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Posts posted by SydneyCity

  1. On 20/05/2022 at 18:28, Bristol Rob said:

    Until they find something 'better' to sell.

    I read an interesting article about how it’s extremely dangerous to be an avocado grower in Mexico these days.

    Long story short… with the legalisation of marijuana in the US, the Mexican cartels found themselves with a lot of unprofitable cannabis crops. They saw that the mark-up on avocados (selling to health conscious, avo toast loving Americans) was more lucrative than weed, so they dug up their crops and converted the land to avocado plantations. To maximise profits they took all their drug business knowledge and proceeded to strong arm and execute any competitors, essentially executing a load of innocent farmers who had been in the business for years!

  2. In Australia coke, alcohol and watching sport are all pretty popular past times. Doing all three at the same time is not uncommon either. Despite this, there’s never any trouble at sporting events - and this is largely cultural.

    Sporting rivalries tend to be friendly and there’s an unwritten, but widely accepted, societal rule of: “Don’t be a d**khead”. If anyone is a d**khead, they’ll very quickly be told to pull their heads in by the vast majority of those around them.

    It’s not perfect but it generally works.

  3. 41 minutes ago, cidercity1987 said:

    some of which brought in by McInnes

    I listened to the whole interview and he was talking about how he played with Jody Morris at Millwall. Derek went on to be manager at St Johnstone and he knew that Jody wasn’t getting much game time so called him up and offered him £700 p/w to play. Jody accepted and was the model pro, running the dressing room and instilling the right attitude in the young players (plus playing well).

    I’m certainly not defending signing him as it clearly didn’t work that way at Ashton Gate but I guess it gave me an insight into why he brought him to City, especially if it was on similar financial terms.

    • Like 1
  4. A few minutes at the end of a Scottish football podcast.

    Key points:

    • He'd knocked back a couple of job offer in England when Bristol City contacted him. He was warned by a few people that we'd had three managers in four years and it may not be a good move.
    • 2nd bottom when came in in October but felt there were enough games to stay up.
    • Staying up, given the circumstances, is as proud an achievement as any he's had in football.
    • Chris Wood was brilliant.
    • In the summer he feels he should have been kicking and screaming about getting rid of more players.
    • He presented to the board a number of lists of players that should be moved on but the board never acted
    • He felt there were 14 that should have been moved on but it was hard as Bristol City was as good as it was ever going to get for those players and they were all well paid
    • Four different managers signings in a dressing room made it difficult
    • Board talked of FFP and said he needed to cut the playing budget in half - from $15m to just over $7m - by shifting senior players and bringing young ones in.
    • Proud he gave Joe and Bobby their chances and brought Bolasie in from the reserves.
    • Bolasie was sold but he thinks the board should have worked much harder to keep him.
    • He loved his time at Bristol City.
    • He loved the club and wanted to be the guy that got it going… but he put too much faith in the board.
    • Was told: "If we go down with Derek McInnes, we come back with Derek McInnes… you help us sort out the financial mess and we'll come back up".
    • Lost a home game to Leicester and was given the boot as the board felt they needed to try something new.
    • Getting the boot was a shock - it shouldn't have been given the league position but it was given all the conversations he'd had with the club.
    • He took the learnings to his next role at Aberdeen a couple of weeks later and he had eight very good years there… so everything happens for a reason.



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  5. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad move. Hibs are a good size and well supported. They’ve also been absolutely terrible this year, currently in 8th. It would be almost impossible to do worse. If he can get them above Hearts, he’ll be a hero. If he can get them to third, he’s in Europe.

    If he messes it up though, I’d say it’s game over.

  6. Did a quick Google and it seems like a late July release date is standard for all main manufacturers. Can’t find a reason for that date but it’s safe to say that the Nike and Adidas marketing departments rarely miss a trick so there has to be some financial method to the madness.

    Edit: It appears to be a combination of manufacturer's deals starting/stopping, sponsor deals starting/stopping and optimising the transfer window ie: shirts with star player names and numbers printed on them sell very well.

  7. 10 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    From today’s media interview, Nige doesn’t appear to want to lose Wells (so my guesswork wrong), but Wells himself may decide he wants to move on to get more football….so I think it is a case of no striker unless one leaves.

    I haven’t heard the interview but I’ve always had a suspicion that, at some stage, Pearson has said something to Wells along the line of:  “I really rate you but I just can’t play you in this team/system… I plan to fix those reasons and when I do, you’ll be given your opportunity and you will shine” and Nakhi as an experienced pro has accepted it because he can see it too.

