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Slack Bladder

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Posts posted by Slack Bladder

  1. 3 minutes ago, VT05763 said:

    That is the question.

    Agree with LJ though post Man City games, started to believe "the hype" and began to over coach and stifle the team, from which point we have gone down hill at pace. 

    Agree with this. It was all about possession, sideways, backwards, sideways backwards boring to watch with many matches zero shots on target, I really couldn't take any more, it was dire to watch. Now is also dire to watch, but in a very different way.

    Don't care for either style really.

    Just give me ENTERTAINMENT

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  2. It's all because we cannot keep hold of the ball. Our possession if awful. So we have to expend vast amounts of energy running around trying to close the opposition down.

    By the time the game gets halfway through the second half, our players are blowing out their arses.

    By the time we get to time added on, we have absolutely naff all to give.

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