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Everything posted by BCFC11

  1. Yet according to most of the replies to that post, he’s still the man to turn it around for them ?? Deluded F...tards.
  2. Genuine question, is the rumour true about 100 or so gas heads protesting the board at the mem on Saturday? I’ve seen nothing in the media but been told about it twice now. Jesus Christ! That'll show em!
  3. Doesn’t sound too promising off the pitch either ?
  4. F... that. He can have it if he takes the Fewers down.
  5. Things clearly haven’t hit home with this Fewer yet...... Losing to absolute relegation fodder here. They are awful. ???
  6. ‘WTF is this place???’ ‘They told me this was a proper stadium’
  7. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha!
  8. I'd rather go down with DC and rebuild then stay up with Barton. I said it. Would be ecstatic to see him back. #GASLOGIC ??
  9. Ben Gladwin aswell, played 1 game for us iirc. OTIB
  10. Steady on we have to qualify first and foremost.
  11. 28% possession for the Fewers in the first half verses Chelsea U9’s ?
  12. How dare they only Label ‘da famous quarterz’ as a Classic. Ask any Sag and they’ll swear blind that their kit is ‘Unique’.
  13. Little snippet taken from BP from earlier this week.... Monday's training session will be held in the early afternoon, but the club – which has security staff on site – has urged supporters to stay away to protect the players' bubble. They actually put security on site at their new ‘training ground’ just incase any of their dribbling moron followers showed up wanting to catch a glimpse of a couple of pitches and the physio’s portacabin ??? Now here’s a proper training ground (that is actually being completed) Enjoy Sags https://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/new-training-ground-flying-along/
  14. Comedy Gold some of the posts on here..... https://gaschat.co.uk/thread/16861/poster-near-mem?page=4 One moron even took the time to ring Mansion Bet and 'shouted' at him ???
  15. Imagine complaining to the EFL about a poster on a bus stop........... Maybe we should complain to the EFL about the teds inciting animosity between the fans of the clubs. The media were up in arms after our last meeting and this can only fan the flames of hatred. Personally I wouldn't expect anything less of them. They showed their true colours with Snakegate. Problem is that we all know if there was an official complaint they would just say ' Oh, sorry, nothing to do with us, we just get the posters printed and someone else puts them up'. I think this is one of the VERY FEW occasions where graffiti is acceptable.
  16. Oh my!! I hope somebody somewhere shows a replay of their penalty miss tonight. Comical is a massive understatement ?
  17. Graham Taylor (RIP) was England manager.
  18. You know your club is shite when you’re getting excited about a tinpot new training ground https://gaschat.co.uk/thread/16388/almondsbury-training-ground-thread?page=31
  19. They just can’t help themselves but just come out with pure bullshit can they. I remember when City fans were underwhelmed when they loaned Tammy Abrahams from Chelsea,they weren’t so underwhelmed a few months later.
  20. 2 in 21. Dean Holden has more wins in 7 games. ?
  21. Gurner’s record in all its glory... LDLDLLLLDLLLDWLLLWLL
  22. I think it's Dopey and his Dog who've been caught by a security guard.
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