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Major Isewater

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Everything posted by Major Isewater

  1. I think the original poster is highlighting the room for improvement. These lads are still young , relatively inexperienced and are going to to lack the consistency that more seasoned pros can show. I would love to see these players kicking on and I am sure they will. We just need to accept that they aren’t the finished article just yet and give them the support they deserve.
  2. Not many of us predicted a City win today against a flying Boro side so all in all a very good result . Two points off the play offs . It will take time for the new coaching staff to get their ideas across and the players adapting but as of now L.M unbeaten in two. Well done to all, a gutsy performance. As for TGH. , foot like a traction engine.
  3. C’mon , this is Bristol City we’re talking about we all know which is the more likely.
  4. I thought it was Yogi Bear who invented the television.
  5. Key questions still remain unanswered ; Where are your food vouchers ? Idem , yellow goalkeeper’s socks ? Where’s Twentyman when you need him ?
  6. I should think there are hundreds of anonymous City strikers who are unpopular, mostly because they didn’t score enough goals or because they didn’t try hard enough. I think Stevie Neville went fifteen games without scoring but we were all behind him because he tried his best . We have signed our fair share of show ponies just here for an easy life.
  7. Are we still talking about Robbored ?
  8. IMHO L.A. is a player who would fit in very well into our squad today. A player with bags of energy but lacking in technical ability. When he attacked no one knew where he was going , least of all Luke, which added to his efficiency because he was unplayable. He has done brilliantly for himself like another of his ilk , Bradley Orr.
  9. I don’t find this ‘funny’ I’m afraid. Those players are bullies and imbeciles. Let’s say no one wants to referee their matches in the future they are , like Camilla , royally screwed. Ref’s, especially at the lower levels, give up their free time for the love of the game. Would you if you had to endure even half of what these people put up with?
  10. You wear what you want Slarti old fruit . We don’t judge on OTIB.
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