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Everything posted by BCFC11

  1. Their training ground looks stunning.....
  2. There is a huge difference between decent and stunning.
  3. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/max-ehmer-jack-baldwin-bristol-4268502 BP calling it a stunning double swoop.
  4. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/bristol-rovers-ceo-martyn-starnes-4209287 Football is more screwed than what I originally thought when the Country's 6th richest club can't afford £500k to finish the season.
  5. Hey, I'll have you know that the loyal and true turnt up in their droves, look..............................
  6. Well, they thought it was worthy of a bus parade...
  7. Ah but according to BP................. Here’s hoping The Colony development is a success, and then full attention can turn to delivering a new home which will unlock the huge potential of Bristol Rovers and its fanbase.
  8. However the leagues get decided it will never please everyone, Take Charlton and Hull for example both from what I’ve read want the season to be voided, why? Only because it suits them and they don’t get relegated by either playing out the remaining games or by PPG, same goes for ourselves on wanting to play out the season. Im of the opinion where no matter how long it takes for it to be safe enough is to play the last 9 games, the season is too far gone to just wipe it out as if it never happened, and simply don’t agree with the PPG scenario and if players like Deeney, Kante, Rose etc don’t feel safe enough to play then it’s pretty simple don’t play then let others who want to play get on with it.
  9. The tit nudgers waiting outside for their mates to pass their season ticket through the fence are going to be waiting a long time. By the looks of things they are going to bin off the rest of the L1 season, if only they kept the Cockman happy instead of appointing a nobody eh! Got what they deserve yet again, all amateur and bullshit from the boardroom down to the tents. Speak to a Sag and they’ll swear blind that getting relegated to Non League was the best thing to happen for them. Weapons the lot of them.
  10. Neither do I mate or my 2 young kids, but I’m not eligible to be furloughed so I have to work, if I didn’t we’d have hardly any income to pay bills, feed mouths etc. Yes football to us fans is a sport our source of entertainment (home games not included!) but for football players it’s their job, and just the same as every other worker in this country they will be expected to return to their jobs when it is safe to do so. As harsh as it is Rodman from the Blue Few stating the other day how 1,400 players who are out of contract will be out of a job, well my response to that is, ‘welcome to the real world’ there will be hundreds of thousand others who will also lose there job because of this pandemic, unfortunately it’s life.
  11. Or we could put it down to Pablo Hernandez's 26th minute opener on the first game of the season, to which went on to lose 1-3, if only other teams didn't score against us eh! All IF's and buts.
  12. Loyal and True they claim. The only thing they are loyal and true towards is Bullshitting.
  13. Funniest thing about it is, the Blue Few think that's a good number!! MASSIVE CLUB MIND!
  14. As previously stated above, restart the current season when it is safe to do so.
  15. This is probably their way to save on the Water bill.
  16. Yet more hilarity from Asschat.......... All the Gassholes talking about whether they'd put in some of their own money to 'save' the club. May 5, 2020 at 3:46pm Gassy said: I’d do it, proving it guaranteed the survival of the club So would I. I would hope that the City Council would chip in as well. Rovers is a Bristol institution with a 130+ year history. Obviously this hypocrite can't remember 1982 when those running the sags, bitched and whinged to Council because they wanted to help BCFC and demanded they receive the same. Neither can he remember when the shower of shite he follows pissed off out of Bristol for 10 years with their glorious 130 year history of achieving F'All.
  17. https://www.supersocks.co.uk/collections/bristol-rovers-socks Oh my F'ing days ???
  18. Just think, 1 bad season for Liverpool and a good one for us........
  19. Asschat.......... Great year in the conference, good away days at real football clubs not plastic franchise setups like Bristol Sport. Great day out winning at Wembley. Followed by promotion to L1 so really not upset by that at all. Possibly best thing that could have happened in long run. The gap is one good season for us or one poor season for them, both of which could easily happen ...... Last Edit: 11 hours ago by amgas
  20. Think you are missing my point Miah, going by what you are getting at it doesn’t sound good news? Also from what I have read, Rodman whoever he is spoke well etc it’s the one who’s been a snake in the grass and leaked it was getting at. Someone who clearly has no respect for his club or his team mates. Done your club no favours at all.
  21. I haven't even heard the content, I'm just laughing at the clowns within your circus, who continue to show what a shit show they are running in Whorefield.
  22. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/bristol-rovers-donate-tickets-nhs-4063757 Good idea here from the Sags but haven’t these poor people been through enough already.
  23. More shit hitting the fan.... https://bristolroverssc.co.uk/bristol-rovers-presidents-club-statement/ ???
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