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Everything posted by BCFC11

  1. If I ever feel the need to join up with the Sunshine Bus brigade I know where to go.
  2. Not too sure I’d attend that tbh, next time your in the area drive along the High St and take a look at the state of the creatures it contains. Scary shit.
  3. Absolutely!! I’ll kindly donate Fk All. Don’t doubt this for 1min just from the few bits I have seen of him even before his S*g days he comes across as billy big bollox who just stands around watching whilst the rest of his teammates warm up. Gangsta wannabe. A few on here called it the moment Wally took over by saying something was abit dodgy about it all and wasn’t all it was made out to be etc, a quick google search at the time proved the Al Qadi’s were nowhere near billionaire status, yet we were all jealous Ted’s cos they were the 6th richest club in the land and they were coming for us. We’re still waiting you morons...... Yet Unbelievably a large amount of them are still happy with them at the helm ? all I can say to that is you deserve the shitty little club you’ve got.
  4. What is more amusing is that they just got dicked by one of those clubs who’s squad was full of their academy players.
  5. The question is, was it a one or two humped camel he was caught with?
  6. This won’t happen, Twerton Park isn’t upto EFL standards plus they want to install a 4G pitch. So looks like they’ll have to beg someone else to let them rent their ground instead.
  7. If some saviour doesn’t appear very soon then the end is nigh...... Wally and co haven’t got a clue where to turn with nobody willing to buy them out.
  8. Yet they’ll still be telling everyone that it’s the best thing to ever happen to them just like they did the last time they were relegated out of the FL
  9. Yet they continue to wonder why we are light years ahead of them As a fanbase they’ve got exactly the club they deserve (a very shit one)
  10. Was all City in the away end that day or so the Blue Few believe all because when Mansfield scored their supporters actually celebrated the goal!! I can only assume it was gaslogic at its finest as every other clubs supporters love the Sags and wouldn’t dream of celebrating the goal that sent them down, only them Ted’s would do such a thing.
  11. Is this the same Niki that was up there with being one of our players of the season? If Championship clubs were to of come in for those young un’s you’ve mentioned do you really think that they’d of turned them down in favour of going to a club who have to scrape the dog shit off their pitch before they can train? Highly doubtful. Also If Garner was as good as you and others think he is then he wouldn’t be at a shite little club like them and unable to even win a game since he’s been there.
  12. Not doubting that it never happened but just because we are playing reading why on earth do they feel the need to bring a story from 36 years ago is beyond me. Pretty sure someone who posts on here had a friend who worked for the BP, who wasn’t from the local area and had no preference to us or the sags, and was told by a senior member of staff to belittle BCFC at even opportunity possible, and to favour the Fewers. The lack of journalism from the BP in trying to find out wtf Wally is actually up to tells you all you need to know.
  13. Here’s more proof (not that it’s needed) how the BP love to drag City’s name through the mud at every opportunity https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/bristol-citys-trip-reading-1984-3783939
  14. A poll taken from Slagchat..... Do you like wael and co as owners? Yes 59 votes Undecided 61 votes No 28 votes Get then the hell out of here ASAP 38 votes Tells you all you need to know about their fanbase.
  15. Bath City have done a bit of forward thinking here with their redevelopment plans by having a 3G pitch installed, just incase those thieving pikeys come sniffing around once their development is complete, as another Sag stadium plan falls flat on its face.
  16. 200/1 to go down.... They really are a crock of shit who are punching well above their weight.
  17. Whoever was on Radio Bristol interviewing someone from the Fewers after their game obviously believes the Myth on how loyal and true those morons are by stating to them ‘R*vers fans are well known for not booing at their games, unless they are really not happy with something’ ??? They tossers boo every week whether it’s aimed at Wally, one of their players, a S’Head playing against them, or just at how shit their club is.
  18. Oh they do boycott this competition so they say, that’s until they reached the Semi Final last year then it was like no boycott ever existed.
  19. Excuse the eyesore of the camp pirate sticking his right fist up his ass, but BBC still rubbing it in with those last few words and calling their victory over a L2 side ‘impressive’ ??
  20. Ah but did you know the Fewers claim that they would take thousands more than what we currently do if they were in our position. I don’t doubt that they would have a good away following if they did make it to the Championship (zero chance of that btw) hardly surprising as it’ll be cup finals every week for a little club like theirs and it’s shame it would only be a brief visit as they’d get relegated with the fewest amount of points in history. On their latest pipe dream of a stadium, whether it would effect them or those so say interested in the land or not I’m not sure but I know for a fact atleast 1 of the companies situated around that area have now lost over half of their warehouse due to it slowly subsiding into the river behind. Whether that effects the regeneration plans I’m unsure.
  21. Carrying on from the notorious dog botherer Darryl Clarke.
  22. Let’s take a look at the similarities then.. Small ground (including shit crowds) Small Budget - B’mouth have been spending over their means for years now, R*vers record transfer fee is on par with what De Bruyne earns a week. Small Squad - Bournemouth don't really have that small a squad, just a ridiculously long injury list. Rovers have a small squad as they have no choice, they cannot afford the wages. Enthusiastic Young Manager - Eddie Howe by all means, but excuse my ignorance here but I’ve never even heard of this Garner bloke, someone who’s never managed a single game anywhere, yet bar a couple of them the Fewers all think it’s a great appointment. Automatic promotion? - ???
  23. One absolutely vital thing he’s missing there, something never affiliated with Sags and that’s ????
  24. If he is as good as some managers think he is then he wouldn’t be at a shit club like them.
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