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Everything posted by BCFC11

  1. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/bad-blood-respect--joey-7646408 Just cant help himself can he, absolute cretin.
  2. Quote Took the misses today, she hasn't been in years after all the bigging up I gave it, she don't want to come back any time soon, how disappointing. sh** atmosphere sh** result sh** everything. ?????????
  3. I'm fairly certain, all of WBA's midweek fixtures KO at 8:00pm
  4. If you haven't of guessed already , I'm not ?
  5. I had a look yesterday and immediately said na **** that!
  6. Can see Norwich game being played but will be very surprised if next weekends game goes ahead. Which IMO makes it an even worse decision to postpone today's game.
  7. They unique I'll have you know. (Uniquely shit)
  8. Potter has agreed to go Chelsea so it seems.
  9. The blokes a complete asshole, called Neymar a son of a bitch whilst with the Marseille fans too. Classy.
  10. Hope he's enjoying the game now. Tosser.
  11. Most of the replies to that tweet just about sum him up.
  12. As someone stated previously, I genuinely think he is shit scared of Barton, worried about upsetting him.
  13. You should know by now, it's everyone else's fault except Barton's. Never heard the knob take responsibility for anything.
  14. Utterly pathetic. Loyal and true? My Ass.
  15. Similar to us singing at Blackburn today. 'Just like Bristol you're Rovers are shit'
  16. Still coming for us Joey? Ya Asswipe.
  17. Who said anything about behind the goal? Majority of your shots probably go out for a throw in, isn't there a car park behind that canopy looking thing you call a stand?
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