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Merrick's Marvels

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Everything posted by Merrick's Marvels

  1. Couldn't care less who leaves, so long as the squad is stronger. Given there are questions marks over every single area of the team, that's a lot of strengthening required. But before any of that, our FFP position needs addressing - that alone will require departures.
  2. That's probably Derek's car. Good bloke, lives a couple of doors down from El Rincon. Drinks in the Coopers. Runs, or did, the Jazz World stage at Glastonbury. Or so he says! He's a good laugh, knows his football and his music - what more is there? Yep, plus within the last generation they've been in the premier league more than once, both major cup finals and a european cup final - imagine how our support would grow if we achieved something similar.
  3. I try to imagine what the team might look like if Pearson has the time to repair and rebuild - say, at the start of 23/24 the season after next (giving him his 3 proper summer windows and excluding the Januarys). It's based on : * what our financial position dictates and * the type of characters he looks for. You've listed 21 players. Based on one or other of the above factors, I can't see many of them still being here in August 23, let alone making the first XI. When you consider there are players you haven't listed who are also unlikely to be here then (eg. Martin), this equates to a huge turn over of players in the next year or two. As such, that illustrates just how big a task Pearson has taken on - he hasn't even got the basic building blocks of his own team in place yet.
  4. Perhaps I'd be determined to prove him wrong? Several of our players have had umpteen opportunities to prove they're made of the right stuff and, instead, time after time, demonstrate the opposite. Perhaps the manager has become exasperated with this?? And I don't think it's just a lack of confidence that sees us lose leads. Just as much, it's down to failing to do the simple basics correctly - hence the exasperation. I understand we haven't got a lot to choose from right now but perhaps the manager thinks the time is right to let rip all the same - perhaps because he thinks we're safe already or he knows one or two more reliable players, ones he thinks he can build our future around, are close to returning to action?? (Tanner? Atkinson? In other words - his players) As for wholesale changes in the summer being unlikely, we need to create room within FFP by selling players. It's that straight forward. Not because we want to, not because we lack ambition, but because our financial position forces us to. And because, by doing so, it will allow the manager to crack on with vital repairs. And if that means selling the crown jewels, I'm fine with it. So long as it creates a transfer budget for the manager to build his team. The alternative - keep the young guns, keep the 20 grand a week millstones, but have little money to replace the weak links in our side - is one I'm not interested in. Thanks to the previous regime, Pearson inherited a team that was, frankly, all fur coat and no knickers. I'm quite happy for him to dismantle it completely and build a new team in his own image. I'm confident it would be the sort of team we all crave. Whether we ever get to see that is another matter.
  5. Agreed. It's a result of the modern obsession with, and availability of, so much computer generated data. Most of which is essentially meaningless and merely generates a load of "what if", "if only", hypothetical arguments. The data that really matters is why we keep losing leads. Once you know why, you can work on how to fix it. I trust in Nige to fix it. Eventually.
  6. Why? Are they wallflowers? Shrinking violets? Snowflakes? People who buckle under criticism - stinging though it may be - are precisely the type of personalities our team can do without, surely? (Irrespective of who the manager is, btw) I know where you're coming from but we need people made of sterner stuff than this.
  7. The offers will be for Scott and Semenyo. Sadly. Massengo too inconsistent at the moment to attract the same kind of attention, I would have thought.
  8. Yes. My point was rather he can still get it and more importantly the vaccine makes it less likely he'd be seriously ill. Could have worded that more precisely.
  9. You appear to have completely misunderstood my point. To be clear, I am pro vaccination. Try reading my post again. You seemed to be saying "if only he'd got vaccinated, he wouldn't have caught covid". My reply was "that's not necessarily true". Perhaps we're talking at cross purposes.
  10. Yeah, an opinion based on fact. Which makes it a worth while one, unlike most opinion found on the internet. Try this: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/how-to-avoid-catching-and-spreading-coronavirus-covid-19/ What the hell do the NHS know, eh? Muppets. Here's the relevant bit: How to avoid catching and spreading coronavirus (COVID-19) While there are cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK, there is a risk you can catch it or pass it on. You could still catch or spread it even if you're fully vaccinated or have had the virus before.
  11. Not watched any of that netflix stuff. But their fanzine was one of my favourites, back in the day. And Jonathan Wilson of course. So not all bad. And little of the delusional entitlement found on the other side of the Tyne.
  12. Yes got the right man - but more by luck than judgement. Doesn't say much for their judgement does it? In which case, we can expect the soap opera that is Sunderland to keep on c0cking up for a while longer yet. Shame as they are by far and away the most acceptable team from that neck of the woods imo. Why aye. I'd have a wager Neil will get them up though. After that....
  13. It's often the best way, quite frankly
  14. To have a shortlist with Alex Neil and Grant McCann on it, both with a L1 promotion to their name and Alex Neil much more besides, but decide that your no.1 candidate is instead someone who hasn't been a manager for 10 years, tells you everything you need to know about the basketcase that is Sunderland AFC. Letting your heart rule your head only ends in tears. Just ask Steve Lansdown.
  15. To be fair to him, whether he's vaccinated or not doesn't affect his chances of catching covid/testing positive. Being vaccinated just gives him the best chance of not becoming horribly ill/hospitalised/dead.
  16. Yes, he said he wasn't worth £300K - meaning in the context of his overall budget at that time.
  17. Harry & co had to persuade SO'D that Flint was worth buying - good luck getting Big Nige in a headlock and twisting his arm about anything though! Don't see why we'd have been interested in Twine when we knew Scott and Benarous were coming through - can't see Twine playing wing back like Scott has this season.
  18. The continual anti-Pearson jibes, with no logic to back it up, is moronic. I'm ever so sorry if you're offended by me calling a spade a spade.
  19. Surprise, surprise. Moron makes moronic comparison.
  20. Credit where it's due - the community outreach stuff is impressive.
  21. Perhaps Kalas has been doing the right things all along and it's been the bloke next to him who....
  22. Frightening. Massengo out, Brunt in. Genius.
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