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Everything posted by RedRoss

  1. No way not me.. Legally hes been acquitted and that's fair enough however personally morally it wouldn't sit well with me from what I saw and heard at the time. From a football perspective he's clearly a brilliant player but whether he stays at Man U or signs elsewhere they will gain a huge amount of baggage and that could be at a huge detriment to the dressing room.
  2. He was poor for us years ago and been on the slide since.. I'm happy hes going there, wages wasted for them hopefully.
  3. Someone externally who actually 'gets' the slow and steady progress made by Nige with all the financial difficulties by installing a togetherness and culture. A nice change compared to Ryan Dilks from the Second Tier Podcast who just thinks every young manager is amazing by default.
  4. What a one-sided hugely biased post trying to pretend your not a gashead.. You are a league below, your results share no parity. Remember where you are and have been for a very long time.
  5. Could be unrelated but Fleming recently said he could do with a loan. Potentially might be happening for him?
  6. Exactly, its the fickle nature of football fans. Damned if you do damned if you don't. Huge negativity because we are making so much money from a free obscure signing from Guernsey that came into our academy and made massive contributions on the pitch and fans are fuming. If we'd let him get into Massengo territory there would be outrage.
  7. Didn't he undergo a hernia operation just before his arrival. Perhaps he got a infection off the back of that operation?
  8. I can sense alot of negativity surrounding Alex's imminent departure. I think we need @Grey Fox to provide a positive assessment of the situation to cheer people up.
  9. What was he supposed to say the last week? Yeah just being honest fans.. he's off to Bournemouth so I can't play him today whilst the clubs are still coming to an agreement on a fee. It doesn't happen that way. There is always a 'knock' ect stated by the manager and then they leave. Sometimes managers will say their head isn't in the right space (basically they've said they don't want to play and move on) its just a football white lie until its wrapped up.
  10. So that's definitely how it works everytime does it? Brighton always sell their 'best' players and better the next season with new recruitment. Kal came to us after being Lutons best player and look what happened with them. Also you seem to neglect that Alex has his own aspirations, I'm not saying he would of been less professional but thats not the point. He clearly wants to play prem football like most players in the world and his head will have been set on that. Good luck to Alex, arrived on a free as a boy. Smashed the last couple of seasons with us and grown into a very good player. Credit to him and our staff for basically creating £20+ million for our coffers and I'm sure a nice sell on if he progresses as we expect. Hope he smashes it!
  11. He didn't sound like he cared that much. Did reference shags announcement on here though.
  12. After kickoff? I can see this happening when the team lineup is announced. Queue.. 14:02 FFS whys he gone with that team! Square pegs in round holes springs to mind. 15:03 Cornick is terrible hope he gets subbed quickly. 15:10 Preston get an early goal, knew we should of got a LCB and Dickie is rubbish. 15:11 Were doomed and destined for relegation We then win 2 - 1 with posters bringing up how wrong the initial overreaction was. That's how I see it panning out and I'm glad the footy is back!!
  13. O'Leary Tanner Vyner Dickie Pring Knight Williams Weimann Sykes Conway Mehmeti
  14. For context as I had no idea.. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/storm-antoni-danger-life-warning-8653744
  15. Can't believe the negativity about Anis. Hes played a very small number of games with us adjusting to a new league and arriving in Jan which is much more difficult. Whilst in that time he's shown he has brilliant technical ability, good energy and is clearly motivated to do well. Yes he's faded out of games but that's to be expected. I'm really looking forward to seeing him push on this season. He's got all the tools to be a success with us I'm certain.
  16. That's sort of what your suggesting with different personnel.
  17. Wish one of the local podcasts could get Roy on. Would be the best one by far I'm certain.
  18. When Nige said we were potentially signing one more I assumed he meant GK or CB which still could be the case but perhaps we're getting in a replacement for Alex as we speak. I wouldn't be surprised as we've been on the ball with replacements so far.
  19. Idehen will be another we're trying to shift on.
  20. Who says that playing better opposition during friendlies improves teams during the season? No one has, if this was proven to be the case we would be doing that. As for not playing at Ashton Gate.. https://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/new-pitch-for-ashton-gate/ These games are ultimately for fitness, working on link up play, developing relationships that's all. We don't need to play Ajax to do that.
  21. I don't know what point your making. Yes Exeter are in L1 and we are above them.. so on paper we should win. We did win.
  22. Same however maybe they don't want other teams looking at our youngsters and pinching them or it's down to cost.
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