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Posts posted by Malago

  1. 1 minute ago, GrahamC said:

    Their parachute payments were low last season & I’d be amazed if their wage bill was anywhere near ours.

    They have made a number of cheap signings (2 yesterday), he’ll have known all this.

    Must have had a better offer.

    They received approx £15m in PP last season.  A handy sum in anyone’s language.  

    • Flames 1
  2. 46 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    In terms of today’s game it was quite nice to see pre-season start with a system / shape we recognise, albeit some differences, mainly the high starting positions of our wingbacks. It did lead to a bit of stodginess getting the ball into Cheltenham’s half in the opening half hour, but you could see signs of what we were trying to do.  When we did move it a bit quicker (before Lloyd could drop in to make an extra man in midfield) or Klose or Atkinson strode into midfield, we looked a bit more like it.

    We ended the first half in a dominant position, with chances starting to flow.

    We also saw how Wilson is an obvious outlet for a flicked ball round the corner from low passes into Wells and Sykes.

    It was also encouraging to see both James and Williams taking opportunities to get forward and get shots off (and a header), rather than just sitting in front of the back three.  Both forced good saves from Harris.

    I was really interested to see how Sykes performed and he got a nice tick from me.  I liked how he goes both ways and has good first time technique.  He popped up in good spaces throughout.

    As for the back three, they were pretty comfortable, Klose showing his two-footedness, you can’t tell what he favours, but he has played most of his career as a right sided CB.  Naismith vocal, although he did get caught wrong side once.  Atkinson was solid, and broke forward a couple of times to good effect.

    Up top, Martin looked a bit lacking in fitness having missed Austria, and Wells ran his channels well, linking well with Wilson.  Both James and Williams had good chances to put him in during early possession phases, but the wind affected passes.

    But the highlights were in the width provided by our WBs.

    Wilson, first half was excellent, and he crosses into great areas.  He almost scored inside 30 seconds, and it was a really nice performance to whet the appetite of fans.

    On the other side, and I’ve said it many times before, Dasilva is better moving onto the ball, so a high starting position means he is often receiving the ball moving half-towards his teammates, when ideally you want him facing his opponent on receipt.  But when we broke lines, we saw how he can get in on the overlap.  It’s was fine, but not as exciting as the other flank.

    Was good to see a straight swap on the hour, rather than a system change.

    Having mentioned Dasilva above, we saw how the more “bombing” style employed with Cam Pring in the final 30.  The first goal was a lovely give and go with King, sucking in his marker and spinning him.  A cross that Bell would’ve bundled in had the keeper not parried to Tanner, to control and drill home.  The second goal followed nice play from Idehen, then Pring’s physical play to get past his marker…then slow down to compose a pass to Conway.

    Tanner gave Wilson a run for his money as MOTM imho, with an excellent 30 minute display, giving us just as much as Wilson.  That bodes well.

    So, a pretty positive opening pre-season fixture.

    It will be interesting to see who he picks at RWB for the Hull game.  I see Wilson and Tanner complementing each other.  Wilson is a better crosser,  but George a better tackler who has some championship experience.  My hunch is he’ll start with Tanner at Hull, but over the season I can see them interchanging on a regular basis.  
    One thing is for sure, Both are exciting prospects.

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  3. 17 minutes ago, Robbored said:

    Obviously pre season games are for Nige and his coaches to assess levels of fitness and how the players gel together along with game time for pretty much the entire squad.

    What these pre season matches do is tell us fans nothing at all and why I have very little interest in them. In fact in over 50 seasons I’ve never ever watched one…………:dunno:

    Really?  You’ll be telling us next you don’t rate Scottish football.

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    • Haha 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, petehinton said:

    Wales are going to take an absolute battering at the WC based on this

    England v Wales is like us v the Gas.  On player ability we should beat them comfortably, but it rarely works out like that.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, And Its Smith said:

    Ukraine have played an extra game as well, having to beat Scotland. Is that not fair?  They have changed the way qualifying works so anything that has happened before isn’t relevant.  Everyone knew the rules before so it seems very fair. Have a better qualification campaign and get rewarded for it 

    Wales beat Austria to get to this game. 

  6. Just now, maxjak said:

    Isn't is it depressing to hear, that the next generation of  Hungarians, are just as prejudiced and misguided as their philistine parents?

    Seemed to me those were adult boos.  Didn’t have the shrill tone you hear from children 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

    About standard for a number of players who have played 60 odd games over the last 9 months and would rather be in Marbella “resting and relaxing” with a few mates tbf….

    With the WC in mind, I actually think the better preparation would have been to give the senior players the entire summer off.

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