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Numero Uno

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Everything posted by Numero Uno

  1. They might just get the message if a few thousand or more wait until the end of renewals that any repeat of their shit show and the obvious piss taking of supporters for their own fun will have more serious repercussions next time round. If Jon Lansdown continues with his deliberately antagonistic attitude towards fans, backed up by the bloke lacking integrity and running the football alongside him, they could be in a very awkward position in 12 months time and the joke will end up on them. We will have less ST holders next season, that’s pretty much a guarantee, it’s just how bad it looks to them that matters.
  2. Some people fall for the BS BS hook line and sinker.................
  3. Instead of playing in League 1 in a nicer Ashton Gate in 18 months time if we aren't careful....................... Swallow it, the bloke has invested a shed load, for which we are all grateful, and in the overall scheme of things has achieved very little outside of bricks and mortar.
  4. Give it time and this stuff will be flying out………..to Mogadishu, Brazzaville and Port au Prince.
  5. I genuinely believe it’s the latter.
  6. Tbh it's about time somebody hid the ******* crayons down there.
  7. The club have obviously worked out that many aren't renewing season tickets until close to deadline day so are trying to fleece us in a different way.......
  8. Somebody is going to get ruined in the Dressing Room tomorrow at training.......................
  9. Walker is a big miss as his pace gets others, and himself sometimes, out of trouble. Stones is prone to lapses occasionally and it's interesting that Pep plays him further forward for the most part these days. If we were as good at the back as we are in the other areas of the team we would take some stopping. The problem is that the top sides like France and Spain know that as long as they stay in the game against us they WILL get two gilt edged opportunities to score...........and so it proved at the last world cup.
  10. As for our Welsh “cousins” anyone remember the Italy flag in the away end when we played Swansea? Now you know what it’s like to lose a penalty shoot out in a big game boyo’s. Enjoy that!!
  11. England are good going forward when Southgate allows the handbrake to be realeased and ropey defensively. There were enough chances created last night to put Belgium to bed, they profited from two League 2 standard mistakes and created one clear chance when we committed bodies forward at the end. Sels had a very good game. Kane and Saka to come in too. However this England team always leaves the back door unlocked and that will continue to cost us at the business end of any tournament. We don’t have a Bellingham, Saka or Kane equivalent at the back. All decent, no more. There is no comparison with Bristol City who sit in a low block and create the square root of **** all. It’s nonsense to compare the two as we are so bad.
  12. You could argue that at Yeovil he actually smashed the foundations in.......................
  13. When people in "Tinnion's position" generally give out stats I would tend to agree but when TINNION gives out a stat I wouldn't believe a word of it without checking. I mean he told us we beat Southampton 3-0, must be right..............
  14. You couldn’t lose 13 out of your last 14 and keep your job. Steve would completely lose credibility across pretty much the entire fanbase in that scenario. His ego is too big for that.
  15. If we lose the next two he might go, if we lose the next three he will go. Everyone will be in uproar by that point. If two weeks on the grass results in a right gubbing on Friday I would be tempted to get rid there and then to give us a chance of going to Plymouth and getting something. If you can’t stop losing football matches players stop listening.
  16. If James, King and Williams are released we would be operating with an even smaller squad in that scenario.
  17. You have to sell the club to decent players, in the face of competition, and to do that you need a coherent plan. They won’t be interested in 30% homegrown minutes, they will want to know what we’re doing to turn ourselves from lower mid table into play off contenders. Otherwise they’ll just go to a club they deem to be a real contender.
  18. The other issue on Lathams point about a marquee signing, if I was that player and Sid approaches me and terms won’t be an issue my next question is “who else are you bringing in?”. ”Well, we’ve got a lad from St Patrick’s Athletic, another one from Aldershot, oh and Max Bird, you might have heard of him. Plus we are scouring divisions 3 and 4 for some more good 100 game players”. I think my answer might be “cheers Ledge but I’ve also got Norwich, Sunderland and West Brom interested. Think I might take one of those. Thanks again”.
  19. The bit I don’t get is assuming we lose one or two such as Conway, even Pring, get rid of the experience in our squad and replace it with 90-120 game lower league players (that’s what the Technical Director has said) how do we become a possession dominant level team at Championship level that ALSO turns that possession into chances and wins? For the posters on here who say “give Manning a window then see” I would be happy if that could be explained. How is it going to pan out? The only way I see it happening is to buy good CHAMPIONSHIP players, yet another new cunning plan, and I’m not sure they will come under this manager. Somebody make it make sense!!
  20. I think quite a few will take that view including people who are renewing for next season. The football in the last three home games has been soul destroying to sit through and if we get outplayed by Leicester on Friday I think for many that will be enough.........unless we get to Rotherham and really need to win that match.
  21. That seems to be the solution of the hierarchy to everything right now. "What message can we ask friendly faces to put across?" rather than "What are we actually going to do?". We've employed Soundbiters not Do'ers at the very top of the football operation. That will get you so far for so long and then time catches up with you, especially when a large chunk of the fanbase can see through it and ain't having it.. Latter imo. He's not saying 100% of his thoughts.
  22. It doesn't matter which way you slice the cake, the comments made by the hierarchy have bitten them on the arse. If you honestly believe we could have had a tilt at promotion this season (I really don't without Nige being given funds) then they've made a terrible managerial pick, pretty much as bad as it could be. Otherwise only two options exist - they are either deluded or were being untruthful to fans on their reasoning for removing Nige. Whether anyone in the local media will have the balls to ask them awkward questions, on topics that many fans would be interested in hearing the clubs views on, directly at the end of the season I very much doubt. It's one thing to go on a podcast or SOTC and start spraying veiled criticism all over the shop but when there is a chance you might lose your press pass if you ask them directly in press conferences and the like, all the previous bravery seems to all dissolve very quickly in this neck of the woods.
  23. At no point were we approaching a consistent play-off chasing team imo and that is why Nige started getting prickly. He knew that was the "unhinged" expectation from both the Crayon Kid and Sid so basically said "you've just sold my best player so let me have some money to replace him". That never happened because the Crayon Kid and Sid thought we were a play off chasing squad anyway. Went well didn't it? The evidence suggests to me, so far, that a solid, counter attacking mid-table squad is being morphed into a relegation fighting squad very quickly. No cherry picking - 26 points in 23 games is lower mid table to relegation fighting. 21 from 15 prior to the Tactics Board taking over suggests we were very comfortable mid-table. That's this seasons stats in a nutshell with no cherry picking. If we cherry pick over three months it looks ******* dismal for Binary Boy.
  24. Great post. The thing I can’t fathom is had we left the previous regime in situ, maybe Nige at home recovering, and finished mid table (not even a guarantee with Binary Boy in charge) and renewed his contract there would have been pressure to do better next season BUT from a higher starting point and a fraction of the fan discontent imo. I am absolutely certain, 100%, that with some funds released Nige would have attracted a far better calibre of player here than Manning can. I will be amazed if we aren’t shopping at Aldi in the summer tbh, lower league “talent” (aka punts, that’s why they have played so many games at that level without being scouted by better clubs than us) blocking the pathway for our own. Unless Manning starts pulling rabbits out of hats or unless we make an inspired managerial change, next season has potential disaster written all over it.
  25. Foden is a fantastic, top player who produces alongside other top players who have the movement to utilise his ability on the ball. Unfortunately he was playing with the likes of Gallagher and Watkins!! Put Kev in our side and it would be the same. The ONLY player I’ve ever seen that could single handedly drag a bang average side over the line was Maradona. Englands first choice eleven isn’t bang average but 12 onwards is!!
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