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Numero Uno

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Everything posted by Numero Uno

  1. Just seen the goal and **** me that was really poor by Bentley. Totally missed a routine punch. You can bang in about tactics and lack of quality all day long but when your keeper ***** you up like that you concede, end of. Klose first game, Naismith second and now Bentley. Basic mistakes by SENIOR players are killing us.
  2. No, quality. The more you lose possession of the ball the more running you have to do to get the bastard back.
  3. It’s not lack of fitness though, it’s not keeping possession of the ball long enough that forces us to a lot more defensive running than the opposition. Anyone who has actually played the game will tell you that is a killer. We lack any quality in the middle of the park. Happy with a point today tbh but we have to get a couple more in before the window shuts. Games are far harder for us than they need to be.
  4. Probably Ade Akinbiyi, possibly Bas Savage…
  5. No, it's one tonight, two in his career here so far.....................
  6. He’s right to play the back three again (you can argue Klose for Vyner) because they need to try and get themselves into form. My tweak would be Naismith….if he’s considered the best crosser of the ball in the club then surely he needs to swap with Atkinson firstly because you need the better defender down the middle anyway and also when we do carry it out in wide areas we can deliver some quality?
  7. Is that Tom Nichols the worst player ever to wear da faamussss quarterzzzz?
  8. I'm not saying HNM is a bad player and I'm sure he would do a lot better in the right set up. Let's face facts, that set up isn't ours and add in the fact that he wants to run his contract down I wouldn't play him or even include him in the squad. I would do everything in my power, if I was the club, to get him out the building in the next fortnight.
  9. How about the kid with the big hair that DOESN'T SCORE, DOESN'T ASSIST, DOESN'T STOP THE ******* BALL ENDING UP IN OUR NET and wants to piss off at the end of the season if not January?!! Vyner has two assists this season from Centre Half, that's one more assist than HNM has managed in his CAREER at this club. He's also scored two goals at Championship level, that's two more than HNM has managed since he's been here. Am I missing something with the French lad who wants out?
  10. My only gripe with Nige is we are two good loan players away from getting results in this league. Imo if we had someone with pace at the back and a proper CDM we would have won both games to date. It wouldn’t make us play off candidates but life would be a lot smoother. However it should be obvious what he has been tasked with and until our FFP situation improves that will be the task at this club for ANY manager. As far as Massengo goes I would allow him to run his contract down, sell him in Jan for whatever we can get or tell him to **** off at the end of the season. Either way he wouldn’t be near my first team 16 unless we had about eleven injuries. When he plays we concede chances for fun and his presence makes no difference to our output down the other end.
  11. I hope they do...........and then kick their arses out of it.
  12. Totally agree on the second goal. Should Vyner have done better? Of course he should have but the "I am going to blame everything on Zak" brigade are completely missing the point about that goal (most of them wouldn't even know what you were on about if you explained it to them). Naismith was 35 yards out of position having gone for a wander whilst rolling a fag, Sykes was 35 yards out of position answering a call on his mobile and Zak had to deal with a situation on his own that he should have dealt with better admittedly but one that should never have been a situation at all given we were 2-1 ahead and no need to stretch the game. 5-10 minutes of being compact and disciplined is what was needed not that pile of shit defending. It was literally Dog and Duck standard organisation and decision making from £10K per week pro's. People have every right to get the raving hump with it because we watch pro-football to see these well paid lads do things we can't do not make mistakes we WOULD do if we were out there!! If Steve Lansdown called Nige and Curtis Fleming into his office and said "now, I'm no football expert but could you please explain what the absolute **** YOUR team that I pay YOU very good money to coach week in and week out were doing on that second goal?" they could have no complaints whatsoever. I would honestly go as far to say that you would have to go down to our Under 16's to encounter defending so lacking in basic professionalism and, worse, know how. However it's far easier to lump the whole blame on Zak Vyner...........when Vyner get's dropped and the same things are happening unless things change sharpish at the HPC what the **** are these people going to blame it on then?
  13. Correct. If a poor corner delivery enables a team to break on us whether Naismith is taking the corner or in the box trying to head it makes no difference. We will be set up (or should be) to deal with it. It’s not like Naismith will be the equivalent danger of say Aden Flint in the opposition box. Just criticism for the sake of it when there are more basic things to be addressing than that.
  14. I agree on recruitment. With players coming back we were two players away from being on the right end of a result the last two weeks and those same two players away from having a relatively comfortable mid table season imo. Short term we may have to work on grinding out a couple of results to get us up and running and then take another look at how we get results trying to play in the open way we did yesterday. Atm we just cannot defend well enough to play an open game.
  15. Point 2 all day long...............
  16. I don't know the bloke so have no personal opinion on him. I am fully aware of where he's been and am fully expecting him to improve massively on today (he clearly needs to) but at the end of the day if someone has a crap game the forum is the place to give that opinion. I am well beyond the age where I "love or hate" players tbh......................they are all here on £5-7K per week so can all be treated pretty equally in my book. On that basis Naismith was a far bigger liability than Vyner today..........and no, I don't think Vyner is good enough for this level.
  17. I think we need to bring a couple of players in. We've had a look at our first two games, we can see what's good and what's not so good (being kind) and a couple of better players now would ensure a reasonably comfortable season given it looks like we aren't that shoddy when we have the ball.
  18. Very true (I'm sure you meant opinions!!). My "option" would be to get a centre half with pace on loan and soon as possible. That will help whoever plays there. At the moment every single team that plays us will look to destroy us with pace and that is very easily done with the current personnel back there. But Vyner covered HIM for two errors today.........did you have the blinkers on?
  19. I thought he was dreadful. Vyner bailed him out twice first half. The first goal was his fault and he was nowhere for the second, Vyner's mistake or not. Until defenders actually DEFEND I'm not interested if they shout a lot, point fingers a few times and hit half a dozen nice balls with their left foot. He was part of a back line that could very easily have conceded 5 at home today. That display was well below the standard required.
  20. Exactly. When Naismith needed Zak to get him out of the shit he did so TWICE first half. The first time Zak needed help Naismith was flagging down a taxi in the City Centre or buying a hot dog or something..........we all know that Vyner isn't the answer but after that showing Naismith had better get his finger out of his arse pronto because that display by him was rubbish, no other word for it. Like I say not condemning the bloke but certainly not going to say all our issues lie at the door of Vyner either. Klose was the only player on our side today who actually looked like a defender. What people seem to miss is how can our defensive "structure" be such that Vyner was 1 v 1 with their number 9 in that position in the first place.................when we are ahead in the sodding game? If we were chasing the game you take it on the chin but we were winning at that point.
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