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Everything posted by Robin1988

  1. To be fair, they are bloody good signings going by their rep.
  2. And yet if half the people moaning (not necessarily you) actually turned up to the old JPT this would never have happened.
  3. This is the only post of yours I remember reading and inspired by your own style of judging everything instantly I can only assume you're a complete idiot.
  4. Gasheads replying to that tweet saying it's a backwards move
  5. Can't get away with saying it? You make it sound like we should expect it to be sooner. Leicester isn't the norm you know... Does it damage player development? We'll see. When teams have crises out of the transfer windows they will have a ready-made stockpile of young players to fit in which they will be more likely to turn to than if they could go into the loan market. Time will tell who it benefits.
  6. I thought Bryan was excellent in possession, but he needs to choose a better final ball. Easily the weakest point of his game.
  7. If we started having 100+ page threads about other teams I'd probably agree, or sell out for a 1st round JPT game, but we don't. We're far enough ahead that realistically do we lose out on any sponsorship?
  8. Because losing your rivals would really make football more exciting... What was that about the sanitisation of modern football?
  9. Don't disagree with a single word. You'd be fuming if that was your right-back letting him get the ball in from there.
  10. I would guess the two apologies in the text are an apology, yes.
  11. And the fact we don't tend to run supporters' coaches to our own home games.
  12. I don't think you'll get an answer, and I think it goes without saying that he wasn't
  13. Snide? You can't come here often. Sorry petal.
  14. I think that point was made about 6 pages ago
  15. SOD didn't want it changed seems to be the reason. God knows why that is. It may be the case that clubs and Sky have different dates before which they can request to change dates, it would make sense.
  16. Yes.... That'll work. I'm not defending the club but can you read? They thought, wrongly, it couldn't be changed beyond the date earlier in the season. No one "forgot".
  17. It's a nib from another club. Unless someone is employed to sit on NewsNow or Twitter, which I hope they aren't, it's pure chance whether it would get picked up.
  18. Why would anyone pour over the Sheffield United fixtures on the off chance they have changed their game, especially when they evidently didn't think it was possible? The first sentence makes perfect sense but surely from that you would agree that overruling that is a terrible idea, the end game of everyone at the club is to make it successful first and foremost. It's incompetency to not have identified an opportunity to move the match earlier, but it's not wrong. If SC identifies something that is more likely to help City be successful that should override everything IMO.
  19. I really thought a European audience would be above the deep south moronic ramblings of that man.
  20. No it's not clear cut and there is a small reflection of the west pushing east in 1991 in Russia's stance, his choice of words wasn't wise though.
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