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Red Bill

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Posts posted by Red Bill

  1. I actually loathe Sainsbury's.  I loathe their horrible wet bacon, their overpriced veg., their buy two or be overcharged if you buy one policy, their piss-poor wine, the way they bully check-out staff to process more customers per hour, their attitude to suppliers, the fact that they are one third owned by Qatar................but.....................I loathe the Gas even more!

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  2. Dopey Darrell does it again!


    Is this the most embarrassing video of all time?




    What dreadful behaviour.  I hope the manager does not see this or that pillock could be in big trouble.  What?  You're kidding!  I don't believe it.  Surely not.  No dignified manager would bring disgrace on his club like that.  Obviously a case of mistaken identity.  No?  Who is he?  Never.  You're having me on.

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