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Gert Mare

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Everything posted by Gert Mare

  1. Southern Premier League fan base. 7,000 is Premier League eh? What is he talking about? Wimbledon at Plough Lane maybe? They’ve certainly been in the Premier League when it comes to football bans! Where are they all then? At home watching Jeff Stelling whilst 6 knuckling over City’s latest defeat?
  2. If they do go up at least Derby will have a massive club to visit and enjoy a cup final atmosphere
  3. It would be better if they were back in the Conference. At least they went quiet for a while and crawled under their stones instead of singing the blues every five minutes. They would have loved it had we got relegated this season so how anyone can have a love-in with them is beyond me.
  4. No movement off the ball when we go forward. Pretty cagey affair first half although Bents had tried to gift them a couple
  5. I’m leaving the comfort of my armchair to attend this afternoon. I hope we can give an unshackled performance now that we are free from the drop.
  6. When we signed him I thought that we might have a player on our hands, but when I watched him on loan at Cheltenham he was puffing at lower league level and I felt then that he wasn’t going to cut it at City. Then we gave him a new contract, along with Vyner who is another player that I feel won’t cut it at City. Interestingly both players seem to suffer with the same problem, poor positional play and switching off when marking an opponent which is guaranteed to lead to a defensive error. It’s a shame really and I cannot see us being able to recoup anywhere near the money we shelled out on the initial transfer.
  7. We have some players on high wages that have performed better at other clubs, but they had the quality around them to be able to do so. Unfortunately we have some good players, some inexperienced, some hampered by injury and others not good enough. If everyone was fit then we might be doing better than we are, but I believe that we are where we should be considering all of the circumstances. We certainly don’t have any strength in depth.
  8. I’m not happy with us going down, but I’m happy that we are staying up this season. Next season I think it will be a massive task for us to survive the drop as we are likely to receive a points deduction and there won’t be any money to spend in the summer. Some fans think we should be higher than we are and that a manager should be able to work miracles with a squad that isn’t good enough. That’s unrealistic. We’re just not very good.
  9. Good shout. They could record the video at the High Performance Centre
  10. It’s the team that needs change, not the manager
  11. He knew it was bad when he accepted the position. As to just how bad a mess we are in might have been unknown to him at the time? I’ve never known a manager have his hands tied this much since possibly Terry Cooper? If he was fed up and walked I wouldn’t blame him. He’s working with a poor squad who are mentally soft and he can’t change it anymore than he has tried to do with what he has and yet fans still berate him. He can lead the horse to water but he can’t make it drink. I’m just grateful that we are likely to get another season in the Championship.
  12. They would be damned if they spoke and damned if they didn’t. We as fans need to accept that we are where we are and likely to go down next season.
  13. Yes that is about right. If one suddenly comes out of the woodwork I remind them of why they were hiding in the first place. I just respond to anything by saying “Colin Daniel”. If, as sometimes they do they act as if they don’t know who you are talking about by saying “Who?” I then respond with “SIR Colin Daniel”
  14. They are out from the woodwork again for sure. They’ve even started talking about the end of the gap. Suddenly interested in our financial situation and see that as a positive for them….naturally.
  15. There’s a few round our way that have been devalued mate ?
  16. Hasn’t he twigged why he is single?
  17. When I heard that he was coming on to replace Cundy my heart sank. He wasted a long pass, but also played a decent long pass. He played a dreadful pass across the penalty area straight to a Peterborough forward when he could have knocked it up the line, but he wasn’t the only player to make a bad choice in passing. I watched the player he was marking just drift goal side of him a number of times and he was oblivious to the run. When the goal came for them he made a challenge for a header with his eyes closed and no strength. It was as if he already knew that he wasn’t going to win it so he made a half hearted attempt. For me it feels like watching someone who has been given a standing 8 count by a boxing referee entering the field of play.
  18. League One. Barring a miracle, realistically with no money to spend, a clear out of personnel required and just putting in the under-23’s along with a possible 12 point deduction I think that next season will be our last in the Championship and it doesn’t matter how many managers are sacked during the season. Our squad is relegation fodder….sadly.
  19. Lacklustre, almost pedestrian. Poor control, poor passing decisions, little movement when in possession, no creativity, persistently wasteful in the final third, lacking strength, turning backs on the tackle, created our own problems, conceded against 10 men from giving away a pointless free kick. No commitment, no desire. 2 points dropped. Lots of headless chickens out there today.
  20. Nope. They measure everything by City. That’s it.
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