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cidered abroad

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Posts posted by cidered abroad

  1. 56 minutes ago, Merrick's Marvels said:

    I agree about the new posters. There seems a whiff of paranoia around here about them - just put 'em on ignore! 

    Like I have with you.

    As for the highlighted bit - it's a specious argument and you know it - no-one's made him spend that much - he's had too because he keeps making a mess of things - are we supposed to just doff our caps and shut up - etc etc

    So as you go back on ignore, I'll leave you with this:

    How long does our owner need to get it right if 20+ years isn't long enough? How many chances to get it right does he need - if we had a Centre forward who kept missing chances as regularly as our owner has, would you still keep picking him or would you decide it's time for a new Centre forward? 

    I believe it is a quite simple explanation.

    SL is an accountant who uses the past to decide what will happen in the future. No sense of a different pathway!

    All of the money making came from Hargreaves the investor and as such, one who would gamble. Not recklessly and not all the time but enough to make higher profits than the totally safe route.

    SL has spent good money on the buildings which are certain to be better than, for instance, the old shed/Covered End/East End. And like the Lansdown, which can be used to considerably increase non football revenue in addition to 11,00 dearest seats

    But not one clue about the game of football, the people who work in it or those who turn up to watch Liverpool or Manc one day and a week later travel to Darlington or Rochdale for an evening Division Four game!



    31 minutes ago, spudski said:

    From NP this morning.

    I would like to thank the incredible consultants, nurses, staff and medical students at Kings College Hospital, in London, where I am staying this week, undergoing numerous tests to help determine my future treatment, in the hope of making a full recovery...
    The staff here are a shining example of the excellence of our wonderful NHS. I cannot thank them enough for their professionalism, dedication, excellence, and making me plenty of cups of tea. Thank you. Cheers, Nige. x

    How many would even consider making any comment about a stay on hospital?

    Yes he calls a spade a spade but is always very quick to thank and praise people for trying their best.

    That is how to manage people and make them feel and perform to the best of their ability.

    I hope he has a healthy remainder to his life. Thank you Nigel just for being open and straightforward with all of us.

    Who do you want to win tomorrow?

    City or a club you played for and have a good feeling as a supporter. Will you be moving back there or staying in yokels Somerset.

    • Like 2
  3. 40 minutes ago, Harry said:

    I agree. 
    The only thing keeping me believing something will happen before Saturday is Steve Lansdown’s self-preservation. 
    If there is no new boss in the dugout this week then Lansdown will be barracked all game. If there’s a new boss then it takes away the vitriol which will head his way. 

    Will SL be there on Saturday? I doubt it very much.

  4. If this is true, I would imagine that he would be asking for a very minimal salary but with a nice bonus if he achieved promotion during the contract. He already has enough cash in his bank account for a couple more lifetimes so I think if it happens, it would not break wages structure.

  5. 1 hour ago, Davefevs said:

    We are back to the Swansea model.  And interesting that you mentioned Laudrup!

    I have no probs with that at all.  As you say recruitment of players can be more efficient.  Getting the right manager in future (whether sacked or poached) shouldn’t be hard, it’s not like we are specifying a unique way of playing is it.

    I’m as gutted as anyone Nige isn’t gonna be here to follow up on his foundation laying and strategy setting, but he’s left it in a good place for his replacement.

    I’ve been crying out for a DOF type person to bridge the gap between manager and board for ages.  Not just reporting lines but role responsibilities too.  Much as Nige did more than just be the first team manager, he’s not one to get engrossed in recruitment or budgets so bringing in Tinnion was a good choice.  We had a gap.  That gap was weak and exploited during the Mark Ashton reign, and not just MA to blame.

    It appeared we had the perfect set-up this time last year when Nige, Richard and Tins gave us a really good fans forum.  Tins had not been appointed at that point but someone asked a question on my behalf that with Richard having just announced he was going, would there be an opportunity to create a different structure.  And they answered that they would be looking for any opportunities to improve the setup.  A little while later Tins was promoted to Technical Director.

    All seemed good.

    So I think the structure is right.  It’s just we now need to wait and see how they perform, perform together.

    As for not getting excited - it’s always hard when the outgoing manager was largely popular and a sacking felt harsh.  We had that with Cotts.  We didn’t have the set-up right for LJ…see above.

    I made the mistake of not being excited by Gary Johnson.  My bias and comparison to other managers was that he’d find it hard to step up to our level and manage players with egos.  I was wrong.  I vowed to give every manager going forward tye benefit of doubt.

    When a new manager is rumoured, you can frame any set of pros and cons to suit your argument, but none of us know how they will do.  Some click, some don’t.

    Agree with 95% of your post.

    GJ was ok with third and fourth division players but as soon those who had played at Championship and above, including internationals, arrived he was sadly lacking. Bullying that level of player is not the way to get best out of them and so it was a slow downhill slide after losing to Hull. If we'd gone up it would have been a very rapid decline!

