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Everything posted by BanburyRed

  1. Milan needs to go careful now, he'll get riled by their back 4, looking to even the numbers. MT on.....
  2. What's this floating on the yorkshire breeze? Ah, the LJ teamtalk....
  3. Just where we want them, they have to force the issue now, manage the second half properly & professionally, hit them on the counter where n when we can, let's ensure the 3pts come back down the M1, M42 & M5! COYR
  4. The fact they can't add up is hilarious, somebody somewhere is looking into the BRFC current account and thinking 'is that £300,000 or £3,000,000?'..i'm not sure. Presumably their only abacus doesn't have enough beads on it to count up the zeroes after the red ones were taken off....
  5. How many more games are they going to end up playing against 10 men?! Must be the luckiest, spawniest team alive...
  6. Get in my babbers! Top result that...read it and take it in, 3rd!! Happy days! Great weekend!!
  7. Staying in Rayleigh for work this week, restaurant on High St with sign on the door 'closed due to gas issue'....
  8. Awesome job by the boys today, fan-bloody-tastic! Just seen the result coming out of Twickenham in the cold...fair play to those who made the trip and made the noise! #bouncebackability
  9. Their men's football section? Oh dear! We sound like an aisle in a supermarket!! I might suggest their biggest threats are their bogus owner, shit team and complete lack of ambition. Coming for us? #dontmakemelaugh
  10. It's 'an atmosphere', saghead - basic grammar....jeez #nohope
  11. Are they using this elephant to fertilise the pitch?
  12. I'm completely and utterly staggered and angered by that complete tool and his flag, one of the most shocking and appalling atrocities and injustices ever inflicted upon humankind. He should be publicly shamed. When visiting here some years back, just outside of Trieste, nothing but silence for the hour or so looking round and then nothing said for an hour outside as the impact of what we'd just seen hit home, and to this day i remember it vividly, glasses and human hair, unimaginable suffering and pain. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Risiera_di_San_Sabba #showsomerespect
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