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Posts posted by BCFC11

  1. 3 minutes ago, RED4LIFE said:

    Yep, Wally bought him an Amazon Echo in the January sales.

    Alexa, why can't Nicholls hit a cow's arse with a banjo? Alexa, why have I got a tramp playing in midfield? Etc, etc.

    Alexa dosen't know anything about the fewers, she knows there's only OTIB.

    • Like 2
  2. 25 minutes ago, wendyredredrobin said:

    If you want to gamble, you need a stake.  Unfortunately, those losers don't have a stake to gamble with.  Thus, it's 50p on Coughlan.  2 wins and a draw whilst still in the relegation zone ( on goal diff.). And they think that the tide has turned.  We all know it's just a temporary bounce, but it won't last long. I would still put a grand on them being relegated but the odds are too short ?

    Hope this is true.
    The mans completely turned out season on its head and knows league 1 as well as anyone.
    Giving the job to him until the end of the season is our best hope of staying up.
    It’s a results business and he’s taken 10 points from our last four games.


    • Haha 2
  3. 6 minutes ago, steviestevieneville said:

    Surprise surprise ???


    Let the downturn in form commence.......

    I bet Wally is a relieved man though, luckily for them he’s got a couple of good results saving them the job of looking elsewhere. The fans want him so when not if it goes tits up, he knows that he’s gave them what they’ve asked for.

    • Like 1
  4. Their greatest ever manager, who’s bound to go on to greater things and manage at a higher level according to the fewers and some on here too, is being linked with jobs at the mighty Carlisle and Oldham ? greater things yes, higher level? No chance. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, myol'man said:

     Graham Coughlan went into the dressing room before taking his first training session, pointed at each and every player and shouted "you, you, you, you......... you, you, and you got him the sack, you should all be ashamed of yourselves"

    Fair play to the bloke.

    True story

    Fair play to him, embarrassing how them and Man Utd have suddenly turnt things around seemingly overnight. 

    • Like 1
  6. 34 minutes ago, AppyDAZE said:

    Despair not. This could be the best thing that could happen. Bloke takes over, wins every game, no other managers need apply, they've found THE man, gets job full time, what could go wrong?




    I’m soo hoping this turns out to be a ‘Tony Dinning scenario’ :pray:

    • Like 3
  7. I wonder how many times this Belter from Asschat has repeated this to himself and his chums before it became the truth? Either that or he speaks to a lot of other clubs supporters, who obviously adore ‘da famous gas’ :facepalm:

    How about other clubs up and down the country think Bristol Rovers should in the top 6- 8 in L1 and DC never managed that ?
    yes he finished 10th first season which was good but followed it up with 13th last season - so no progression ?

  8. 1 hour ago, BS2 Red said:

    They’ll have such a good second half to the season that they’ll be automatically promoted to the Premier League.

    Then when that fails, they will begin court proceedings against the FA and all the clubs before them, before it dies a death as it did with Wycombe once they do realise that they are just shit without a pot to piss in.

  9. Yet more delusion from the morons.

    Blaming SL because they can’t seem to build a stadium, then goes onto say that because Rovers can FILL a stadium they also deserve one, can probably count on 1 hand how many times they’ve actually sold out for a game at the dump, where does the bullshit and delusion end :facepalm:

    The answer to your question tho Saggie, something that you fail to mention in your dribbling rant IS MONEY, something you have nothing of.



    Look, I am sure they want to build a new ground but are up against what the last board failed to achieve, and the board before that.

    We’ve always had “plans” but they never, ever come up economically viable.

    Why is this, when so many other clubs achieved it?

    Is it the debt? Is it this millstone making all plans economically unviable?

    Is it the local council? Who are well known to support the other team and not be friendly to our interests?

    Is it anything to do with the fact our rivals have one of the most powerful men in Britain behind them and has shown he has a petty and vindictive hate of us?

    It’s one of these reasons or a combination I am sure.

    Whatever the weather, it is highly suspicious why a development project like rovers - a club who CAN get the fans in to fill a stadium, cannot get one. Even tiny, rubbish clubs have managed it, not us.  

    The mem redevelopment has never been viable. Neither was Ashton gate but they have a man who cares more about their club than money, and that’s a rare thing. Sad even so, given half of their fans care more about money than their club and want their money back any time they aren’t promoted.

    There is something fishy about why we never seem to get anywhere getting a ground and these questions must be answered. I can’t see how 3 motivated regimes can fail plus all these “experts” can’t get anywhere.

    If it’s the debt then we will always be in this position; unless some miracle manager gets us to the prem. fat chance

    Read more:  http://gasheads.org/thread/7945/statement?page=2#ixzz5acwtnkmE


    • Haha 5
    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  10. 11 minutes ago, Rich said:

    It's been bullshit from day one. Everything stated by Wael has been a thinly disguised part statement with not a single hard fact in any of them. It's always a question of, we're working hard, these things take time, can't divulge anything because of breach of confidence, we're working on the plans, we want the best, we're in discussions. All utter bull shit, and long may it continue to hoodwink those dimwits.

