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Merrick's Marvels

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Everything posted by Merrick's Marvels

  1. I'd go further. I'd suggest we don’t need a chairman either - seeing as he does sweet f.a. Let's lose his salary too.
  2. An interesting thought. Which prompts another - perhaps they know they won't be here if we do? Because perhaps a sale is closer than we think? If not, it's just more of their daftness. Who knows? Clear as mud, more questions than answers at the minute.
  3. Stand on his own 2 feet for the first time in his life?
  4. Agreed. These days there has to be a way of designing that stand as two tiered without affecting the houses behind.
  5. Because at least twice in the time Pearson has been here, Lansdown has publicly praised Ashton - while, incidentally, never once saying anything remotely positive about our manager. People don't just make this sh1t up for the sake of it, ffs. Not here anyway - as has been said, this isn't the Twitter cesspit or that ridiculous City Facebook thing.
  6. It was Bedminster's nickname if I recall krekly and continued to be used, for a while, when they amalgamated with City in 1900. Once we joined the Football League, we became known as the Bristol Babes - being the newest and youngest member of the League, although it probably had more to do with a rubbish alliteration.
  7. Because there were other treatment options. And if they'd been successful, his recovery would have been quicker. It's what medication was invented for! Surgery was the last resort because we no longer live in the Middle Ages.
  8. Where's the turd emoji? PS. You forgot Scrumpty is sh1t.
  9. The thought did cross my mind that Alexander might have confiscated all the crayons.
  10. Its a ******* forum, mate. Its a forum, mate - an internet version of a pub conversation and wtf do you think they're talking about in the Lions tonight, for instance?
  11. Perhaps Alexander had the temerity to recommend a new contract for Nige?!
  12. None of the sensible posters here are "demanding" anything.
  13. Perhaps he was uncomfortable with the obvious disconnect between the new wage budget, financial austerity, nest eggs etc and the insistence to keep on talking about top 6, promotion etc. And told Guernsey so.
  14. Ok, then it must be cos the CEO sent a Get Well Soon card round the office for Nige - and Guernsey got the hump!
  15. I don't know, tbf. So are you saying there actually was a disagreement, and subsequent parting of the ways, over the handling of the Scott transfer?
  16. Well if I was appointed as CEO, having already performed a similar role at a far more successful club than Bristol City, and then the owner "butted in" on the summer's major transfer deal, taking all the credit and suggesting the deal wasn't being concluded quickly enough.... I'd have the self respect to resign - if that's what's happened. And if it's dismissal rather than resignation, maybe it's because he's had the good sense to tell Lansdown what he thinks of all that? Doesn't explain the golf day though!
  17. After last night you might be right!
  18. Yes, but have you seen him play?? If so... If not, anyone else who watches the reserves seen him play?
  19. £15 for a ticket .v. Preston might have had something to do with it!
  20. That gag was written was written long before OTIB existed - around about the time we were beating Birmingham 4-0 away in 1990, if memory serves. That issue came out April 1990. The chap who wrote it is on here, he'll confirm. Over 30 years later, it remains relevant. Hilarious.
  21. Forwards win rugby matches, the Backs decide by how much. So well played George Ford. It doesn't need saying the forwards were superb. The best performance by 14 men since the incomparable John Pullin had to leave the field after a couple of minutes in the 1972 Cup Final. Although I might be biased. England's defiant stand - with 13 men at one point - in Wellington to beat the All Blacks before the 2003 World Cup remains the landmark victory, away from home and against the odds. That was only England's 2nd ever victory in New Zealand. The first, i hear you ask? 1972, captained by, as I say, the incomparable Bristol hooker John Pullin.
  22. Maguire. One of these days he'll be exposed like he has been at domestic level. And Bellingham's wasted that deep. So are we brave or good enough to play some sort of 4-1-4-1? But like @WolfOfWestStreet says, it's time to be winning something. Or is this 1970 all over again - a brilliant team that wins nowt
  23. Lost me already Gaz! But many thanks for the reply - I'll ask a young person to translate for me!
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