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Dr Balls

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Posts posted by Dr Balls

  1. 8 minutes ago, Monkeh said:

    Barmouth viaduct decision was funded by the uk government I think and decision made in cp5 before powers were devolved I think that line isn't part of the devolved lines run by tfw, and is ran by network rail and they all report to the dft anyway

    Runs TFW trains on it, so I assumed it was funded by them. Whatever it can’t be cheap to repair, and certainly having more spent on it than the Portishead line as it stands.

  2. Rather glad my walking of the Wales Coast Path and using the rail line between Aberystwyth and Pwllheli is this week. Also helps that the weather is beautiful!

    On that note, many millions have already been spent on repairing the Barmouth Viaduct and more will be spent this autumn to complete the job. Of course, transport is a devolved issue, so the Welsh can decide where they want money spent, so they maintain vital lines even if only small populations. And they have reopened lines and stations relatively quickly while at the same time the arguments about the Portishead line have been going round and round but getting nowhere thanks to Network Rail and the Department of Transport. Just proves having a Tory MP in a “safe seat” gets the electorate nothing from Johnson and co.

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  3. On 12/06/2022 at 01:32, DaveF said:

    Theyre unlikely to need him as they have a few better, younger Keepers. He's probably only really there to make up the numbers. 


    Even being 4th or 5th choice for your country is still an achievement for a young keeper who is not our first choice.

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  4. Couldn’t see it mentioned anywhere on here but it would seem Max was on the bench for the Republic of Ireland win  against Scotland. Previous call ups in 2019 and back in March haven’t yet led to an actual appearance, which would seem to be the curse of the goalkeeper

    Next game for the Republic is away against Ukraine on Tuesday. What chances of a debut for Max?

    • Thanks 2
  5. 13 minutes ago, robin_unreliant said:

    Michael Owen seeming to agree that Southgate is just too cautious in the way he sets the team up. I can accept that I know f all compared to the England coach, but when he agrees with my view I start to think maybe Gareth is holding us back. 

    For all the love there has been for him since the 2018 World Cup, and he did go one further than Terry Venables at the Euros, unlike most previous England managers who had usually won something,  Southgate’s record as a club manager would suggest “below average to average” at best. Maybe he’s just a lucky version of “Shteeve” McClaren! Although neither of them could beat Croatia when it mattered….

  6. 1 hour ago, Ecko said:

    So we've been hit with a harsher penalty than the Hungarians who were racist? Uefa logic 

    No the Hungarians twisted the rules to bring in 1000s of children and then of course a certain number of adults to “look after” them. The penalties from UEFA were the same, except being British, we followed the spirit and the letter of the law.

  7. 1 hour ago, BTRFTG said:

    No wonder The Gruaniad is a busted flush, a begging letter with attached articles.

    So Ashley is 'willing to transact' which could mean anything. He also requires 'security', does that imply he wants his bid costs underwritten if unsuccessful? What's he afraid of? I've run some very large procurements in my time and I can tell you for nothing any bidder who requests to have their prospective bid costs underwritten (save if it's a highly bespoke or ultra high risk delivery) gets thrown out the moment they ask as it's indicative of problems ahead.

    Tbf to the Grauniad it’s from the Press Association. I wouldn’t trust Mike Ashley with a pub team but I guess after the sports-washing Saudi buyout of Newcastle he has some money burning a hole in his back pocket. 

    If true, (big if) it’s a bit like Ken Bayes going to Leeds. Out of the frying pan into the fire!

  8. 16 hours ago, 1960maaan said:

    I would prefer 3 from 7 for subs, 5 is half a team and will benefit bigger squads.

    This could get likely rugby where they now talk about “starters” and “finishers” as part of their tactics. Again it has changed the game and possibly not for the better as tired players are replaced by fresh ones, whereas before the fittest team could benefit towards the end of a game. And it definitely benefits the (richer) clubs with bigger more expensive squads, rather than those who would fill the extra spaces with youngsters - or if your Cotts not even make a full bench to make a point!

    14 hours ago, BTRFTG said:

    Utterly stupid.

    Killing the game as a spectacle. 


    Which again is possible. Too many stoppages already.

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Agard Days Night said:

    Reminds me of when we signed Ayling

    Just hope it doesn’t end like Ayling - selling on cheaply for a player who is now a Premier League regular. Would be better if he could do the latter without needing to move!!

