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Posts posted by fisherrich

  1. 3 hours ago, REDOXO said:

    I’m a fan and season ticket holder ( I buy two in fact one adult and one junior) that lives overseas. I also have an RTV subscription plus various shirts hats and coats etc. 

    I started the thread because i kept seeing so many disenchanted comments particularly after a win. 

    The issues seem to range 

    Age (I guess that comes to all)

    Style of Football (Boring)

    The inability to challenge (We were four points off of sixth)

    The dismissal of Pearson (Bizarre)

    The untried coach at this level (Is not a great communicator and has an inability to show empathy with the fans/players…Mood Hoover)

    EFL Live Coverage (no knowledge of how often games will be on and when. Many can’t get to non Saturday games)

    Personal antipathy toward the club hierarchy and decision making 

    Confusion with the clubs communication underscored with thir dismissals of club execs, coach’s et al and employment of an inexperienced chief coach and Director of Football

    An inability to compete anywhere near the top despite assurances around appointments 

    Misgivings around future ownership and the chances of success on the field

    The feeling of being used as a mere revenue stream

    Im sure other

    Im not sure that I agree with all of it, however a thread entitled Season Tickets will catch someone’s eye and now they have most of the issues in one place. 

    It would have been quicker to just call it “A car crash of a football club”!!!

  2. 1 hour ago, brad blit said:

    Iv been a season ticket holder now for 20 years now since i was 19 and this is the first time iv ever considered not renewing.

    Its not a monetary issue but can certainly understand why this is primary reason for some.

    I feel like others its the first time i generally have very little enthusiasm to go City, through a combination of the general matchday experience and entertainment value being very 'Meh' at the moment. 

    I still feel quite disgusted by the club and their treatment of Pearson, a manager who I fully supported and enjoyed seeing our hard working, honest, well drilled players playing give everything they had with an entertaining fast paced, counter attacking football. You cant live in the past, but i just feel like the appointment of Manning was poorly taken by an inexperienced and unqualified board who went with the "fashionable" appointment of a young, popular lower league manager playing "good football" - but they hadn't done the homework in realising the players we had wouldn't suit his system, so in essence the squad would need to be ripped apart again putting us back another 1-2 seasons minimum.

    Im not able to go away games anymore due to a young family, and its only few games a year the Gate sells out so i dont think its essential getting a season ticket anymore. I guess we'll see how I feel end of the season........

    Same here, started going in 76 promotion to Div 1 year.
    Been through thick and thin since then including when we all thought Newport away was the last game to be played by the football club. But even in those dark days, the fans and club all stuck together.
    Look at what there is today? It is truly shameful what the Lansdowns have done over their tenure. The Lansdowns are not having any more of my cash. As soon as they sell up, I will be straight back down AG but now just fed up with them taking all City fans as punters. The “it’s my club” jibe from Lansdown senior is what made me realise how he views the City fans. And anyway where is he nowadays?

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  3. 3 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    Well, if the owner has decided he doesn’t want to put as much in each year, you can hardly blame the fans either!

    If the owner stopped making ridiculous costly mistakes, he might get more financial commitment from the fans. Fast becoming a car crash of a football club. Caused primarily by the senior management/Board/owners at the club IMO. As many have stated, the Bristol Sport bull sh*t “model” just does not work

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  4. 4 hours ago, bearded_red said:

    I know I’m repeating myself but I really do feel that I have to reiterate just how much respect I have for those of you that put yourselves through watching a Liam Manning press conference.

    Genuinely I struggle to make it through the couple of minutes long interview post game in one sitting.

    What an inspirational character, my god you’d run through a brick wall for him wouldn’t you. Cant wait for the absolutely wild atmosphere tomorrow at Ashton Gate that his management creates.

    For me, it is just so bloody hard listening to Manning who is just plain boring, when we had Nige P wearing his heart on his sleeve for this football club at every presser. Massive backward step employing Manning.

    Not that I blame Manning who has taken on a poisoned chalice  - just Zippee & Bungle.

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  5. 43 minutes ago, DaveInSA said:

    Manning is not the cause of the problems at Bristol City. He is one of the symptoms.

    It’s actually completely laughable that we’re so poorly run on the footballing side. How Lansdown is a billionaire is beyond me. There’s literally no experience or expertise at the highest level of this football club. 

    We have a board that knows nothing about football. A technical director who knows how to run an academy but little else. A recruitment team that’s woefully under-equipped.

    In short - it’s a recipe for disaster. And guess what - it’s happening right now. 


    You missed out the Chairman who couldn’t chair an OAP party and an owner who has been fingering his arsehole for the last 10+ years. SHAMBLES!

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  6. I don’t see it as a Manning v Nige debate. The boil needs to be lanced - ie the Lansdowns need to sell up. Getting rid of Manning will make no difference as those 2 Lansdown buffoons will just employ another YES man. No faith in Zippee and Bungle running this football club/aka Bristol Sport.
    What I liked about Nige P was his absolute honesty and passion for the football club. What a loss!