    I’m literally in fantasy land with this one but I do believe it.

    • Like 1
  8. I couldn’t handle the LJ interviews and press conferences again.

    I’ve since realised that, for me, his time in charge was like being caught in a rip. You ignore the warning signs, think everything’s fine, then suddenly realise you’re miles away from where you should be and are absolutely f**ked.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 3
  9. My guess would be standard pre-season with maintenance and additional shape work over the break. Nothing too revolutionary as rest is probably more beneficial than any minimal gains that could be made in a few weeks of physical exertion.

    Maybe a couple of friendlies in the break for fringe players to shine.

  10. With the Lansdown family in charge (and I am an overall supporter of what they’ve done), I can imagine a “this is a family club” mantra permeating through Bristol City - and the definition and application of this is “nice and friendly”.

    In reality, the best, and most entertaining, families are defined by a collection of characters and personalities who may not always get on - they may even argue and fight non-stop - but ultimately would do anything for each other when push comes to shove.

    You need Uncle Nige chucking truth bombs at the Christmas dinner table.

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  11. I’d like to think Nige wouldn’t have made the same decisions if there were no points deductions.

    I was supportive of the “LJ is here so long as we’re improving in the league” stance that the club took - despite not liking his personality and having zero connection with the clubs in the bag that he was assembling. Hindsight shows that just focussing on the league position was a bit stupid of me.

    Despite our position, I have seen some of the most entertaining football I’ve seen in years this season (yes there have been some shockers too) and I’m genuinely invested and interested in our crop of young players coming through and the resurgent Andi Weimann. I’m even going to go as far as saying the whole WSM strike force.

    Roll on next year under Nige. It’s not perfect, sometimes it’s not even good, but it is Bristol City.


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  12. One of my best mates over here is an Ipswich fan, so I don’t mind them as a club. It’s also Friday and I’ve been working in Melbourne all week, having recently discovered that the pub next to the office has Thatcher’s on tap…

    History is repeating itself with Ashton. Spunking a lot of cash on a lot of players for a small amount of progress.

    It seems exciting, it seems like something’s happening but ultimately, it doesn’t. I really hated Ashton and LJ for their Brent-esque personalities… but I was definitely a supporter of LJ, at least, because there was incremental improvement in the league.

    Unfortunately, with each small step forward bigger problems were appearing behind the scenes and I now feel like an idiot for being happy about slowly inching towards the playoffs, while dispensing cash faster than a truck stop ATM.

    I hope Ashton can guide you to the levels of success that cover the costs of getting there but I genuinely don’t think he will as his ego and greed means he’ll keep going until you’re all f**ked, then keep going a bit more.

    Nothing new, revelatory or insightful there but as I said, I recently discovered the local has Thatcher’s on tap and I needed to vent.

    • Like 2
  13. Hummel have done a great job so far. I’ve bought and proudly worn some of the casual gear and my kid loves his kits. For me Hummel have given me a tangible connection with home (I’m too old for kits and I’ve not liked other recent manufacturer’s casual gear enough to buy or wear) and the black away kit my kid wears to daycare has led to a number of his friends - with backgrounds from all over the world - asking their parents for Bristol City tops. I don’t think that would have happened with more generic template.

    • Like 3
  14. Hopefully Everton do go down. My lasting memory of them is our 1-0 FA cup loss in 95.

    I was at the Ashton/Winterstoke Road bus stop after the game and a group of Everton “hooligans” were at the bottom of those big steps that lead down to near the Mercedes garage. One in particular was a stereotypical, comically aggressive scouser; challenging anyone and everyone to come and have a go.

    A City fan accepted the challenge and proceeded to run down the steps from the flyover, performing what can be best described as a two-fisted, flying Superman punch from about ten steps up. It connected beautifully with the aggro scousers big, mouthy head and sent him crashing to the floor.

    The unexpectedly spectacular act of aerial combat performed by said City fan took the wind out of the scousers sails and they all buggered off, while the City fan got a rousing cheer that he duly accepted.

    Great times.

    • Haha 3
  15. 32 minutes ago, pillred said:

    I must admit I find the idea that we should rest players in their 20s because some of them have played twice a week recently slightly bonkers, my god I worked as a steel fabricator into my 60s sometimes working nearly 60 hours a week if we were busy, you will pardon me if I haven't much sympathy for this suggestion.

    But could you fabricate steel on a cold wet Tuesday night in Stoke?

    • Haha 5
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