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P'head Red

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Everything posted by P'head Red

  1. Pearson got it wrong today, very disappointed with James and Williams though. I'd bring Massengo back in.
  2. Listening to the Graham Stack interview on the Ben Foster podcast this morning, speaks very highly of Noble from roughly 25.30 onwards. What a talent we had on our hands.. https://open.spotify.com/episode/1crdk40SxJw2vfzepWvOx2?si=uX-H_q5eR7eZHlVm54Ej0Q&utm_source=copy-link
  3. Apparently they've been given an extra two days
  4. Unnecessary to bring James on and risk bringing him back too soon?
  5. We're long overdue a clean sheet.. hopefully that comes today!
  6. He can do everything, can't he? Same mould as KDB I'd say, I'm very much looking forward to watching him play for england in the next 4 years
  7. I thought dasilva did well for the majority of the night, shame about his hospital ball to Massengo before their breakaway goal
  8. I'd say he's miles ahead of the majority of U21s in the league this year.
  9. I thought we actually played pretty well tonight, unfortunate to concede against the run of play second half.
  10. Unbelievable that laws like this exist anywhere in the world.
  11. Well taken goal too. Managed to see two city goals on my break, hopefully more to come tonight!
  12. Did I notice Matty James doing some drills on the pitch behind just after half time?
  13. Definitely would not trust Vyner in that position
  14. Looks like this has been cancelled in the way back up
  15. Vyner has been off the pace pretty much all season. Gets nowhere near the team for me
  16. Bringing someone in like this would take the load off of NP, and the recruitment team we have at the moment (if you can call it that) is not up to standard.
  17. The next piece of the puzzle for sure, let's hope he'ss the right guy.
  18. Was listening to him on the Ben foster podcast the other day, I raised an eyebrow when he said he felt he had a positive impact during his time here. Also stated he was feeling a niggle before being brought on by Holden for Rotherham away, a game which was the last for him due to the season ending injury.
  19. The ones we turned over the other week, yes, that's him.
  20. Can't be any worse than vyner
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