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  7. 8 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    Both times the problem is the structure behind the manager. McInnes knew he was out of his depth and asked for help from the board and got none. Albeit in Scotland, McInnes has gone on to have a good career in management. 

    SOD seems to have had similar problems to Manning in style of play. SODs Donny teams were superb and great to watch. Despite some trying to diminish his previous achievements, Manning got both MK Dons and Oxford playing very attractive, attacking football. He was "fairly hot property" as you describe and likely would have been picked up by another Cship club this season, if not us. 

    The problem is both were/are operating in an empty vessel. Behind the scenes there's no structure, no plan, and frankly a couple of people out of their depth in the most senior positions. 

    It's the same as it was 10 years ago, and it's just become completely laughable. 

    Think everyone now knows that the bullsh*t and lies from the Lansdowns has run its course.
    MESSAGE to Steve & Jon - Time to f#ck off PLEASE.

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  8. 46 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    Yawn. I've been saying this for years. Glad everyone else has now seen the light though. 

    Quick one to cheer everyone up: the last time Jon was left in charge was the McInnes and SOD days (both were his picks) which ultimately ended in relegation from the Championship. Same may well happen again. 

    Unfortunately you will be proven right. 

  9. 49 minutes ago, Natchfever said:

    Hes incapable of reacting, and unwilling to acknowledge his role in losses.

    We may have the worst "gaffer" in the division.

    Not sure about the worst “gaffer” but definitely the worst “Plan”, ie there isn’t one!

  10. The issue is not just Manning. A much better performance last night. 
    The issue is at the the top, namely the Lansdowns. It makes no difference who the manager is or will be when Manning gets sacked, as everyone knows the Lansdowns will just meddle.
    A defeat against Swansea and surely he will get the chop also?

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  11. 28 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:

    Pity Hargreaves wasn’t a football fan with a liking for City then.  

    Some of Lansdown’s footballing decisions are ******* inept, and getting worse, rather than better.

    I’m getting to the point where any change of ownership is better than what we’ve currently got.

    Widely recognised that Hargreaves was the brains.
    Lived out our way for a while. Met him on a couple of occasions. Seemed a decent bloke.

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  12. On 03/03/2024 at 08:23, OddBallJim said:

    Another poster on here made a great point yesterday, along the lines of - if it wasn’t for the emotional attachment to Bristol City, how much would we really be willing to pay for the football on offer?

    Football is a spectator sport, and there has to be an entertainment value. Negative sideways and backwards passing to achieve the sum of sweet FA is not entertaining. 

    When we signed on Nige, that was a huge motivator for me to get my ST back after a 5 year break under LJ. The longer we stay persist with the delusional duo (Tinnion and JL) with the personality vacuum that is Manning leading the team then the more it’s looking like a membership, rather than an ST, for me next season. 

    The hardest bit for me was letting go of the emotional attachment and memories for the football club. But the club has changed so much, mainly due to the direction the Lansdowns have taken the football club - down the Bristol Sport route. I absolutely detest it and will not give the Lansdowns another penny, until the Lamsdowns go. But will be back as soon as they are gone. The Nigel P debacle was the final straw.
    There will be no wavering from me.

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  13. 21 minutes ago, 2015 said:

    I think i've decided not to renew for 2024/25, regardless of what League we're in. 

    We've been boring to watch for years, and I could get on board with it under NP as I could see he was rebuilding a squad for the future. Now this is slowly being ripped apart for 'progressivism' which to me is even more boring than what we've had even at times under Lee Johnson.

    The whole day out is expensive as well, and the atmosphere terrible. The fans are bored and fed up with it. We've seen umpteen amount of clubs surpass us and make it to the top and we just flounder in the Championship going from hopeless to hopeless.

    Time to start going to a local non league side for a bit to get a proper football fix.

    A massive sea change needs to occur before I go back down. We desperately need -

    1. New owners

    2. An experienced Championship manager

    3. A Board that are accountable

    4. A CEO that is accountable 

    5. A Chairman with drive and enthusiasm

    Currently we have nothing of any calibre. SHAMBLES.

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  14. 37 minutes ago, Capman said:

    I agree, and that is what makes the whole thing so depressing. Maybe the supporters need to act and demand change at the top to force Steve’s hand. 
    It would be great to see the crowd make a statement, not turning up would be probably the most powerful. I imagine that Steve would feel forced to change if the ground was empty for the next home game (apart from away fans). But short of being able to arrange that I don’t see what we can do. The club has treated us with contempt, but as long as we take it I agree they will continue to do so. 

    Just wait until Saturday. Another loss and there will be a reaction. Guaranteed.
    This shambles can not continue.

  15. 3 hours ago, DaveInSA said:

    The only help he needs is the door opening on his way out.


    I have no problems with LM. Took on a poisoned challice.

    The guy is clearly out of his depth in the Championship. A ridiculous appointment (again) by the Lansdowns that is doomed to failure.

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  16. 16 hours ago, Harry said:

    For the last few years, Bristol City FC has been attempting to create its own ‘model’. Their idea of the optimum way to run a football club to provide it with the best chance of success. 

