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Gert Mare

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Everything posted by Gert Mare

  1. What an enjoyable game that was! Lots of free flowing football. A nice positive ending to the season.
  2. The pikeys will take anything that brings them closer to ‘Da Shit’
  3. True. Next weekend is definitely gonna be mental in League 2!
  4. They did, and held Joey aloft on their shoulders. All brown nosing the Messiah. They’re coming for us again now. 30 minutes ago they were ******* bottle jobs. ?
  5. We might be Singing The Blues later…..
  6. In recent times they only go up if we do, so it might be a good omen for it to be the season when they were coming for us, but didn’t. The best one was when they had the open top bus tour for finishing 2nd in Non League football (Barnet - who were Champions didn’t have one at all by the way), but Rovers had to have one because City had one and hired a red bus for the occasion. ? Perhaps we should have one for avoiding relegation as we wouldn’t want to be left out either…..we’d be guaranteed a better turn out than the Sags though who would probably make up some excuse like the cricket was on.
  7. Because they’re obsessed. “What’s the Bristol City score? What’s the Bristol City score? Literally every minute” - quote from neutral Aston Villa ground hoppers.
  8. In summary: - Break downs, Smashed Windows, Broken Toilets, Barrels of Booze, Stinking of Piss and Fags, Kick-In's, Bricks, Broken Limbs, Hospitalisations, Sitting Ducks, Skinheads, Wondering how you were ever going to get out alive? Outcome: - Brilliant day out!
  9. I would say it's the midfield that needs sorting.
  10. The bloke has an ego the size of Jupiter. It's nauseatingly cringeworthy, but the bloke has teflon shoulders. All of those Ipswich supporters who were crowing that we were just upset over him leaving will soon be seeing the penny drop as the glitter falls off the turd and leave Ipswich in the turd
  11. They'll be out in force with their bad backs and Zimmer frames reminiscing about the Tote End days. How very Panorama 1977 of them!
  12. It's so tight, but Rovers are incredibly spawny (up until 2014 of course ) and they could just sneak into the automatic places. Most Gasheads I know are looking forward to getting Swindon in the final at Wembley as they think it will be a real day for 'the boys' to come out and can't wait for it to 'go off big-time' on the M4. ?
  13. Fair enough. I agree, every club has its fair share of idiots...... I'm from a council estate in East Bristol too (probably the same one as you), but the Gasheads I know there always try and take the moral high ground and it boils my piss. Like you, I cringe at the pathetic boneheads. If people can't take banter for what it is then perhaps they'd be better off taking up boxing instead!
  14. Hang on, FGR won promotion, Rovers ‘equalised’ in a meaningless fixture. Also, FGR fans came spilled onto the pitch to celebrate their success and hug each other and capture a special moment with their phone cameras. Rovers fans immediately jumped the barriers when Beadle scored the equaliser and started making rude and goading gestures to the Dolman. This is what triggered some City fans at the time. Exhibit A. Gashead goon straight over the barrier as soon as the ball hits the net. Exhibit B. A Gashead goon scrambling back into the terrace. Whilst the actions of supporters from some City fans were inexcusably bad that day it was typical of Rovers fans to try playing the innocent victims, even though they invaded the pitch whilst not only celebrating, but deliberately goading City fans in the Dolman. This was the beginning of numerous pitch invasions during the Bristol derbies culminating with the bad one in 2014. This scenario was absolutely nothing like the FGR match. Rovers fans can’t wait to have a go at Ted’s and then play the innocent victim when in reality they are equally as bad and on numerous occasions the instigators of trouble.
  15. Yes, but this is Bristol Rovers, the self labelled ‘Family Club’. They are always the innocent victims in any shenanigans, so no doubt the FGR end was full of Ted’s and they didn’t come on to celebrate but instead came on to ‘have a go’ at Rovers fans in a blatant attempt to incite violence. Rovers fans dressed up in red and white (like Ted’s) are entirely within their rights to defend their turf from the aggressive salad munching energy efficient tree huggers. The gift ?
  16. They just can’t bear to see other clubs be successful, especially a small village near Stroud. It triggers the Tinpot in them. It’s ok for them to sing about someone’s granny and smash hoardings whilst storming the pitch at Wycombe (only to go down the next week anyway), but god forbid any other team doing it at their cess pit of marquees and plastic garden chairs. FGR fans are celebrating a monumental achievement for a village club and this somehow weirdly triggers the village idiots who see red (as they always do when they are angry) and suddenly the vegan loving hippies morph into infiltrating Ted’s who unwittingly deserve to be attacked by the knuckle dragging goons of 6th richest club in England. Family club.
  17. No thanks. My neighbours kid is still receiving counselling following his visit to this place…..
  18. I was at the tip in Mangadoo this morning. There was a section for hard plastics with a picture of a garden patio chair above it. A few locals were taking the chairs out for the tented village.
  19. Absolutely bang on. That’s what really gets my goat, but as soon as I hear it I have enough ammo in the tank to obliterate any ‘holier than thou’ comments. Especially from the self confessed family club. The only thing I can’t find something similar to is the punching of the horse? I think Rovers lead that one 2-0.
  20. Southern Premier League fan base. 7,000 is Premier League eh? What is he talking about? Wimbledon at Plough Lane maybe? They’ve certainly been in the Premier League when it comes to football bans! Where are they all then? At home watching Jeff Stelling whilst 6 knuckling over City’s latest defeat?
  21. If they do go up at least Derby will have a massive club to visit and enjoy a cup final atmosphere
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