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  10. On 31/05/2022 at 19:02, TomF said:

    Very good article about it this weeks Rail magazine (958) - sums up the increasing unlikelihood of it going ahead with costs now estimated to top £160m

    You mean roughly 0.8% of the cost of the new Crossrail Elizabeth Line in London? In those terms, it’s next to nothing! Perhaps we should rename the missing Portishead rail link as the “Right Old Charlies Line” because it’s what we have been taken for down here yet again.

    And much though I would like to blame Marvin on this one, the blame for the rising costs and lack of action sits with national institutions and politicians rather than local ones, and they get away with it once more because our locals are so docile. It doesn’t help that the mainstream local journalism in and around Bristol is so pathetic. That really is a scandal as no one is aware of what is or isn’t happening and who to hold responsible, and why local democracy and politics is so lacking. How can people care or form an opinion on a subject in their area if they know nothing about it in the first place?

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  11. On 22/05/2022 at 21:40, Davefevs said:


    Surprised that Brum were third highest in terms of the number of away fans. I know there are a lot of Brummies, and that there may not be much to do in Brum, plus they see a visit to Ashton Gate as an excuse to go to Weston for the weekend, but even so!

    A lot of clubs might miss the finance of Forest and Derby away fans. Good job that Sunderland beat Wycombe in the League 1 play off on that basis!

  12. On 28/05/2022 at 12:51, IdliketoRogerMoore said:

    From whose point of view you’d be surprised at the amount of players who don’t like football don’t like playing it just happened to ggo’s enough to go pro and make money! For proof you have to look no further than 3rd choice goalkeepers in the prem, never likely to play but will get paid very handsomely to train fitness eat well and be finished work at like 12:30ish everyday!

    Yes but many 3rd choice goalkeepers are either youngsters coming through who may or may not get a loan or permanent deal elsewhere in due course or players coming to the end of their careers who are looking to make a bit of extra money and don’t mind not playing much. They may also do a bit of coaching on the side.

    Palmer’s position is completely different. He is in his mid 20s. He could have another 10 years of a career where he might get paid another £5 million plus, with a bit of luck and some application on his part. Or he could sit out the next year and bank a million. The latter sounds initially attractive from an income perspective, but then what? Who will want a player who hasn’t made it at a number of Championship clubs? League 1 wages are a lot less so his only other options for anything similar to what he’s getting now are USA, Australia or China.

    If I was his agent, I would be telling him that another year of not playing much at Championship level is not going to do him any favours in the long term. Get your deal paid up to terminate the contract, make up most of the difference with a signing on fee as a free agent and get another 3 year contract at Championship level even if it is on less wages than now. The problem is that in the short term that may not be the biggest earner for his agent who is the fourth person to add into this mix of player, club and potential new club.

  13. VAR decisions to be shown in real time on a screen visible to the spectators with video and sound and no decision to take longer than 30 seconds. If it takes longer than that then the decision is not clear and obvious either way, and the original decision stands. Either that or the referee views the incident pitch side and makes the decision for themselves, but again with the spectators being able to see the same thing as the referee. Openness and transparency of decision making in football - which means with FIFA in charge it’s got zero chance of ever happening!

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  14. The only upside is that it leaves Swindon as the lowest placed league club in the South West and even they are in the playoffs and a good shout for winning them. Which as someone else pointed out considering they had pretty much no squad a few weeks before the start of the season and a “Gas reject”manager is pretty good going.

    Will be a fair few local derbies in League 1 next season, but the best of the west will still be a cut (and at least a league) above!

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  15. 1 hour ago, grifty said:

    It was his city training kit that gave him away? Not the massive afro?

    My impression is that the Afro has been trimmed a bit recently. Either that or it looks a lot bigger when he is running around on the pitch!
    And whenever I have seen him around the neighbourhood before, which is quite often, he’s usually in his training kit.

  16. He was in High Kingsdown Co-op yesterday evening at the cash till. Said hello and he seemed genuinely surprised to be recognised, although in his City training kit it was a bit of a give away. Seems remarkably down to earth for a 20 year old professional footballer, and all the stories about him off the pitch are always very positive. If he does  leave in the summer, I hope he gets a move to somewhere he can really progress.

