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Gert Mare

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Posts posted by Gert Mare

  1. 9 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

    I work with a couple of Rovers season ticket holders. Actually quite normal humans, considering!

    When I mentioned Colin Daniel returning to "the scene" this weekend, they genuinely looked at me blankly and had no idea who I was talking about! 

    Of course, I happily reminded them exactly who he was!! 

    Yeah, that's just a cover. They all know exactly who Colin Daniel is.....He played for them and scored an own goal to send them into the conference......




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  2. On 19/09/2017 at 13:18, myol'man said:

    Look who's coming to town on Saturday :clap:


    And still 4 pages in to their match day thread they haven't mentioned him once. Even when they posted the team sheet they just can't bear to utter the name Sir Colin Daniel, just like someone who has suffered a massive trauma they are blocking it out. Hope Sir Colin gets on the scoresheet today. I bet they'll shout "Sheed'ead" if he scores!

  3. 52 minutes ago, Rudolf Hucker said:
    As he revealed in his interview with the Post last month, Bristol Rovers' new commercial director Tom Gorringe made his first change at the club by putting a suggestion box in the club shop. However, as yet the club have not returned his P45 so he can move on to a proper football club.
    It would appear as though Rovers have been inundated with suggestions and requests (some utterly ridiculous and delusional), but the club has wasted no time in getting to grips with many of them.
    There will even be a number of changes implemented in time for this weekend's clash with Blackpoo
    "We have had many positive suggestions, some of which we have already implemented, some of which are under discussion, and some which we spent a few hours crying with laughter about and we were rolling around on the floor in stitches, when our sides stopped hurting we binned them as they were utterly ludicrous," Gorringe told Rovers' web siteeNew
    The club have broken down the suggestions into categories - how much?, Is it free?, Can we get it in on loan?, Schyeah right!!, food and drink, and entertainment.MORE
    It appears as though many more changes will be made over the coming months, but the club has already given a clear indication of what they are looking to change in the short term.
    Take a look below at the club's current plans.
    Stadium general
    The PA system has been updated with a sort of plastic siren thing that you find on bikes. It makes a sort of woo woo noise like an ambulance.
    Bike racks are in place for the players
    The lack of defibrillator's in the stadium was a major concern and two new ones have been ordered. You'd be surprised how many fans literally drop dead watching Rovers play?
    Accessible toilet for the north stand has been ordered - We are adding additional barbed wire to the inaccessible one and may use it as Santa's Grotto later in the yearJMP_Bristol_Rovers_v_Peterborough_United
    The club are currently discussing the following suggestions
    More turnstiles to be opened on match days to stop thousands of fans being continuously locked out.
    A lift for disabled fans in the East Stand. However, it's a forklift and we are trying to do a deal at the moment to get someone in on loan to drive it.
    A card system instead of season tickets books - we have got hold of some lovely filofaxes from 1988 and we are handwriting the tickets at the moment on every page. 
    Incentives for supporters to cycle to matches like Blackburn 
    The possibility of providing wet weather clothing to supporters not undercover when it rains. However as it costs money Hani has refused at the moment. Maybe next year?
    The club are currently unable to implement the following ideas
    A roof for the east stand. However we are looking to replace the east stand altogether with a lovely new gazebo from Asda. We are just waiting for the black Friday sales and income from Santas Grotto to purchase it.
    Improved clubhouse facilities - A toilet roll will now be provided in the ladies loo on Sunday's. 
    Opening the ground any earlier on match days. Currently in talks with JCB contractor.
    Food and drink
    A Food Bank will now be opened on match days. All donations welcome.
    Pedigree Chum Mixer
    The club is working hard to ensure they don't run out of food
    There will be a pie tasting session on October 3 in the condemned pasty shack
    The club is investigating the possibility of park and ride schemes from the UWE, so that's probably a no then.
    The club is unable to increase the disabled parking spaces at present as they are current occupied by the players
    A complaints book for returned goods will be implemented
    It's not possible in the short term to have a larger club shop as can contrary to popular belief amongst supporters we are not Real Madrid.
    Captain Gas has been provided with a new kit he will also be renamed Seamen Staines.
    The club is looking at providing more options for entertaining younger supporters on match days by providing coaches to Ashton Gate and making more of PA announcements from Keith Valle

    Fixed it

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  4. 1 hour ago, TwoSheds said:

    I see Colin Daniel plays for Blackpool and they are playing at the swamp this Saturday, would be funny if he got on the score sheet.

    C'mon Blackpool

    Funny they haven't mentioned his name yet. Too painful I suspect? Like watching the snake in a red shirt scoring goals :clapping:

    They are too busy moving shit around trying to work out the best formation to keep the score line down....

                                      On Loan

      Journeyman     Freebie    Cast off   Mangadoo

           Tramp     Swap Deal   Youth  Knees Gone

                                   Ted    Trailist

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  5. 2 hours ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    By far the most loyal?

    Only 5k STs sold on the back of their best season since 2000

    8k at home in L1

    300 odd to Bradford, 500 to Bury...both on Saturdays. 


    We sold 9000 STs on the back of relegation to L1 after the worst season I can remember in the 30 years I've been supporting City.

    We've spent most of the last two seasons struggling at the wrong end of the Championship table....they've been challenging for promotion each year, visiting grounds like Pompey, Plymouth, Swindon, Oxford, Coventry, MK, Walsall, Charlton, Millwall etc in those seasons and they still don't average more away from home than us. 

