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Miah Dennehy

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Everything posted by Miah Dennehy

  1. I started with a Mk 3 2000E automatic and swapped it for a Mk 2 Series 1 1600E - wish I still had them!
  2. I was about to say Jeff was bowing out at the right time, while he is still really good entertainment, but it looks like he is staying. I hope he doesn't linger on forever though, I had the misfortune to catch a bit of Soccer AM a few months ago. Once a don't miss show is now cringeworthy in the extreme.
  3. Do you see Swindon Town as some sort of stepping stone to your ultimate goal of being a City fan? Oscar Wilde has nothing on you.
  4. My first car was indeed a Cortinal!
  5. Regarding The Gas thing, we obviously all have differing memories on it, we're all knocking on a bit! It certainly came to prominence in the 80s and it wasn't really embraced by Rovers fans till Twerton days, but I guess we will never know for sure. My wife used to work in a garage in W-O-T before we married (which was 1988) and Harold Jarman used to go in there, so I got her to get him to sign a programme and write 'F*** the Gas' on it and he had never heard of the term! I never saw him play so I think he stopped in 72 or 73 but you would have thought he may have been aware of it. So maybe that backs up those who claim it didnt come about till the 80s.
  6. No need to stress, only a little bit of fun But tis true that Rangers actually don't exist anymore and that a club called The Rangers won last year's title. I mean, personally, I'm in the 'if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck' camp. The Rangers play in the same stadium with the same supporters as the old club, but as long as it continues to annoy fans of The Rangers, I will continue to point out the fact that their team died
  7. No, definitely heard it on the Tote when I stood there and I moved to the North Stand enclosure in the very early 80s.
  8. I'm pretty sure that chant was around in the 70s. We used to sing 'the Gas, The Gas, You'll never get rid of The Gas' in reply,
  9. Actually I think it has more to do with Jason Roberts, City are despised by the locals in Grenada after the way they treated Roberts and when he went onto to greater success with Rovers , The Gas became every Grenadian's second favourite team..
  10. Bloody part timers, they should be here giving the Gas their support. I was saying the same thing while I was in Paris last week ?
  11. Well I'm glad we can be of help then Someone else asked me the same question about Barton, so if you can be arsed to scroll back a bit, you can see my opinion on him Anyway, just to amuse you a little further , I was in Paris for the rugby last weekend and would you believe it , I spotted someone someone on the Metro wearing 'da famous quarterz' , I couldn't contain my excitement and tried to get a pic to show that The Gas now have an international following when I realised it was, in fact. some kind of cycling top. Bloody Frenchies, who supports a cycling team FFS!
  12. Still. I quite like the fact that despite being light years behind you on and off the pitch, we still annoy the **** out of you
  13. Why don't you get a half and half scarf made
  14. Clachnacuddin are still around in the highland league.. I've seen quite a few highland league grounds on my travels but never actually got to a game in it. Definitely something I need to do.
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