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Red Bill

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Posts posted by Red Bill

  1. 1 hour ago, Southstandoriginal said:

    Why are all kit launches at all clubs advertised with these ridiculous stiff poses. They look like they've making their way gingerly to the gents after a double strength vindaloo and a gallon of Bass.

    Too late by the look on the goalies face.

  2. You might like to hear an independent opinion of the gas.  An acquaintance of mine - a life-long Wimbledon supporter, experienced his first visit to our dear rivals and described them as "the most unpleasant, ignorant, moronic bunch of hooligans he had ever come across at a football ground".  I rest my case.

  3. 1 hour ago, Eddie Hitler said:

    I actually took Advanced Gasonometry as an option at college. I don't remember all of it but a typical question was:

    Away Games:

    3,000 travelling gasheads arrive at Wycombe (three part question, 12 points available)

    a) If the away capacity is 2,500 how many fans are locked out, and how many is this reported as being in the Bristol Evening Post (2 points each, 4 points in total)

    b) How many police horses will be punched after the game if (i) Rovers win (ii) the game is drawn (iii) Wycombe win (1 point each, bonus point if all three answers are correct, 4 points in total)

    c) How many sheeds will have been in the home end if  (i) Rovers win (ii) the game is drawn (iii) Wycombe win (1 point each, bonus point if all three answers are correct, 4 points in total)

    Is the answer William Shakespeare?

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