    The ‘Model’ is supposed to be one where everything at the club is ‘aligned’.
    It says that all of our teams from the under 8’s through to the first team will play the same way. 
    I’m not sure that’s quite such a good idea but hey ho. 
    But the most crucial element for me is that the model says that the first team will play a certain way and that we have a ‘Technical Director’ to oversee this and ensure it’s on track and everything is aligned. 

    Personally, at this level of football, I don’t think that works. 
    The scene is such that, any manager coming into the club should be of a certain ‘type’ and conform to a certain set of principles. 
    The club have created a philosophy (call it an identity if you like) as to how they want to play football and any manager should align (there’s that word again) with that. 

    The Technical Director runs the recruitment side of the business. 
    He determines what players we sign and what manager and coaches we sign. He will try to conform to the club principles and appoint managers and coaches who will ‘fit’ and sign players who will ‘fit’. 

    We see this sort of model at the top end of the game. Many of the biggest clubs run on a Director of Football type of model, where the manager has only limited say in the player recruitment and is basically just tasked with getting on with it, with the rather expensive tools he is provided. 

    This doesn’t work at our level. We see this in all it’s gory (yes, not glory) with the Tinnion/Manning appointment. 

    We have a club philosophy that desires to play in a certain way and players have been signed to attempt to slot into that style. 
    We now have a manager who has been appointed who clearly likes to adopt a very different philosophy. 
    I don’t blame Manning for this. We approached him. He didn’t apply for this job. He had a clear and evident CV, a body of work behind him, that was obvious to anyone who bothered to look that was at odds with our own club model. 

    Furthermore, this new manager, whilst not having players who can play his way, doesn’t have very much say in how to fix this. 
    His first transfer window and we make 4 permanent signings - 3 of which we wanted before the new manager got here. So the new manager arrives, doesn’t have players he wants and then the ‘club model’ signs 3 players that ‘the club model’ wanted. 

    This is a huge issue for me. We are attempting to recreate models that have had success at places like Brighton, Brentford and even bloody Luton. But whilst those clubs had certain recruitment models, they didn’t dictate a ‘playing philosophy’ throughout the club. They just had very thorough and clever scouting and recruitment modelling. It didn’t dictate the playing style. Whenever there was a manager change the new boss still has his own free reign in terms of how he played and the recruitment model would then have to ‘align’ with the managers philosophy - not the other way round. 

    When Dean Smith took over from Mark Warburton, he did things differently and they recruited accordingly. Likewise when Frank then took over from Smith, he had different philosophies on pressing, defensive positioning, midfield solidity etc. and the club then recruited accordingly. 
    Luton played a certain way under Jones, but when Edwards arrived he harnessed what was already good but brought his own style to it and the club then recruited accordingly. 

    What we have at Bristol City is a dictatorial model, whereby the Technical Director and Recruitment Team have defined a model and anyone that arrives at the club must buy-in to that model. There is no wavering. Yes, a new manager might have a bit of a say in some signings but generally they are targeted based on our defined modelling. 

    Surely it’s obvious to anyone that this just doesn’t work. The talk of ‘everything at this club is aligned, from the under 8’s to the first team’ is just a false platitude. It’s a strapline that they think is clever “hey look at us, we’ve got an identify and model, we’re unique”.

    That might work well at Barcelona or Man City but it’s pointless in the championship. It’s not what will actually bring success on the pitch. 

    To achieve success on the pitch at this level you need a manager who is allowed to run the first team in his own way. Who won’t be dictated to by inferiors who spout about an identity and an alignment throughout the club. 

    It’s time for Manning to depart, in my opinion, but it’s also time for the club to drop the nonsense and stop acting like a billy big bollox. The club think that they have a clever way of doing things and that it’s the only way of separating themselves from the challenging division we are in. 
    It’s not clever. It’s nonsense. Drop the bullcrap. 

    The way to achieve success was evident to us a few years ago when a man called Steve Cotterill was appointed. I wasn’t his biggest fan when he got here, and I also think the time was right for him to go, but the period he was here, there is no denying that he’s been the only manager in recent years that’s done things his own way and said “balls” to the ownership and ‘model’. 
    Cotterill worked with an experienced Chief Scout and identified the best available players and signed them to fit a way of playing that HE wanted. 
    None of this “we’re all aligned from the u8’s to the tea lady”. 
    Just an experienced manager with an experienced chief scout, putting together a squad that would play to the managers identity, not the clubs identity. 

    It’s time to ditch the bullshit. 
    Get out there and employ a manager with cahuna’s, one with a CV that demands respect from his players, let him bring in the players that HE wants, not players that the ‘club’ have targeted for the last few windows. Let him put his own team together to play the way that HE wants. 

    The current model stinks. There are people in positions of authority that have real negative impact on this club who are not fit for purpose. 
    We need a board of directors who can appoint a respected manager, who in turn will be empowered to bring in his own trusted recruitment team or chief scout, sign his own players and have zero meddling from unqualified  nobodies. 

    Our model is shit. And we will get nowhere with it. 

    Bang on. This “model” was always doomed. Ive mentioned it numerous times like others. Lansdowns OUT!

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