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Miah Dennehy

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Everything posted by Miah Dennehy

  1. Just be careful you don't leave your place unguarded during the summer.
  2. I know the chairman of Dings rather well. I could easily get the combination off him
  3. Woohoo! We're getting a new ground. That will shut you lot up
  4. Nope, again now you say it I think I've heard of him, but I wouldn't have named him. That may just be me of course, I was just trying to think of Liverpool players and got 1!
  5. During my lifetime you have always been the better supported club. However, football was right in the doldrums in the mid 80s and attendances were pretty shite for every club in comparison to today . I just checked and City's previous home game against Swansea was watched by 6013. Yes our attendance was shit, but it was a lot closer to City attendances then than it is now!
  6. Now you write the names yes I recognise them, but if you put me on the spot and asked me in a pub I think I would have named Reid, Flint and Fielding. Ask me a City side from the 70s and I would probably get the lot!
  7. To be perfectly honest , other than the one whose name we no longer speak of, I really struggle to name more than 3 or 4 City players and I certainly wouldn't recognise them. Lee Brown has been a solid, decent player for us who chose to stay with us when we dropped out of the league and also scored a last minute winner to get us promotion which led to one of the best night's drinking I've ever had! I was at the player of the year awards last night (which you will be delighted to hear was held in a big tent) and it was clear that he has a real affection for the club, football needs more players like him who 'get' what being a fan is.
  8. I came last in the piggy back race at mine with Keith Curle as my partner. Let this be an end to the matter
  9. Obviously one of you lot in disguise .
  10. We did actually have about a dozen let us down on the day on our coach!
  11. That would have made it close to 12000 though.
  12. What was more surprising was the entire attendance being given as over 8000, it looked no more than 3000!
  13. Obviously an air brushed picture. I was definitely there but can't see myself in the pic
  14. Don't worry, we turned it around in the end- 90 minutes and all that
  15. Probably the heels and skirt, I really should stop wearing them when I post on here.
  16. Kind of my point, what team you support has no link to criminality .
  17. We don't have a membership scheme as such, just the Supporters Club which isn't everyones cup of tea atm.
  18. You're probably right, I'm fairly sure the figure was somewhere between 40000- 45000, which I'm quite sure City would more than match if given the opportunity. Quite why we took so few to the Conference play off final I have no idea. (BTW there really was a City fan in the other end at that one!)
  19. Well yeah , you're right of course, I was just trying to be modest.
  20. I think you may be slightly over estimating the neutrals interest in our games
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