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Everything posted by ashton_fan

  1. Cornick needs time, remember how long it took Nahki to fit in
  2. Poor as Huddersfield are, with Colin in charge and our injury situation I can't say I'm confident about Tuesday
  3. We have various options, we could make use of JD at left back an move Pring to CB, we could move Sykes to RB and use Tanner as CB, or we could just bring in Andy King and leave the rest where they are. It shouldn't be too long before Naismith is back although I'm not sure how good he'd be at CB in a back four, if he was playing in front of the makeshift back four though that would help. At least we've got quite a few points on the board now so shouldn't have to worry about getting dragged down into the relegation scrap especially with Reading expecting a points deduction as well. We'll just have to make the best of it and get someone else in for the summer window (at least one or two if as I suspect Kalas is gone). It shows how valuable Zak has been for us this season with his good form and availability.
  4. You need to have VPN switched on to see that option
  5. I don't think our owner will accept anything less than a play-off challenge next season. He's in his 70's and wants to see us in the Premier League, he hasn't got unlimited time. I appreciate things are really good at present but we had similar runs when LJ was manager that took us near the top of the table for short periods of time, we don't know yet whether this run of form is sustainable or just an 'LJ streak', it's only a few weeks ago there were talks of demonstrations and the crowd showed their unhappiness at the WBA home game, things can change quickly in football. Probably our form will carry on improving but nothing's certain.
  6. Next season is make or break for Nige. I think we'll keep improving but if we're bottom half again then probably a change will be made at some point, so I wouldn't expect a new contract yet (and don't think Nige is bothered anyway)
  7. I would have thought if we sell Scott we won't need to sell anyone else as we'll have had enough cash coming in (including Semenyo money) to balance the books. I think we'll make Kalas an offer, but he might still choose to go elsewhere depending on who's interested.
  8. Fortunately I won't be using public transport today but looking at the last bus/train times it looks a bit tight if it went to extra time/penalties, in that case game might not finish until 22.45, last bus for park&ride is 23.30 and train 22.54, I wonder if they realise there won't be a replay if the match is tied? Also they're asking people getting the bus to wait 45 mins before leaving the ground if poss so everyone doesn't arrive at once!
  9. Funnily enough bumped into him at a pub in Keynsham last weekend, thought I recognised him but insulted him by asking if he was Mike Gibson! Had a good chat, he said how Brian Clough rescued his career after he was released by Lincoln by offering him a job at Hartlepool where he was part of their promotion team. Has obviously looked after himself as still looks lean an fit, made my weekend, a great bloke.
  10. Never thought of that ... maybe we should all just use Google and stop posting on OTIB
  11. He'll never last that long, he won't want to miss the cup match
  12. Re Alex Scott and yellow cards am I right in thinking he'll be OK if he survives tonight and on Saturday (ie our 32nd game)? If so then there will be a temptation to rest him tonight or at least only use him for part of the game?
  13. Looking at that newspaper clip I noticed Brian Clough was 2nd in Div 2 goalscorers with 40!
  14. There's a D B Smith who played a few games in 62/63
  15. There are quite a few old games on YouTube but not all in one place so you have to do a bit of searching. Here's one from the same year as that Liverpool game when we played at Palace in the league:
  16. I remember being a bit disappointed at this game, whereas in the previous round against Leeds we gave them lots of problems there was great expectation against Liverpool but they had done their homework on us and we didn't really get a sniff in this one. Nevertheless a great achievement to get to the 6th round.
  17. Memories of 1974 when we beat Leeds (top of Div 1) in the fifth round when we were a struggling second division side!
  18. He was really bright when he started for us but has probably regressed since he's been here, in France he'll be able to play the type of football he was coached to as a youngster and I'm sure he'll do well. For whatever reason it hasn't worked out for him here, it was always a gamble signing him
  19. I think if Haikin turns out to be OK and we manage to hang onto O'Leary then Bajic will be shipped out
  20. Here's his recent game against Arsenal at the Emirates, not to blame for any of the goals and makes a couple of good saves, surely too good just to be a backup to Max?
  21. I'm sure SL approved of the transfer policy and you can't ignore the money from the Webster transfer just because it kills your argument!
  22. We weren't over the FFP limit at the time or we'd at least have been threatened with a penalty, your 'simple' figure is meaningless - I don't think our turnover has ever covered wages while we've been in the Championship we've always relied on SL to cover our losses.
  23. I'm sure the wage levels of the players signed was nothing to do with LJ, Ashton would have negotiated wage levels. Also the players we signed would have been identified by the recruitment team. Although there were more losers than winners some of the winners were extremely big ones. LJ had his faults but can't be blamed for everything, the main reason we're in a financial mess is because of COVID before that we were well within the FFP levels.
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