    It was only a couple of weeks ago someone posted a thread on Slagchat asking Gasheads to provide stats to prove their away support is better than ours and the best they could come up with was "uhh Dean Windass huh huh huh" and stuff about 1982 for some reason? So basically they've got nothing....


    Pffft, stats!

    What about the thousands locked out?

    What about those who started off for the game only to end up in police custody awaiting banning orders.

    Banning Orders + Locked Out Supporters = More  loyal and faithful and true family supporters than the gurt Ted's! Uh huh Dean Windass huh huh huh


    • Haha 2
  6. Bless them. They are discussing their FIFA 18 ratings and saying that the game is slow.....No, it's just that their players are shit.

    I have just got out FIFA15 to check their player ratings, but can't seem to find Rovers at all? Is there a bug in my copy of the game because surely Bristol's Barcelona should be in there?

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  7. 1 hour ago, RedRaw said:
    james246 Avatar
    5 hours ago
    Many first team players at Nuffields North Bristol today.

    A couple of Lady Pensioners remarked to me how polite and well behaved they were. 

    We have a good bunch of lads playing for our club. 
    Anyway, the old bitches were wearing red scarves so I head butted the Teds anyway and knocked them the **** out. ******* shithead *****!


    • Haha 1
  8. 2 hours ago, pommers65 said:

    Thank god a few of their supporters saw sense and basically told the deluded Sag not to make comparisons with City's support because it's less and he will look like a deluded *****. He tries to cover it over saying it's just a love-in, but I would bet my house on it that comparing their away support with the "Teds" is exactly why it was written in the first place. When are they gonna drop this "We are better supported away than the shit" bollocks? It's as pathetic as calling us 82ers. 

    I have heard from Sags how all other clubs hate the shit but don't mind the gas. How anyone can like that bunch of racist horse punchers is beyond me. I wonder what Braintree fans would say about the family club, or 15 year old Wycombe fans who were threatened with violence by their 50+ year old Tote End *******?

    They are beyond hilarious. Tinpot pisspot rag baggers.

    • Like 2
  9. 15 minutes ago, harrys said:

    A few inflatable snakes to pass around the ground?


    A discount on bulk purchases too. We should really play on it as they have made a massive thing about calling him the snake, so we know that anything snake related will as one of their fans said would be for them like watching your ex shag their new partner in your bed. Priceless!


  10. 11 minutes ago, BS2 Red said:

    Redknapp. :rofl2br:

    The 15ers wouldn't be able to attract Harry's dog, let alone Harry himself.

    Oddly though, I hear Dopey Darrell is attracted to Harry's dog, but that's a different story....

    If ever any proof was needed about how delusional Gasheads are the suggestion of Redknapp says it all!

  11. 18 hours ago, Monkeh said:

    Why don't you tell us what you really think


    18 hours ago, Cheesleysmate said:

    There aren't enough hours in the day! 

    Actually, I will leave this excerpt from an article on another thread about City's lightening relegation from 1st to 4th......

    The departure of the Ashton Gate Eight didn’t bring with it an end to the problems faced by the club. A selling ban was put in place, and with debts and salary bills still high, an opportunistic offer was made by Martin Flook and Barry Bradshaw, the chairman and vice-chairman of Bristol Rovers, to purchase Ashton Gate for £450,000. The spectre of Bristol becoming a one-club city was averted, however. A share issue scheme failing to provoke local interest didn’t help the club in their battle to ward off their rivals’ advances.

    Just let that sink in for all of those fair weather supporters who don't mind the squatters......

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  12. 5 minutes ago, JamesBCFC said:

    I want them to go for Redknapp.

    First they would have to pay off Clarkes contract- 4 years left on it?

    Then Redknapps wages, extortion in itself.

    Then the wages Redknapp would want to give players.


    It would just be a fast track to administration.


    So it won't happen.


    3 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

    I was actually thinking it was a bizzare suggestion on their part because they'd want Redknapp. 

    If there is one club ready to go into administration, it's Rovers. And if there's one manager who could achieve it in double quick time, it's Redknapp! 

    I'd love him to take the job too!

    Imagine when he goes through the squad using his trusty lines like "Cracking lad, I actually tried to sign him"....That would be hilarious! How can you try and fail to sign a free transfer? :rofl2br:

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  13. 2 hours ago, Tomarse said:

    ..and the reply :facepalm:


    Redknapp! Redknapp! FML! 

    Of course. How could he possibly turn down a position at one of Europe's biggest clubs?!

    Talk about delusions of grandeur!

    They have even infected Slocombe with their propaganda. He was referring to them as a big club....A big club?! They play in a Tinpot shithole ramshackled field with marquees and a cricket pavilion. They haven't got tuppence to scratch their arses with. Their history is a couple of lower division promotions, a Watney Cup which is as dead as the brand these days, and they are one of the football leagues newest clubs. So how does it make them big?

    Oh yeah, they can fill an away end but I suppose every game is like a Cup Final for such a Tinpot ragbag outfit! I guess every away day is like actually going to a proper professional football club rather than one step down from The Creek! 

    Ok, so they took 40,000....sorry, 26,000 to Wembley but as you know the majority of those supporters are obsessed Ted's hoping to see them get turned over.....If you take Gas logic into the equation.

    Redknapp in?!.....Honestly, massive massive family club. They are so huge I'm surprised they aren't considering redeveloping the Mem to accommodate at least 60-80,000 faithful and true Gasheads?

    Just **** off and die Rovers you bunch of clowns and jokers.


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