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Everything posted by wendyredredrobin

  1. Anyone remember when someone played Come on Eileen instead of Goodnight Irene?
  2. Quite correct. No idea why I typed dare ?
  3. He might be a she though or maybe half and half, assuming that we are allowed to say such things these days ?
  4. The population of South Africa has a high level of natural immunity. That's not the case in the UK. It may be a mild strain, but we don't all want to be isolating over Christmas. The infection rate is doubling every two days and last time I looked, the official rate of new cases was nearly 80k (in reality a lot more are not being tested). At the current rate, it will exceed 1m per day before Christmas. It's much too early to say that it is is not dangerous in a population without natural immunity.
  5. You don't have to be jabbed or take a test to get a COVID passport, you just need to say that you have a negative test result and you get one. It makes a complete mockery of the whole scheme. I'm still undecided as to whether to go as I don't really want to risk being in isolation over Christmas. I will make a decision on Saturday, though I think a lot of people will decide not to go, especially older or more vulnerable fans.
  6. 100% with you on this one and I'm also triple jabbed. As Chris Whitty said yesterday - "what is more important to you". Family is more important than football for most of us, I hope.
  7. Can't remember, but a £30 bet on beating united 2-1 at 14/1 made it very palatable.
  8. I was 50/50 on whether to go or not. Being so close to Christmas, I may err on the side of caution as spending Christmas with my family is probably more important than football to me. I'm guessing that a lot of others may take the same view unless a few of the players on either team come down with it and the game is postponed. In all honesty I think the game should probably be played behind closed doors anyway.
  9. I'm sure I read earlier that the 10k limit for open air events was now reduced to 4k.
  10. Surprised he didn't mention the shiny new 100,000 seater stadium they had started building at the fruit market.
  11. Scott has been doing well lately and doing well enough to to keep his place ahead of Tanner on recent showing. COD doing OK on the left, and although not the best defensively, does at least have pace. I would drop Martin personally, mainly due to his lack of pace up top and have Weimann and Semenyo up there and even maybe Wells if we can fit him into the formation. James in for Bakinson if he is fit. We are looking a lot better in the current 352 formation. I hope we are able to string a few passes together today, but most of all, that we show some fighting spirit. On the above basis, I feel that we could nick 3 points today (that's put the kibosh on it then ?).
  12. Just got my covid passport on the NHS app and it's valud until 8/1/22. At the moment, I think you can still get one with 2 jabs, although I've had the booster as well as the first 2. What with the baton searches and covid passport checks, we had better be ready for some massive queues at the next game. p.s. will anyone cross reference the name on the passport with the name on the ticket?
  13. Normally 20% of the profit, so if we sold him for £13m and he is sold for £23m we net £2m as I understand it, but even though the Magpies may have cash to splash, I can't see them paying that much for a Championship defender. However even a £5m mark up would net us £1m which we can put towards buying the No. 9 we so desperately need.
  14. If he keeps getting away with it, he will just get worse. Eventually he will probably kill someone. Just the sort of person you want managing the Sags if you ask me.
  15. My gran is quicker than Martin tbf
  16. Can't believe he got off, but does sound like a lack of evidence. Were any of the jurors bribed or threatened? I wonder why the 11th jurer was missing - and the 12th for that matter. Were they the ones that didn't believe his lies?
  17. So this should be over in time for him to take a beating from Sutton United or the judge will say "take him down". When is he likely to be tried for assaulting his wife? Unfortunately, the judge will not be able to take this into account, though of course he has to take into account his previous convictions from which he has not learnt his lesson. I wonder who is paying for his defence. Those QCs don't come cheap.
  18. wendyredredrobin


    If any of our strikers were presented with that opportunity, the ball would end up going nowhere near the goal. He certainly took it well, didn't he.
  19. Not convinced that owning the value of all of the players will be worth much to him. How much do you think he would get if he sold the entire squad as so far as I'm aware they have nobody worth anything. Cashing in the debt he has secured against the Mem would be a big deal for anyone though. Losing to Sutton Utd in the cup and having their manager banged up in the same week would be a result though. Are William Hill giving odds against that double?
  20. I think they play boob cricket, not french cricket and you must be brave to take a dog anywhere associated with the fewers. I assume but your picnic will include stale crisps and out of date Fanta.
  21. A couple of questions. Firstly, has full planning permission been obtained for the new complex and if not, what obstacles stand in the way? Secondly relating to the wife beater, if previous convictions don't get raised in court, what happens if one of the jurers mentions it whilst they are deliberating?
  22. If you overspend, then you should pay the consequences. Parachute payments are ruining the Championship as we can't compete with the beneficiaries. It's unjust and unnecessary.
  23. The bookings were a bit silly and unnecessary, but whilst our players were being booked, theirs were getting away with far worse. I saw a lot of inconsistent refereeing on Sunday.
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