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Everything posted by HoldenBall

  1. But mate we drew against Burton, did you know they beat them 7-1 in 2012?
  2. Hence why they're giving out free tickets.. https://www.bristolrovers.co.uk/news/2017/september/22.09.17---bring-a-friend-voucher/
  3. I am amazed a 2nd tier football club genuinely kicked the ball out for a throw in so they could go back to defending. I am obviously not expecting any team to roll over for us but how the hell are Burton a championship club.
  4. Haven't been on the page for a while. Do Bristol Rovers football club still exist?
  5. Ehh? At this present moment the gap is probably the biggest it's been for years. We're currently doing great in a division they haven't been in for 25 years, they're struggling in a league Shrewsbury are top of Truthfully they're closer to administration than they are to us.. and no one wants that now do we..
  6. Think we went 8 days without a racial incident from the family club. Ah well.
  7. The "boob cricket" guy apparently. Obviously has a screw loose.
  8. Norwich should be 2 up, our final ball is lacking massively. Still we looked good in spells.
  9. Will 100% take a draw. Norwich still have premier league players in their side.
  10. You have really got to give them credit though, it's nearly been ONE WEEK with an incident of racial abuse at their beloved prowed club. Is that some sort of record?
  11. Dopeys empire slowly crashing down? Too early to say? It sure is enjoyable watching the pikeys lose every week and the dog botherer criticizing his players on the radio all the time.
  12. We took more to Wigan last year. Obviously means we have better away support so ftg Coyr
  13. Just out of curiosity, how many away fans do you think we should be taking to a Tueday night game, a regular fixture now for 10+ years and to a ground we haven't won at since the 1930's?
  14. 1. Drunk and incapable 2. Consuming drugs 3. ANOTHER racist incident All in the home of the family club in a small 90 minute period. https://www.bristolrovers.co.uk/news/2017/september/09.09.17---a-message-from-our-safety-officer/
  15. 3 things guaranteed in life. Death, taxes and a Bristol City loss to Reading.
  16. We all clap our hands then beat a couple of senseless horses to death.
  17. My god, THAT'S what's coming for us? They looked absolute shite. Apart from Bodin who did a few nice turns they were atrocious.
  18. Haven't you heard? Taking big away numbers is "what they do"
  19. I assume they'll be taking more than the 900 we took to Bradford on a Tuesday night today?
  20. The Pikey actually had to get help for a comeback I can think of about 1000 things to say about their glorified non league club on the top of my head
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