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Gert Mare

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Everything posted by Gert Mare

  1. The sprinklers are Championship ready though.
  2. Nothing embarrassing about Rovers luck. They had it in abundance back then. We absolutely tore them apart in most of the games that I remember but they got away with it and then fluked a victory. Never left early in the East End. Just moved round closer to the exit under the Williams Stand. Rovers never won the league in 1990, we bottled it. We walked the league for pretty much the entire season and they robbed us like they robbed the Mem from the Rugby club. Bunch of hoof ball donkeys winning the 3rd Division Championship, now that IS embarrassing!
  3. Health and Safety. You couldn't get the extra locked out 20,000 in the tent bit!
  4. Agreed. Fans were right on top of things at the Trumpton mud bath. It was like Ronnie Radford at Hereford every week.
  5. Apart from the pointless South Glos Cups the only game I can remember the Sags outplaying us was the 1990 game where we simply bottled it and they won. Their keepers were generally MoM every time we played the blue quartered park footballers.
  6. Spawny for years. The luck eventually deserted them big style in the end culminating in them now being one of the newest members of the football league.
  7. I think you might be right. I think me and my mates piled on each other and was giving it a chorus of "Let's go F******* Mental!" as we did regularly in those days.
  8. That game was the start of the horrendous run against the blue few that lasted until Louie Donowa's 89th minute effort on 5th March 1991. I was at both games. I remember the 1987 game well. We absolutely battered the Sags, battered them. A side full of non league and Mangadoo rejects. They looked like relegation fodder but somehow they managed to fluke a win and fluke avoiding relegation that season. Rovers had luck in bucket loads for well over a decade and punched far above their weight. They should have been in the 4th Division but with a load of Gas luck ended up as 3rd Division Champions. My fondest memory of 1987 was those rectangle hats in abundance. I have still got one in the loft. Was stood in the East End on the night of 5th March 1991. Thought "Here we go again" especially when the squatters got a penalty. Started to leave the ground and just as I was about to exit the East End Donowa scored. It should have sparked a pitch invasion but it was so late in the game most people were just dumb struck that we had actually won. Weird feeling but the voodoo had been broken and after that we regularly put our foot on the Gas.
  9. All chirpy in the blue 1/4 of Bristol. Overjoyed that they won today and it's Happy New Year all round....They have never felt more like singing the blues and they think Lee Johnson is doing an excellent job. Almost on a par with Martin Dobson for them.
  10. Watching from a Gazebo, loss of memory post 1990.
  11. Yeah. Boxing Day was legendary. Fighting with bricks in the front garden, then didn't even speak for 10 years. Friends of family were also Gas. Turned up at Christmas and what started off as 'bants' turned sour as it always does with those blue victims. They dished it out but naturally couldn't take it back, turned nasty and threw the first punch. Carnage ensued. They are well known Rovers nutters these days and I saw one of them start in a pub a few years back and the whole place was going to go until I took him to one side and talked about the good old days when we kicked the crap out of each other. Calmed it right down. Amazingly we didn't have a scrap that day.
  12. My old man was City and my neighbours were City. City were top flight so it was a no brainer for me. My uncles were Gas. My cousins are Gas headbangers, I have one other cousin who is a City headbanger and we all regularly kick f*** out of each other due to mutual hatred of our chosen clubs. Barmy I know, but embarrassing when half your family passionately support that blue garbage.
  13. Thanks for confirming the Tinpot debate. Mangotsfield offer this and they are on a good bus route, plus they are managed by an Ex-Rovers legend from the glory glory 2nd of May days (not the 2001 Wycombe regelation to the basement but the other one). UTGRTYDKTFFTCGoodnightIrene.
  14. They took 40,000 to Wembley....no they didn't. We DID though.
  15. Looks like my post regarding Points West has helped revive this thread I have lived in East Bristol all of my life and know plenty of City fans. However, Gasheads crow a hell of a lot on this side of the river because I believe that they feel safe in their numbers. During the 80's they made my life a living hell. I never really understood why as I had no axe to grind with them. I was just fiercely loyal to my club and wanted to see them get back to the First Division again which was where they were when I first started supporting them. Rovers fans used to seek me out and were genuinely nasty to me. Really venomous. They delighted in our defeats more than they cared about their own results and that is when I started to dislike them. Even their nicest fans react like they have been stabbed with a knife when City is mentioned. It pains them to mention anything positive about the other Bristol club. Rovers can win, lose or draw but I am primarily concerned about how City have got on. That is the difference between them and us. I have seen City shirts in places that you would never have seen them in the 1980's and nobody bats an eyelid these days. Why they think they are 50/50 is down to their hardcore delusionals dragging their kids to the Mem and plastering it all over Facebook in a last gasp saloon attempt to prove to the "Ted's" that their tinpot club isn't limping towards eternal basement promotion/relegation, and that even the Championship is just a pipe dream for them. They crow loudly, especially when they have the odd good away day following (if the weather is nice or they are playing near a good resort for an all weekend piss up). 50/50 support is utter nonsense. A lot of people who say they are Rovers fans last watched Rovers when they played at Eastville or they don't want to admit that they are City fans in case they get vile abuse in front of their kids.
  16. According to one of their latest threads about Points West being riddled with "Ted's" they are saying that Bristol is 50% blue. Official attendances would suggest otherwise? Might have to make a quick phone call to HMRC?
  17. That will certainly be the proof in the pudding! Bristol just need to get wins against those around them. Having lost to Sale was a bad result, especially because Bristol threw it away in the first half. It was always going to be a tough return to the top flight, but Bristol Rugby's own John Pemberton (Mark Tainton) seems to have galvanised the team.
  18. but you know that you would probably lose to North Ferriby because losing to non league garbage is a given for Rovers, whereas we have beaten Chelsea.
  19. They were still talking about reaching the playoffs a week before they got relegated out of the football league! They are as obsessed with the playoffs almost as much as they are obsessed with away attendance figures and singing songs about Ted's!
  20. So what? They had a floodlight at IKEA?!!!
  21. ....and state of the art changing facilities to match their stand....
  22. .....and six "Championship Ready" sprinklers!
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