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Everything posted by supercidered

  1. So you believe that throughout this whole episode Derby County Football Club have been honest and played by the rules and the spirit of those rules? The club / club accountants made a little c@ck up so lets all move on? I don't know the ins and outs of this but when something looks like a fish, swims like a fish and smells like a fish then..........
  2. When I read this I couldn't help thinking of the copper on 'Allo 'Allo !
  3. Blige, there's one for the kids!! I mean the post not casting aspersions on him for liking children.
  4. Is matey nicking a Raleigh Chopper with only one wheel? is there no depths the G@s will stoop to!
  5. If he is deluded then Joey Barton saying about playing 'in front of 12,000' every home game must be even more of a f@cktard than I first thought he was.
  6. Yup, this is the one! 'anyone who voted for JET's goal'
  7. IF they do go down can I ask someone to do another Hitler video when Adolf and his mates were all in the bunker with the subtitles. There were several around but the one when Sir Colin dumped them out of the league was pure genius. I don't laugh out loud very often but blige that was mint.
  8. Ahhh. At least someone got the 'joke' rather than I was actually going to go to Cornwall for a pint.
  9. Me and my mates have bought some to go to Cornwall on the lash next weekend.
  10. Christ! If any of my family had done this no matter what generation, they would have been disowned and ridiculed forever!
  11. Whoever you are, you are most definitely a bell sniff of the highest order !!
  12. There were also unsubstantiated reports that a large purchase of Round Up Pump & Go was also bought. This may have been a sponsorship deal though as it resembles their 'style' of play!
  13. Yup she is still alive and kicking! Felicity Kendall used to do a selection of keep fit videos. You may wish to check them out. Just saying ?
  14. I still think about planting a carrot in her now. Thinking about it I'd probably plant one for Margot as well !!
  15. Is it a pic of a Mansfield Town player?
  16. On the plus side for the sags, there has been confirmation from Public Health England that how ever bad the Coronavirus gets in the UK there will still be matches played at the Mem. The reason being that matches played there will not qualify as 'large gatherings' or classed as 'crowds'. Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere.
  17. To be honest I forgot what a kind face Wael has...….. the kind of face one would like to punch.
  18. I don't like using the word but ROFL seems to be appropriate in this case!
  19. Wasn't she Lisa in Team America World Police?
  20. At least they are filling their gaps! ??
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