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  17. 2 hours ago, Monkeh said:

    If North Somerset had joined the weca then it would of been fully funded

    And it was the Tories on NSC who refused to join, then Marvin blocked them joining when the council changed hands. As per usual around Bristol, it’s small-minded politicians playing party games rather than delivering for the local population. And Grant Schapps has just done the same again, ensuring that the Portishead line will likely never happen despite widespread local support, as the money is diverted by central government to “Red Wall” constituencies up North, in an attempt to pay off first time Tory voters.

    Meanwhile down here, some people will continue to vote for the Tories no matter what, and even when it’s clearly against their own self interest. For instance, where else would the smug Rees-Mogg have managed to get 50% of the votes at the General Election other than sleepy North East Somerset? Too much forelock-tugging methinks!

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  18. 3 hours ago, The Bard said:

    I do fear our Recruitment team is too data led.  It is obvious in my eyes that you use data to compare players but not every aspect of the game can be drilled down to data and you need to use your footballing intellect when doing so.   It's not baseball or darts or cricket which are repetitive sports that lead themselves to data analysis.  Then you have to take into account the different styles of teams.  For example, a heavily possession based side will have CBs and CDMs with high pass accuracy as they look to build play, whereas a counter attacking side like us will have lower accuracy as we're looking to play early balls forward.  

    FWIW, if Pack is willing to accept a lower wage, I'd sign him up.  31 with over 300 Championship appearances?   That shouldn't stop us trying to find the next Marlon Pack though..

    If you go back far enough, to when we were relegated in 2012/13, Pack was the young replacement for Skuse, once he had transferred to Ipswich. Both players were under appreciated by many on here because as noted by @Davefevsthe role that they played is not flashy but is essential to screen a back 4 plus bring the ball out from the back. And before Skuse, it was Cisse. You could argue that Matty James plays the same role now but if that is the case (and I don’t think it really is, which is why we currently need 3 central defenders) then he doesn’t do it as well as any of those above.

    Over the years, our midfield has always been a problem, both in terms of shielding the defence and creating for the forwards. Our best run under LJ in 2017/18 came with our 4 central defender defence, plus Pack and Smith in central midfield, Brownhill on the right and Bryan on the left. That was solid, workmanlike and also some pace on the wings, and allowed Paterson and Reid the freedom to roam further forward. (Looking back, you also realise that when on form how top quality that 2017/18 team was and what a disaster that the post-Christmas slump was, especially as we then started selling off players to turn a profit on them.)

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  19. 2 hours ago, billywedlock said:

    IMHO , zero and I mean zero Source. Pack is on our sights. I look at a few things in games, but Nige was all over Marlon after our game against Cardiff. He is 31 years old, on a free lives in Portishead. IM (very) HO he was the biggest loss we had in recent years. I sat with so many away team scouts back then, and chatting away, every time Pack was detailed as our most important player. I see him as a replacement for King, as the experienced player in our group. He is not spectacular, I know, but he does the damn basics, and we miss that. Hey I think Korey Smith did some great work too, and maybe JD will become that player. But... I would be amazed if we are not in for Pack. Fits a position we need and with our finances on the floor, is the type we will be looking at. Of course some fans will be up-in arms, wanting a star signing, someone dynamic etc. But we are not in that place right now , and for me, a Pack in our midfield is a bonus if we want to try and increase our possession and also protect a back 4. I would be very happy if he came back. Extra bonus he is rarely injured and has 350 Championship games under his belt. 

    The other thing that people forget about Pack is his physicality and his height. At 6ft 2in and “robust” he can easily slip back in with the centre backs in a way none of our current midfielders are able to do.
    As I have said before as a potential locally-based free agent, who never actually requested a move in the first place, you can see why this might work well for both parties.

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  20. If I renewed after we got relegated in 2012/13, then this is a much easier decision to renew. The football has been frustrating this season due to conceding  late goals, but compared to the last season under LJ, we are scoring more goals, so more opportunities to jump around, plus we have some genuinely exciting prospects, if we can hold on to them and fit them into the team. Plus after our enforced time away from the match day experience, going back to the pub afterwards remains a guilty pleasure, even if all we do is moan about    what we have had to endure watching yet another last minute opposition goal go in!

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