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Shelton’s Love Gravy

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Everything posted by Shelton’s Love Gravy

  1. If I ever bumped into Michael McIndoe I would challenge him to a duel. I reckon I could have him. Matt Murray on the other hand I did actually meet once, in a rather nice cafe in a park on the outskirts of Sutton Coldfield. He is a substantial physical presence, and I would certainly not challenge him to a duel. If I did then I would probably die...
  2. Agreed. Next time we take to the field, we must utilise firearms. It is the only rational way.
  3. Agree with you about gut instincts. And our start to the league campaign has exceeded my expectations too. Now for a tug.
  4. Bringing on Jet may have helped, but he may not necessarily have scored. It's possible he might have just stood somewhere in the final third, and rummaged around in his shorts. Stranger things have happened.
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