as well.
  10. I can understand Sky's prediction and, should JL and one or both of the Overtons be absent on England duties, DB and LG, inter alia, will certainly have their work cut out to get wickets, at Taunton or elsewhere. What does surprise me, though, is last year's batting stats - to quote Sky: Runs were an issue for Somerset in 2017. No one came close to 1,000 with Steve Davies (775) and James Hildreth (756) the best of a quiet bunch. Marcus Trescothick is still there but the runs have dried up, the 42-year-old passed fifty just three times in 27 innings last term. I didn't realise we scored so few runs.
  11. I'm not so sure. Certainly a promising batsman, but will he be able to prove it on Somerset's new wickets, i.e. no more roads?
  12. But only for the first four games - he will be available form May onwards (according to Cricinfo). Aiden Markram, the South Africa opener, has signed for Durham for the first four games of the County Championship, with the New Zealand batsman Tom Latham taking on the 50-over captaincy when he arrives to fill the overseas spot until August. Markram will arrive at Chester-le-Street in time for Durham's opening home Championship fixture against Kent in April, and will stay until the start of the Royal London One Day Cup in the middle of May.
  13. Forget Joshua's shorts, what on earth is wrong with his tape?
  14. A local lad, ex Yeovil and Forest Green. Some on here, possibly @spudski, were singing his praises a year or so ago, but then he went off to Rotherham.
  15. Same sort of age as Bancroft (23 as opposed to 25) and, it would seem, a bit more adventurous - I am referring to his stroke play, not sandpaper shenanigans. Has toured England before, quite successfully with younger age groups.
  16. Given Somerset are still in need of an opening bat, what chance of signing Aiden Markram?
  17. Bernie the Bolt, Please. Even older ones might even remember Heinz!
  18. It was even better - better than a run a ball (106 balls) with 18 fours. And Dom Bess then went on to get 6 wickets in Essexes second innings (6/51) to give him 8 for the match.
  19. OK. Honestly, I am really being serious and not trying to take the proverbial out of our blue friends. I actually thought the video was lovely; such a sweet story and a wonderful way to try and entice new supporters, both boys and, obviously, girls. The Oh so embarrassing mistake with the date is surely foregiveable - just think of your over enthusiatic young cousin: wince, smile, pat him/her on the head and encourage them to do better next time.
  20. I was actually quoting @Cheesleysmate, who said (in reference to the Rovers video: 'I've got it. I've got pretty much every gift they have given, including the Soccer Saturday highlights with Jeff saying those immortal words "and it is ALL OVER for Bristol Rovers". Beautiful.' I remember seeing it at the time and feeling so embarrassed for the young lad, trying to share his exhuberance at their forthcoming millions, but being 'outshone' by his father.
  21. http://cricfree.sc/watch/live/george-groves-vs-chris-eubank-jr-live-streaming
  22. The other end of town, but I remember (from my old bus/coach driver friend, 'Acker') 'Big Tits Lil, from Sodbury Hill'.
  23. I imagine either Orient or Northampton were overlooked.
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