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Everything posted by MichaelRobartes

  1. Agreed. They were much more organised than the last time I saw them v Sale in the league. Didn't get into the Baff 22 enough but really should have gone over at the end there. It's pretty frustrating because Baff were puke. I agree with the commentators who said they need more experience at half back but Searle looks a real find for the future. Fine kicking from hand and off the tee.
  2. Bristol much better tonight. Should have won the game. No idea why they didn't maintain their patience and pick and go at the end there.
  3. Sure. I'm just saying that I wouldn't pay it out of principle, regardless of who's on the card. I suppose there's so much hype around Joshua that enough people will shell out the money for PPV to make it worthwhile. The Ward Kovalev fight looks far more intriguing to me, yet, as Stortz says, is not PPV.
  4. When I was at uni a load of us clubbed together for ppv fights. Since then I haven't paid for one and I don't think I would. I usually listen on the radio and watch the fight online the next day now. It's not the same but it's the principle really.
  5. You can't have it all. Great win for NI too, always pleased to see them win.
  6. Sorry about the result in Vienna, our bad!
  7. Was watching Munster hammer the NZ Maori, RedM. Another famous night at Thomond Park. How did Woodward and the team play? And how did Strings go?
  8. Totally agree. I didn't even realise that they hadn't replaced Holley until last month. Holley's reputation in Wales precedes him so I'm not surprised that he got the curly finger, but it's ridiculous that they've gone into the premiership with no head coach and the defence and backs being handled by total novices in Thomas and Peel (not to say they aren't any good, who knows). That does seem likely, RedM. If so then fair play to him for telling them where to stick it. If they were so unsure about him that they've jettisoned him after seven games then they shouldn't have given him a new three year contract. That's their problem, not his. Nonetheless, to suspend him when they just want rid is unnecessary and humiliating. Assuming he's done nothing wrong then he deserves to be treated better than that. All it's done is made the club look a complete joke. Ultimately they're only a couple of wins away from catching Worcester but they have to put someone in place who'll get them organised very soon.
  9. Have to say that Bristol have handled this really poorly. To 'suspend' him rather than just sack him (since I've seen no mention of wrongdoing on his part) is pretty crap.
  10. The Currie Cup finished a couple of weeks ago so there should be opportunities to get a few SA players over. Someone with Meyer's profile should help with that. Here's hoping anyway.
  11. I don't watch a lot of Premiership rugby or Super Rugby so my only knowledge of him is during his time as Springbok coach where, despite an indifferent last year or so, I'd say he did fairly well with an ageing team on the way down. Would be a good appointment in my opinion. As Northern Red says, certainly not a cheap option. He's won Super Rugby with the Bulls and coached the Boks.
  12. Heyneke Meyer? Seen his name linked on twitter but not from anyone I'd know to be reputable.
  13. Evil Post reported yesterday that new signings are afoot. Also rumours of ex-Boks head coach Heyneke Meyer coming in.
  14. It's really the wrong time to be looking for a new head coach/director of rugby. In my view the change should have been made in the summer but perhaps they hadn't anyone lined up and decided to stick with AR. A pity that they didn't go for Lancaster before he went to Leinster, he might have been a good fit and a realistic appointment.
  15. Strings is class. Still the second best Irish scrum half at his age. I wish he was still in Munster. Agree that Bristol had no leaders, no direction from half backs, totally aimless kicking and they knocked on or took the wrong option almost every time in the Sale 22. As poor a performance as I've seen.
  16. Diabolical. No control from the half backs, shite kicking from hand, knocked on almost every time they got into the Sale 22. Last time I moan about Munster playing badly.
  17. Poor enough. Bristol will probably be happier with the performance (I haven't seen any of their previous games but they haven't conceded a try yet!) but Baff have been absolute muck.
  18. Bristol are playing okay. Some good line breaks in the first half but far too many flaky offloads. 12-6 now. Baff should pull away looking at the two lineups but who knows.
  19. Not nearly as painful as Saturday lunchtime at Thomond Park. I wish I could be there though.
  20. Trivial after yesterday, but Bristol have brought in another fly half: http://www.bristolrugby.co.uk/news/shane-geraghty-agrees-bristol-rugby-switch/
  21. No mention of Lambert putting his hand in his face/eye fromthe commentators.
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