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Everything posted by SirColinOfMansfield

  1. The referee and one of his assistants after handing out 6 yellows and 1 red card to Fleetwood players and sending their manager off during the match yesterday and playing enough extra time until Rovers finally scored ...
  2. Classic! Bristol Rovers are a PLRC (Premier League Rich Club)!
  3. "Following sending some of your messages to DC i have this morning received this reply :- Hi Marc, Just want to say thanks personally for your support you have given me, Really appreciated your emails and you like many others are what makes Bristol Rovers fans in need of special care and a club I wanted to do so well for despite being a shite manager. Last few days have been horrible and it’s going to take plenty of time to get over it but I wish you and the club nothing but success in the future. Woof woof! Take care Darrell & ?" http://gasheads.proboards.com/thread/13514/reply-dc
  4. Come on, own up, who sent this birthday card to Darrell? ... http://gasheads.proboards.com/thread/13512/happy-birthday-dc
  5. Dopey has already been offered a new job ... he did a search on "unique" teams who play in the "famous blue and white quarters" as he wanted to feel at home ... and this team popped up...
  6. Finally ... a photo of a happy looking Rovers player ... ...on being told his sentence at the Chernobyl Stadium was being cut short ... ... despite Dopey being dopey (again) ... https://footballleagueworld.co.uk/bristol-rovers-manager-denies-star-striker-will-be-sold-in-january/
  7. One for the large screen TV when it finally arrives ...
  8. The look on the face of a player who would rather be anywhere else instead of playing for a "unique" club
  9. Good to know that Wally's Twitter account is still active .... "Rubbish. Embarrassing. Shambles. Pathetic. Absolutely f*cking sh*t. "
  10. Is there some sort of prize for the winners of this game?
  11. Looks like Wally has got his own programme on the television this evening ... Ripped Off? Join the Club Panorama Panorama investigates a businessman targeting sports and social clubs with offers of financial help that can end up costing them everything. Release date: 03 December 2018 30 minutes
  12. Their goalkeeper got an assist for their first! https://streamable.com/uuso1
  13. That would be the well known media-whore Charlotte Leslie, caught fiddling her expenses amongst many other things ... her and the sags were well matched
  14. SPOT THE DIFFERENCE COMPETITION Bit of a tricky one ... but can you spot the subtle differences between the two photographs?...
  15. Many tears shed over these results ... although mostly tears of laughter from City fans ....
  16. Ah yes, I remember Nick Higgs ... thousands of fans would travel miles just to be able to look at him .... occasionally!
  17. PT18/3675/PNGR – Colony Farm, Woodlands Lane, Almondsbury Description of Proposal This is a prior notification of a change of use from agricultural buildings to three residential dwellings (Class C3) as defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended). Ecological Issues No ecological information has been submitted alongside this application. The site appears to be disused and overgrown with vegetation with the buildings in a state of disrepair. The site offers potential roosting, foraging and commuting habitat for bats and birds. There is also potential for reptiles and hedgehogs to be present within the scrub surrounding the buildings. There doesn’t appear to be any ponds within 500m of the development, although there are some ditches that could support amphibian populations. Conclusion At present there is insufficient information to assess the ecological impact of the application. This application should be refused unless further ecological information is forthcoming. Recommendation That the application be refused due to insufficient information. Proposal Submitted on Behalf of Bristol Rovers Football Club by
  18. I think there is a clause in the planning regulations which relates to "erections which are an affront to the eyes" ...so this would apply to the new stand as well as the pricks that fill it on a Saturday.
  19. Apparently, they just received a postcard in the post ...
  20. They are now expecting the club to charter them a train so they can transport all the hordes to their away matches ... "We need cheap transport to Sunderland by train. Not a done deal in recent years but with help from gorringe could be achievable. Let's get football specials back on track." Read more: http://gasheads.org/thread/7754/break-mould#ixzz5SchFRgaS
  21. We might have to close this thread down soon as there could be a chance that the sags are going to be better at taking the piss than we are. Well, they are trying! ... and soon the supporters will be revolting. Boom boom! If the Al Qadi's did funfair's......Probably the best funfair in the world. http://gasheads.proboards.com/thread/12956/family-stand?page=33 Never thought I'd see the day, but work has actually started on the Colony. They've erected the first goalposts...... http://gasheads.proboards.com/thread/12956/family-stand?page=35
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