    • Hmmm 1
  6. If he sells the clubs but keeps the Stadium, that affects us more than any other part. of Bristol Sport.

    Bears have only one FFP type financial restriction of limiting the total outlay on about 40 players total wages. Approx £5.5 million I believe. The top one or two big paid stars are exempt from this total. No other expenditure can be penalised

    The Basketball club are irrelevant.

    City however depend very heavily on the income from the stadium usage from those who use the internal facilities; wedding receptions, companies using the rooms in the stadium for a multitude of reasons. I seem to remember a figure of £10 million just before Covid arrived. Without that money, we would be looking at dire happenings related to FFP.

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  7. The rest of the Championship clubs must be weeing themselves with laughter. 

    Bristol City, one of the better supported clubs, on a downward slide yet again because the owner hasn't got a single clue on how to run a football club. 

    Billionaire without one ounce of sense. I hope he gets a buyer next week! Otherwise it's back to Divisions Three and Four.

    Thanks @Olé

    • Like 1
  8. Thank you Nigel and those who are leaving with you.

    You did your best to transform us from the "Never have been" to a proper football club like those who have by-passed us on their way up.

    I cannot see how anyone can replace you and do any better unless the owners start thinking like those in charge at Brighton, Brentford, Bournemouth etc.

    But as that is wishful thinking, it'll be back to local league derby's!!!!!

  9. 12 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

    In amongst all the ludicrousness of our current situation, at least we now know the definitive answer to the question as to why we are the biggest club that has never made the Prem.

    Because we are appallingly run by an owner who is unable to deal with any sort of constructive challenge in the workplace & who incredibly has been chairman or owner for over 20 years now & yet as you say, still knows absolutely nothing about football.

    Then of course there is our current chairman who possesses the charisma of a library ticket, is unable to speak in public using joined up sentences & is about as visible as Lord Lucan.

    Never has so much been spent (pre Nige, of course) to achieve so very little.

    I agree 100% with you. I bet Harry Dolman would have offered to continue his contract and found some transfer cash for a couple to give us a more realistic chance of going up. 

    But Lansdown knows **** all about football and while spending on the stadium and Training ground, outgoings that are recoverable, doesn't have a clue how to get promotion to the Prem.

    Just look at how much he squandered on LJ and the unmentionable previous CEO, now at Ipswich, to realise I am correct in my comments.


  10. On 17/10/2023 at 15:50, maxjak said:

    Gordon Low was an outstanding member of a great BCFC side...for whom i have very fond memories.  I remember as a kid seeing Gordon with his good friend Dennis Law in Bedminster, and getting both their autographs.  I think Gordon was Dennis Law's best man at his wedding........but cannot be sure,  cos' it was a long time ago.  Ha! ........... RIP Gordon, a great player and a nice guy.

    Yes, he was best man for Denis Law.

  11. 42 minutes ago, fisherrich said:

    You are welcome to your opinion, but as someone who travels the UK nationally (football is always discussed), Bristol City is seen as a tinpot Championship club - FACT. Locals in Bristol won't see it that way, but nationally that is a fact unfortunately. The "top tier" was back in the 1970s. A very long time ago. Just think it is time for a new owner to take the club forward. Some of the AS money should have been invested by NP in strengthening the squad recently. 

    When I was travelling the country in my work, when football became the days topic, most people I dealt with asked if I supported Bristol Rovers!

    That's how much we are thought of.

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  12. I don't want to take over this thread but some have interpreted my comment about thinking of late wife every day as a negative.

    I remember the good times, holidays, birthdays much more than the bad times.

    For instance current wife and I will be discussing future holidays and she'll ask if I've been to a particular place, let's say Munich. Yes I have and then tell her about shopping there and how much was spent by first wife. Oh great is the reply let's go there and I can get some new and expensive clothes!

    We both have times in our life when shit happened: two of her long term partners, one the father of her daughter, died within a week of each other. We both lift each up to look forward. Next holiday in a week's time is Severn Beach!


    • Robin 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Wellspokenman said:

    I am so sorry to hear that. My heart goes goes out to the pair of you. What you have been through ? Really - none of us can fully appreciate.

    It's now 25 years past. I realised when she died that life is a once only event on this planet. Thus one can spend their time looking backward for ever or leave the past where it is and looking forward.

    That was how my father dealt with the death of his first wife during childbirth. He never forgot the past but did not let himself be dragged down by it. He always planned forward looking, like holidays, away match trips and planning his garden vegetables.

    Even when he was immobile in his last few years, the first question when I visited was "what are you doing this coming weekend" or "are you going to watch City tomorrow". He knew the answer to that.

    My first marriage lasted 29 years and my second one has now been trundling along for 22 more. We both know each others past but it's the future that is more important. Live it while you can because there's no second chance.

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