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TV Tom

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Everything posted by TV Tom

  1. Despite being a defender Pearson still doesn’t know how to build a defence and don’t get me started on his ridiculous decision not to entertain loanees, that guy up front for them today was different class
  2. Is it to simple to ask the club to explain why it was a sell out yet the attendance was only 24,000 ?
  3. Cannot believe the absolute nonsense I’m reading, I really do despair sometimes
  4. Whatever way you look at it there’s no tickets left, it’s not like the Rovers “sell out” last week where the ground was only three quarters full
  5. I don’t know about that, 5000 more home fans than last seasons opener with all the merchandise/food sales that go with that, anyway, I’m not suggesting they do it for every game but if they did it wouldn’t bother me despite the fact I have a season ticket, that was my point
  6. Personally I couldn’t care less that tickets are only a tenner, more in the ground the merrier, my choice whether to buy a season ticket or not
  7. And still yet no mention in gas-obsessed Bristol post, all I was reading practically every day last week was of their possible fantastic achievement of hitting 9,000 fans for their opener
  8. Exactly this, it’s not rocket science, everyone a winner
  9. Hope you enjoy the Emerald Isle, I used to be on here as “Galway Red” when I lived over the west coast. “Horses running through council estates, toothless simpletons, people with eyebrows on their cheeks, badly tarmacced drives – in this country, men in platform shoes being arrested for bombings, lots of rocks, and Beamish." Remember as the great Alan Partridge said Ders more to Ireland den dis
  10. She looks more like Uncle Fester
  11. Only roughly 200 home seats left if the “seats available” are correct
  12. It is a great following and all the reasons you’ve stated are fair enough, I just thought that the first away game of the season in a great City after a few years out of this division would of guaranteed a sell out for them, expensive day/weekend out though that’s for sure
  13. Surprised they’ve not sold out yet, Newcastle would of
  14. You can catch him five days a week on Countdown ?
  15. You couldn’t make it up, a penalty that shouldn’t of been and a wicked deflection deep into injury time, nothing changes
  16. Terrible terrible decision, we are jinxed when it comes to penalties
  17. The progression I want to see is entertaining football, I was very fearful this time last year and sort of accepted it was all about staying up, we are now in a much better shape, Semenyo is the key, he frightens defences to death, such a shame he’s out for the first six weeks
  18. Won’t be tomorrow because we are going to win, in all seriousness I think people would be happy just to see some entertaining football after the years of dross we’ve had to put up with, here’s hoping ?
  19. Tipped City to finish above Swansea & Cardiff at 4/1
  20. Would be surprised if anyone has seen City play at Barrow
  21. And Steve Ritchie who was better than Tom ?
  22. Obviously disappointed, every young man’s dream to be a successful professional footballer, cut him a bit of slack
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