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Out of his pie crust

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Posts posted by Out of his pie crust

  1. Nahki obviously as a goal scorer earlier in the career wants to bag, his reaction from Wilson’s mid hit cross showed that but I absolutely loved his contribution to the team today, got up early for headers (hang time) on a number of occasions, work rate assist. Cog in a team playing well …

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  2. On 14/07/2022 at 22:13, garlicbread said:

    There's no point in developing the ground, it's just been developed, and never full

    This myth that SL is trying to buy the houses is up there with the Zoo parking attendant...there are often for sale signs outside those hoses behind the Atyeo




    Ere, what u banging on about?

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  3. 1 hour ago, jayjay said:

    Utter waste of time. Twenty odd years of his stewardship and what have we got? SL grinning like the village idiot as his" legacy" is being polished by pop concerts. festivals etc., to leave him even wealthier when he finally sells up.

    Oh, football, is that the game with the round ball or the oval ball, just asking? Not that interested to be honest, produces nothing for my future wealth increase

    I just thank God every night, that I had a spare bedroom. I was at least bright enough to see the possibilities and grabbed onto Peter Hargreaves shirt tail. Who says an accountant (qualified?) is the dullest bloke on the planet and will empty the pub in under five minutes? Peter stays in Somerset and pays his full UK taxes, Sap. It's lovely in Guernsey. Am thinking of having Davefevs and some of his sycophantic disciples over for a day or two

    And….I’m spent 

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