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Posts posted by ZiderEyed

  1. On 13/04/2022 at 19:28, Bouncearoundtheground said:

    I was thinking whilst watching the game on Saturday is there anywhere we can put flags now? 

    Used to be at the front of section 82 but now prevented by sponsors. It was the dolman during the redevelopment and the east end/atyeo before that. Are we really so swallowed by commercialisation that there’s nowhere we can hang a couple of flags? 

    Little improvements to aesthetic like that can make a big difference to a stadium. 

    Capitalism has colonised the quotidian, the everyday experience of simply hanging a flag up at the football. Impermissible because there's a Heineken advert that must be displayed!

    You are absolutely spot on. Minor adjustments impact enormously the reality of 'supporting' a football club.

  2. 56 minutes ago, Bouncearoundtheground said:

    Not my point. Attitudes of fanbases reflect on their football clubs. Therefore attitudes of cities and towns. Historically, Bristol does not have the same reasons to hold football to the upmost importance as the northern teams do. Therefore the passive nature of the fan base reflects onto the club. It’s an “oh well” and an “onto the next one” for a lot of us. Let’s roll up North street for a posh beer. In the north Saturday 3PM can be all they have. Certainly historically this has been the case. And the north south divide increases by the second even today.

    My point about the stadium, new training ground etc is that such a comfortable environment has increased the passiveness for fans and players alike. Win or lose Bristol City is still a pleasant place to be. We do not demand accountability and success. Ultimately the investment could have been split between the playing side and the facilities a little better, but as it is it feels like the actual football has been neglected. Now we’re stuck in a difficult place.



    It's myopic to think your football team is in some way different from any other, neoliberalism has handily seen to homogenising the supporter experience around the UK, be that in our hinterlands or otherwise. 

    Bristol is a bit of a weird city though. Henri Lefebvre would have us believe that the change to our spatial practice with the redevelopment of the ground and street spaces around it has altered the feel of the club - that changes social cohesion, it changes the structure to our experience in the representational space. 

    Comfort is putting it a bit plainly. Capitalism obliterates differences between football clubs, so there's no reason to think it's particularly unique to us imo.

    Would we be having this discussion if we'd won the FA Cup in 1909? I don't think so. Bad luck and internal mismanagement, I reckons I do. 

    Oh well and onto the next one.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Bristol Oil Services said:

    On the One Show the other week on the telly, a Doc was talking about sleep, a big Oxford sleep census, and it turnts out the poorest sleepers are up north, the best down south. And they sleep best of all, apparently, in Guernsey. 

    So, I think Steve is asleep.

    Any statistics on sleep walkers/talkers by region?

  4. 12 minutes ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

    ... and he doesn’t realise the SPL isn’t a thing ... it doesn’t exist except in Serbian football ... ??

    Really gets on your tits when people use 'SPL' doesn't it? Hahaha.

    Confession - I still habitually type 'SPL table' into google ?

    • Haha 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Miah Dennehy said:

    Just about to head  to the airport to come home. To be fair that was coming. Celtic have been thrilling to watch under Ange lately and Rangers have been scraping by. The atmosphere was something special last night, for those who think the celebrations were a bit OTT, yes possibly, but it seemed like one of those results that signified a turning of the tide, but only time will tell if that's true.

    Regarding the lack of away fans, yes Rangers cut our allocation 3 or 4 years ago and Celtic responded to that, and then Covid has caused extra complications . Rangers said they would give Celtic 600 or  for the first game only if Celtic would guarantee the same, which Celtic saying they couldn't if Covid restrictions were in place. I think it's a terrible shame , I used to go to the games at Ibrox as well and there was always a great atmosphere  and I feel- last night apart- that the atmosphere at Celtic Park is diminished with few or  no Rangers fans in the ground. As both sides have now sold season tickets in the areas previously reserved for away fans, it is unlikely to go back to the old days anytime soon.

    I went to the Dundee derby on Tuesday night as well. Not quite the same but still a good atmosphere, but - and as someone who is always sticking up for Scottish football, I hate saying this- it did really look like two very, very poor sides.

    Anyway, Sutton away for me next up :)


    Robbored- feel free to comment on your lack of interest at any time, we need to know.

    Up the Tangerine Arabs imo.

  6. Really interesting thread, and one that speaks to misinterpretations about the sociocultural impacts of a professional football club in any city - in my humble and poorly informed opinion. 

    I would heavily suggest anyone interested in how football clubs shape cities and vice versa read some of the work of John Bale, an emiment sociological geographer of footballing spaces. Bristol City, and the cultural spaces that exist in it's periphery (pubs, hotels, B&Bs, restaurants, takeaways) exist because of the inherent loyalty of normal people to the collective experience of football. The areas around Ashton Gate are the overflowing of collective consciousness that results in the physical environment that is our club. The club is defined by it's followers, but the club equally defines the people that follow it. 

    Rising Sun, Miners Arms, Three Lions? Expressions of a wider consciousness in South Bristol. 

    Equally, acceptance of commercialisation reflects trends in Bristol.

    A 2-way street. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Pippintogg said:

    Hi, sorry to hear what you've been through. I'm a clinical hypnotherapist and offer people in this group free sessions to help them out. If you would like to message me, I would be happy to help. Many people have no clue about hypnotherapy and how it works. It has helped me massively over the last few years, dealing with the loss of my daughter Aoife and son Lucas in 2014 and coming to terms with partial deafness. That's why I trained, so I can help others. You can find out more at www.timetothinkhypnotherapy.com . All the best, Chris.

    I had hypnotherapy for anxiety-related blushing - silly little thing to most people, but it crippled me socially. Ever since, I've been so much more confident. Would recommend to anyone. 

    • Like 2
    • Robin 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, TomThumb84 said:

    I worry for the lad.

    Mad he is playing Championship football to be honest.

    I will defend a Bristol lad to the hilt but Towler is way off.

    The Watford (a) shambles last year was a hard watch and the fact he is near the first  team says more about the club than him.

    Needs managing carefully.

    Have to assume mental strength in the face of evidence to the altenative imo.

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