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Everything posted by HoldenBall

  1. From the most racist fans in Europe.. the irony is striking. I mean a quick google of racist horse punching FC you can see they have are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2130415/Football-fan-spits-face-justice-judge-lets-vile-assault-steward--cold.html Not to mention happily gobbing on opposition players (0:25, idiot in the white shirt) As for human golum that is Henbury Gas.. a sad lonely old man..
  2. Is the fake sheik buying a rugby club? Have to say I admire your ballysness at the moment, after an iconic 13th place in division 3..
  3. Are you? Don’t you have tents for stands and play in a rugby ground?
  4. He looks like he's a few sandwiches short of a picnic. This confirms it. No wonder why he was a fan favourite for the Pikeys.
  5. Remember on the post some writer got very giddy that their favourite little putrid club might of accumulated more points than us this season. Like I said in another post, 13th for them in a pisspot league is fantastic.
  6. Happy St Daniels day. As the horsepunchers do everything in their power to try and brush off this day like nothing happened it still clearly gets to them. Relegated In your own kit to a semi professional league..
  7. Lets face it for them that's another ground breaking season, just out of non league, tent for stands, pants owners, fans who never bother to show up for games.. I could go on.. Just 29 points behind the European might of Shrewsbury Town, lodged between footballing giants of Scunthorpe and Blackpool, another fantastic season for the glorified caravan club..
  8. When the blue few were in the equivalent of the league we're in now they were averaging 6k home fans a season. Guess that doesn't fit your script that they're brilliantly supported then..
  9. I seem to remember the Bristol Post creaming at the thought that the pikeys could possibly achieve more points than us in their pub league. I guess that dream for their favourite little horse punching club has died now?
  10. Can you blame them? That one point puts them perfectly between giants Blackpool and Fleetwood in 11th place in a league where Shrewsbury are 3rd and Scunthorpe are 5th. I'm sure they're still celebrating that historical point this very second.
  11. It's 2018 and the Sags are in complete outrage that a football player put on his hand a snake puppet. I don't seem to remember them being this outraged when their fans were racially abusing opposition players every week.. funny that.
  12. That must be wrong, having another fantastic season (for them) in league 1, facing a team in and around them in the play offs and they can only take 400? Four hundred?
  13. This is what happens when a chicken shit little poxy club tries to act like a professional one.
  14. Yes of course, as the videos and pictures of your club and fans making a tit of themselves this weekend (again) circulate all on social media I'm sure you're adored all over Europe. F*** the Gas.
  15. Yep, 74% full in your tinpot stolen shed of white plastic chairs, ruddy tents and rusty gazebo's, a truly prowed achievement. Yes congratulations.. you're here, there to just make up the numbers in your pants league, laughing at you fighting, racially abusing, stealing, and spitting your way to existence. I love it that you're our rivals, you genuinely have nothing going for you as a football club, and we love that..
  16. Finish 17th in the championship last season, average attendance 19,256. Glad you think 9,000 is a good crowd. Really says it all about your level of support. Isn't this your greatest season in nearly 20 years? And that's the only home support you can muster? Crap.
  17. Absolutely devastating for the sags as they all scramble to their phones to see that we’ve won.
  18. Does it really get more Bristol Rovers than this? I don't think it could.
  19. Yeah if only we had the ability to throw a game like your sorry mob when we have a couple of injuries, maybe our season wouldn't of fallen apart.
  20. No way in hell is that 780 there.. so I guess they've just tallied up the people who bought tickets, irrespective whether they made it or not. Either way it's a shit following, considering Sunderland took 2,000 to Millwall and Birmingham sold out the Forest end.. But I'm shure dere da bst supported team in da land unluckee shiteds
  21. Is it me or does the dog botherer look a bit unwell?
  22. They sure as hell slate us when we take 500 to Bolton on a Friday night.. absolutely no excuses for the horse punchers as far as I’m concerned
  23. Getting ready for our big game tomorrow obviously
  24. Looks like I've missed this, so their piece of shit ground that consists of a few tents, 3 plastic seats, a gazebo, some speakers, a couple of racist chants and horse punching is only 74% full? Saw an absoloute beauty of a SAG on twitter suggest they use to take up to 2,500 fans to Griffin Park when they were in the championship.(when dinosaurs roamed the earth). Their end only holds 1,600 fans.. Truly a simple bunch.
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