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Everything posted by JamesBCFC

  1. I was describing the hoping LJ fails attitude as moronic. Which it is. Not calling someone an imbecile for stating a fact.
  2. Typing this again just to make it clear- Someone put that they want LJ to fail with us. To suggest they might be happy with the defeat- as that tends to be a part of failing- isn't "talking rubbish and stirring the pot" but is actually a fairly simple extrapolation of the statement made.
  3. Someone actually put that they didn't want LJ to succeed with us. So now that you're confronted with a fact do you still want to throw around the insults?
  4. well there was one person in the week who said they didn't want us to succeed with LJ as manager, so that poster is.
  5. Thankfully our chairman has more faith in him than the morons in our support who want him to fail. Are you one of those by any chance?
  6. Yeah, Lee Johnson had nothing to do with us being in the Championship this season, rather than League 1...
  7. My source tells me they are building on this idea and using a washing line to mark out the goals. This means there will actually be posts and the line itself acts as a crossbar. There is also the added benefit that they can use it to hang their kit on to dry after it's been washed. The tumble dryer will be sold to raise funds for these improvements.
  8. Nah, it was an absolute worldie Hang on, I seem to have it confused with our second against Ipswich last week
  9. I wouldn't make a rash judgement on one game. Many of our players didn't turn up today and we lost 2-1 due to some schoolboy errors for the second goal, when we played in May and a few of theirs didn't turn up we battered them.
  10. Trying to have it both ways there, perhaps he changed because he felt the different formation would be more effective or a particular game. That doesn't make him unsure. Its been repeated several times on here but many teams in the modern era don't have a 'first 11' but choose a team that is best for exploiting the weaknesses of who you face.
  11. Smith almost as much to blame for that as Fielding, woeful pass back to him
  12. could be argued either way, but we had 2 defenders in very close proximity
  13. and someone on here the other day was saying stroud is a good referee hes been as abject as ever
  14. dreadful header back by flint, then Matthews tried to usher it into the box when it clearly didn't have the pace. Was almost a comedy of errors
  15. sky wrong as per usual then. Wilbs slid to have an effort which was saved, this ell to Tammy to tap in.
  16. not sure if you are aware, but football is a contact sport. Poor tackle, yes, but if that's a red then any contact ever made is a foul.
  17. My shout (probably heard by half the street) when tammy scored was about 5 seconds after it went in because I thought it was offside
  18. Anyone watching Planet Earth II might be wondering if Attenborough confused locusts with Rovers fans with this description "In an area covering 220 square miles, containing several billion individuals, between them they will devour 40 thousand tonnes of food in a single day" However there was no mention of the amount who are locked out
  19. Got to say fair play to Barrow, 22 games unbeaten! Rovers fans must hate Paul Cox, first he makes them non-league, then just as their fans are trying to bury that embarrassment he knocks them out the FA Cup with a side 2 divisions below who have 0 budget.
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