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Everything posted by BCFC11

  1. The Gas vs Swindon...? | Bristol Rovers GasChat Forum Absolute state of that first post
  2. Clint Hill has just walked out on them for ‘personal reasons’ and Barton unable to do the press interviews after the game. Its all going to shit….. ???
  3. Ah apologies also, thought you were referring to me ?
  4. I have no clue what ‘posts’ you are referring to? The person I heard it from was from a Sag who was actually at the game, who funnily enough for some reason or another thinks the sun shines out of Barton’s ass. As for me only posting ‘negative things’ not like your shower do anything positive now isit, hence why this thread exists.
  5. This actually came from one of your own, so not making shit up. Funny how Barton criticised the Ref (again) at FT ? everyone’s fault except his own.
  6. Barton running onto the pitch at FT to stop his ‘players’ shaking hands with the referee, W️
  7. 3900 Season Tickets sold, massive club mind.
  8. ???? The absolute state of that piss stained club.
  9. These absolute mongs never fail to amaze me ????? we averaged 26,000 one season in the 50’s in what now is the championship, and over 13,000 in 1973/74 promotion season, if you think small you will remain small, I’m 100% convinced, supply a ground on the level of Ashton Gate, fund the team accordingly and we’d be averaging over 20,000 a season I’m sure.
  10. Pahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha OTIB FTG
  11. Also goes onto say the buck stops with the Manager!! Honestly cannot see why so many of the fewers are still backing Barton, he’s done F’ ALL to improve them. Keep him I say!
  12. Heard this bullshit a few times from those losers. Yeah cos it’s such a cauldron of noise and so intimidating for visiting teams at the swamp ?
  13. That’ll be gaslogic, ‘if no-one see’s the scoreline, it never happened’
  14. This debate comes up on a regular basis ,'the green eyed monster' ! If you are measuring status purely by material 'wealth' then there is no debate but there are many ways you can measure 'wealth' richness, and whatever . I know for a fact that fans of other clubs regard Bristol City as 'cash rich' but Rovers as the richer club on many other scales, it is difficult to explain but most Rovers Fans will know what i mean. I have watched rugby at Ashton and i am impressed with the set up but not jealous in any way, yes i would like a better stadium but would be happy with a 14- 15000 redeveloped Mem, enough for our needs imho. Has the material wealth made City Fans happy? well if you listen to them on G/T post match most Saturdays, far from it! they are worse than us lot at moaning! There was one on the other week , so called 50 year fan ,who said it was the worst time ever! really,? they have very short memories, 4th division , bankruptcy and all that! For all there material wealth they are not that far in front of us on the pitch. Someone will no doubt be able to check, but i would not mind betting that take away Cities 5 game winning opening to season and substituting the points average from the rest of the season instead then they would be in, or very close to a relegation place! I am proud to follow Rovers , proud of our fans who stuck with the club through all sorts of 'crisis'. Twerton, National league, and the rest and i do not look across town with envy, but with pity for 'poor little rich kids' who have everything but can not find happiness, up the Rovers! How they seriously believe this shit is totally beyond me, this poor little Sag knows it to be 'fact' but it's apparently difficult to explain, yet most Sags knows what he means! That would be down to Gaslogic and the amount of BS they all spout, that when it's said enough it becomes fact. No fanbase anywhere like that lot.
  15. Bristol's 'first drinker' is planning another early pub trip with his mate on Monday - Bristol Live (bristolpost.co.uk) Typical dirty Sag, never change their clothes.
  16. The Fewers chatting about the ‘Gas Hard men’ over the years..... https://gaschat.co.uk/thread/17784/football-hard-men?page=2 One of the belters seems to think David Pipe (bald midget) is a ‘Hard Man’ the same bloke who got sent down for smashing a Wine bottle over someone’s head on a night out. Yeah proper hard that is. F’ing Coward.
  17. Yet according to most of the replies to that post, he’s still the man to turn it around for them ?? Deluded F...tards.
  18. Genuine question, is the rumour true about 100 or so gas heads protesting the board at the mem on Saturday? I’ve seen nothing in the media but been told about it twice now. Jesus Christ! That'll show em!
  19. Doesn’t sound too promising off the pitch either ?
  20. F... that. He can have it if he takes the Fewers down.
  21. Things clearly haven’t hit home with this Fewer yet...... Losing to absolute relegation fodder here. They are awful. ???
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