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Everything posted by BCFC11

  1. Still coming for us Joey? Ya Asswipe.
  2. Who said anything about behind the goal? Majority of your shots probably go out for a throw in, isn't there a car park behind that canopy looking thing you call a stand?
  3. How nice for them, great chance for them to show the whole world how great their away followings are....
  4. It is literally a clubhouse, they couldn't even get that right in the planning so had to alter it, don't even get me started on that tin hut where Titchmarsh keeps his mower and his pitchfork.
  5. What a dump. Mind you if you listen to the Billy bullshitters their training ground is the envy of many along with their (shit) support.
  6. https://gaschat.co.uk/thread/20080/gas-pompey-fans-fa-investigation Took just the 1st reply to mention us. Instead of realising they have a problem within their fanbase some (most condone it) they try to find an excuse. 'But them nasty shitheads dun it aswell' 'Isit cos we got Barton in charge, they look for any reason to punish us' No your just a bunch of kn0bs.
  7. Imagine the scenes on here if we signed a player on loan who's injured for the next 5 weeks! Fewers reckon its a masterstroke by the Thug. #gaslogic
  8. Totally agree. IMO a player who asks to play for the U23's when not getting starts for the first team, isn't someone who doesn't want to be here. Nige wouldn't want them here let alone start them every week.
  9. What on earth gives you that idea? From the outside looking in he's been nothing but professional and gives his all whenever he plays. Nige has even said (last season) when Wells wasn't in the side how great he is around the place, ie helping the young ones, getting his head down working hard and waiting for his chance.
  10. There is a reason why he's started so many games this season aswell, not because Semenyo has been injured either, because he's playing well.
  11. He wouldn't know he couldn't be bothered to turn up, couple of days ago he was saying how they could do without these Papa John's games ?
  12. https://gaschat.co.uk/thread/20059/cotterrill The absolute state of a few of these ****ts on here FFS beggars belief how they try and justify it ??
  13. Your insults are about as embarrassing as your home crowds.
  14. Only a really desperate shitstain of a club would appoint that sad excuse of a human being. Oh wait.........
  15. I prefer to call you lot 'smelly piss stained tramps' tbh, whatever floats your boat I suppose.
  16. Well he's not very good at keeping teams in League One is he, wonder what makes him think he's that special to not want to play in L2.
  17. They don't put that shit on Sky.
  18. The difference being, we don't claim to have such amazing away following who travel in such massive numbers wherever we go.
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