    It’s brilliant imo, the dimwits can’t see the wood from the trees ?

  11. 2 minutes ago, Rich said:

    Makes a change mind, all previous administrations laid the blame solely at the feet of Bristol City Council. Even though they never put a single planning application for a new stadium to BCC. Bristol Council even got the blame for their failed bid in Mangotsfield under South Glos and, their failed bid at Severnside when their consultants failed to ask the question about whether a stadium could be built in what was an industrial area. Now they're just saying we've failed with one attempt but can't say where it was, why the hell not?

    That’s because it’s pure bullshit, there never has been a new site, Wally is obviously learning very quickly on how to ‘string along a Gashead’. Feed them some false info that makes them think things are going on behind the scenes and they’ll be off my back for a few months, and repeat.

  12. Best thing about this statement (new bullshit) is how most of them are actually falling for it again :facepalm: slating him one week for getting rid of Clarke the next week he’s suddenly great again as he’s clearly still looking to find the land to build them a stadium but strangely cannot mention where the latest one was actually to that has fallen through ??? 

    Keep lapping it up Saggies your an embarrassment.

  13. Our Sag chums re Cotts, I really do hope it was him.


    Was he there today? 

    He got some abuse from us, especially in the first 20 mins today.. there was someone in box 1 who looked slightly like him but he got up and clapped when Fleetwood scored so I wasn't sure it was him... 

    Certainly didn't get a warm welcome if was him!!

  14. 6 minutes ago, Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan said:

    This is why Gasheads are admired up and down the country for their humble, down to Earth nature.



    Jeez that coming from someone who’s club actually released a statement after Brexit was announced as if their worldwide trading would be affected :facepalm:

    • Haha 2
  15. 22 minutes ago, Bobby Bollax said:

    Cotterill in the directors box at the Mem

    Perhaps he just wants to watch a game? Was at AG last week aswell, I still for the life of me can’t see him putting up with what the owners are/aren’t doing, he’s not the sort of bloke to put up with being bullshitted either, plus I’d doubt they are willing to come close to what Brum are still paying him?

    Stranger things have happened but I really hope he doesn’t go there, they don’t deserve him, they’ve already shown he clearly won’t be welcome down there.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Ron Swanson said:

    A man sent off, 6 minutes added, they grab a winner which I'm sure the couple hundred of people who bothered to turn up went wild..

    And they're still in the relegation zone :rofl2br:??:rofl2br:??

    As if that matters one jot, once you apply GasLogic, because we drew and they won they have gained on us, the gap has closed and they are coming for us again.

  17. The state of the fewers :facepalm:

    I bet he said to his missus look I'm going to write a statement and make all those supporters cry  :D

    Fair few posts where they openly admit to having tears? Jesus wept he isn’t even that good, even admitted by a couple of their own players, yet to the fans he’s the best manager they’ve ever had! Shows what a shite history they have when the 2 promotions he has got is from NON LEAGUE and League 2! This statement he’s released today apparently shows his ‘class’ he has no idea what the meaning of the word is, he’s a spoilt child who’s constantly whinging, he’ll never manage above L1.

  18. 26 minutes ago, arrytheb said:

    Don't know if it's fair to post his real name in here but he's there every year in what seams the same spot. I know one of his mates posts on here and has some connection to ex players. Both lads play local footie at Wick (currently) 

    Correct indeed, he’s one of my best mates and was best man at my wedding. He’s there every year as you say, he did text me whilst there asking what else could he put up but wasn’t on my game and couldn’t think of anything :facepalm:

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  19. 6 hours ago, Andy082005 said:

    You kind of contradict yourself here 

    In one breath you say what we all saw....and that was Cotts was not given the resources LJ has now had . Yet you call him stubborn?

    I personally don't think Cotts is that great a coach , however he was certainly stitched up here in that first half of the Championship season. The resources the Golden Child had immediately after he arrived....and since....proves that 

    By stubborn I meant wouldn’t change his 352 formation and only naming 6 subs just to ‘prove a point’ which helped no one.

    • Like 3
  20. 7 minutes ago, bobby kellard was go said:

    Forums are just a tiny group of people,a little clique who always have to conform and say the same old drivel .

    I cant be bothered with that and neither can 99.9% of city fans.

    Lee johnson and steve cotterill have been on the end of unfair hammer bordering on abuse.

    But hypocrites on here saying how great he was back then[cotterill].

    What a joke!


    Unless I am mistaken I’ve not seen one post on here saying how great/or bad SC was for us? Yes he should of been given the resources that LJ has been given and people shouldn’t of messed around with the transfers that SC had already agreed that obviously fell through, had the above happened then who knows where we would be right now. I will always be grateful to Cotts for giving us one of our best ever seasons but his arrogance and stubbornness ultimately cost him his job.

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