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Everything posted by Stortz

  1. Glad to hear it mate. I reckon that Gill thought he was a lot better than he actually is from flat track bullying at Peterborough Leisure Centre! Trust a Mexican to put him straight via body shots haha.
  2. Hope you're well Bird! Smith looked decent didn't he, it always takes a few fights to transition from the amatuers but he is very promising. Ultimate Boxxer final in a tick on BT.
  3. Jordan Gill doing a RItson there. He did not want that work. If you don't like taking body shots then boxing may not be for you. Another Matchroom hype job. Big up Tonico though, fantastically stereotypical Mexican hardness.
  4. I'm switching between NxtGen on Sky and Ultimate Boxxer on BT, great fun! I loved Froch as a fighter but he is genuinely jarring as a person. Hope you're good Owl. edit, YouTube link to Ultimate Boxxer
  5. Canelo having his pre fight taco now https://twitter.com/EmigdioEstrada/status/1124452369146630144
  6. Not an awful lot of difference between him and Miller really except Ruiz has faster hands and is proven to be durable. Like Miller he has the makings of a highlight reel ko for Joshua. I can see why they didn't want Hunter for AJ's US debut, his style isn't as exciting as Ruiz. Let's just hope he hasn't had any beef tacos lately.
  7. I haven't seen enough from him yet to suggest he's going to be genuinely top level tbh but his age means it could still come. If you didn't know you'd never think he was only 21! He's going to be a monster physically in a few years.
  8. Great shot from Edwards on the bell!
  9. No mate, but congratulations on swerving the rest of it haha
  10. Evening Bird, I'm watching. Shit isn't it haha
  11. I will have to change my opinion on Yarde if he really takes Kovalev on in Russia. Krusher has definitely declined since the Ward losses, but that still takes balls of steel imo. Rungvisai Estrada 2 is on Sky overnight tonight, it should be brilliant. The first fight was a war.
  12. Nope, Haymon won't let him fight. Probably no time to cycle off the gear either. It looks likely to be Andy Ruiz now, the fattest Mexican of them all, who Parker outpointed in NZ a couple of years back. Mikey Garcia has also vacated the WBC lightweight belt too, so he won't be fighting Loma. What a shite year for boxing. The politics and explosion in PPV options has ****** it right up.
  13. I stand corrected! RIvas is a good fight, but I can't help but think that Whyte could have been fighting AJ at Wembley tonight rather than announcing this.
  14. Excellent display from Cordina tonight. He could be really good. Excited to see PB Kelly next too!
  15. Povetkin surely. edit- evening @Owl Visiting! Not attending sadly. Please hand over the 3 points, thank you in advance.
  16. Bloody hell. Before the injury Conor Benn couldn't really box but was always exciting. Now he just can't really box.
  17. After a fashion Tom haha. In fairness I'm quite looking forward to it, terrible card that it is. Go on the White Rhino.
  18. Haha, the temerity of the fat cheating bastard to claim AJ was juicing at the presser. He is one thick ******* yank cheat. He hasn't even got a semi credible excuse like Tyson's boar, Clenelo's beef of Billy Joe's sinus spray! EPO is only injected, there's no accidental ingestion, and is often used in a trio with human growth hormone and 'roids , hence the mega busting. He should get a life ban imo, he's been popped before. You wonder how much blood he had in his drug system.
  19. Slightly big name who is a walking highlight reel ko for anyone half decent?! What's not to like from Bud and Arum's pov haha.
  20. A case for Amir's glass mandible to be reassembled and kept in with due reverence after Bud has punched it off?
  21. Matchroom aren't even considering Whyte as per Michael Benson and others. No way will they move the date, they've got Taylor going for undisputed, Mundo defending his title, Kell Brook as well. Apparently Matchroom are now negotiating with Charr I'm sad to report.
  22. No chance mate, that's wasted a) on New York and b) at this short notice. Whyte said a 14 week camp was too short for AJ, no way he jumps in with 7 weeks notice. Pulev is cut and suspended after his sex pest routine, so it won't be him. Would absolutely love to see Ortiz but I don't know if Eddie would risk it. Manuel Charr is still circling the plughole, but let's be honest he is shit. Basically, given he signed for Matchroom last week, it'll probably be Michael Hunter, sadly.
  23. I can only see one winner there tbh mate. Mayweather hasn't prepared Davis properly for a fight like Loma, he hasn't been sharpened with steel. Tank has taken the easy option with opponents far too many times for me. Loma by wide UD imo- after he's feasted on what's left of Mikey.
  24. Why is that mate, Tank's size? I reckon Loma would be far too quick for him, he would light him up. Great view of the ko here, absolute precision. Vasyl looked properly spiteful last night
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