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Son of Fred

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Everything posted by Son of Fred

  1. Wouldn't be causing me any stress if they get promoted to the championship. Maybe's it would be the kick up the ass Lansdown needs.
  2. Mate,, he's a pretty good plumber to be fair .. It's just awkward that he doesn't have a van....
  3. Why is Coughlan standing next to 'Andy Pandy???
  4. That premises/office in London don't come cheep mind ?...
  5. Shit......how did Griselda get out of the 'potting shed??.... Come home darling,,your potting shed needs you.
  6. Move away from the stereotypically insulting bullshit - it's not doing you any favours.
  7. Whatever it is,,I'll have a large one....
  8. I'm heavily in the minority I'm sure of those that would bloody love them to scrape up by the skin of their teeth.... Would be epic to watch them take the plunge with a record low points total for the Championship - bring it on!!
  9. Good question for "Who wants to be a millionaire"... Wally,,For One Million Quid,,,,,,, Along with the last 16 'gas managers whome else is best remembered for 'spunking it all away???....
  10. Are you heading the 'project advisory group RH ??....
  11. It's worse than you think.. A caller talking to Twentyman saying 'what can you expect when all we get is kiddy after kiddy in on loan....... ? Personally it's the goats I feel sorry for.
  12. Two late goals - that's given me quite a thirst.. Think I will go out for a few beers..
  13. No no,, that's incorrect - he had four cups of tea & read the first two chapters of 'Bear Gryll's "One night under canvas in the Horfeild Highlands"......
  14. Bumped into him in a cafe just by the old rovers ground when he was playing for them.. I was a bit star struck to be honest,,unlike me!
  15. Don't get too hopeful.. I understand her majesty' is never "left alone" & her 'jewels are assiduously watched over by the head of one of the stronger family tree branches & direct 'Hashim descendant Bungdit' Din..... The informal settlement at Horfeild is no place for such a distinguished lady.
  16. A couple of Sag's at work have really got their panties out of 'focus with this... Thank fk they go home soon to leave me in peace - the level of 'dripping/whining is ridiculous - apparently there "will be reprisal"?
  17. Please,no no- he's not interest atall in "walkies"... Just w*nk**'s
  18. Oh dear...bizarre indeed that if he hadn't taken/passed the appropriate night rating course that he would accept this job..can only assume the pilot that passed this flight over to him believe'd he was in possession of the relevant qualification!....
  19. Don't you worry, you'll be sick of 'orange (no,not the 'fake fanta ) come 5pm today, so doubt wael' be seing you & 'Bodin' later.........dragged back into the mire with 'is it Coventry away to come next.???...... Hope your Saturday evening is an enjoyable one, crying into your carrot & coriander soup.
  20. "The bloody good life"indeed.......chocolate button heads?? A highly 'articulate outburst indeed Sir- 'take a bow!
  21. 12 mins..2-0 nil down.. Think I'll pour meself a nice malt...
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