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Major Isewater

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Everything posted by Major Isewater

  1. Was just going to ask if anyone would be happy with a draw . From a distance it just sounds to me that our lads are run into the ground .
  2. I fear it's only a matter of time before Korey Smith is out injured .Every match he is targeted .
  3. Don't worry midfield is covered . We've all heard the rumours of our approaches for quality players for this position have n't we ? have n't we ? perhaps not .
  4. Don't criticise our open attacking play ,cause that's the Bristol City way.
  5. Are you like the Queen , one 'official ' Birthday and another real one ( where she lets her hair down ,hits the sherry and does the Zumba with Prince Phillip ) ? Have a good you old bugger !
  6. I doubt that he is a replacement for Wes but i must confess to being a bit awkward over the hype surrounding his arrival . He seems a big unit with a good attitude but a proven goalscorer he ain't . We should be more excited about Wes from the little i've seen of him but what do they say about a prophet in his own country ? I can tell you this i will be beside myself if Wes leaves and breaks through at another club .
  7. It was all set up for a comfortable afternoon for WBA that worked out well for them , the beauty of football . They played their best team and we lived with them and gave them plenty to think about . Good for confidence , when the disappointment has subsided we can be pleased with the performance .
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