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Numero Uno

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Everything posted by Numero Uno

  1. The main counter to that is we’ve seen the likes of Italy struggle in groups, Argentina get beat in La Paz and then come tournament time they produce. Not saying England will but for me that’s where you make the judgement rather than on the unconvincing win in North Macedonia or two three quarter sides playing a friendly they didn’t want to be at last night……… My gut feeling is we’ll reach the latter stages and then find a way to lose against a quality side……just like we did against Italy and France when it counted last two tournaments.
  2. We are approaching the "business end" in terms of what the club do next, that's for sure. Despite a comfortable looking position in the overall scheme of things I think the next three games decide what happens with Manning, at least in the short to medium term if they go well but if they don't then the hierarchy really are in a big hole. The bloke is under pressure, agree with it or not.
  3. The problem with sticking with the manager is that he hasn't shown us bar the odd game here and there (and most of those were generally playing on the counter) what we can "look forward to". If he's got eight games to save himself then we need to see five or six PERFORMANCES in there and I don't count a pig ugly win like Swansea. If he can't produce that now then why will that change next season with some more bodies but some leaving too? What genuine Championship quality that could make that difference will come and sign for us at the moment? My gut feel, unfortunately, is in our next three matches we will be treated to three more "low block" start with a point and try and finish with a point type tactical masterclasses, only opening up a bit if we make a mistake and go behind.
  4. Let's see what we get for the final three home games................if he wins a couple of the next three most might hang around, if he picks up 0-3 points there will be empty seats rattling all over the place. Bearing in mind we have had nothing to play for (although we still might if he loses those three) for a number of seasons and there hasn't been a massive drop off that I can remember.
  5. Absolutely, credit is due for the last two and a bit seasons. The point being we had a manager prepared to accept the restrictions in place and hand these minutes out regardless of whether that led to a minority moaning about results. You can have the worlds best youth system but it only works if lads get real minutes. The concern is whether the current manager will continue to do so moving forwards because, assuming he's here in July which isn't a foregone conclusion just yet, he will need results in the first few months of next season and the hierarchy also need those results. That will be the acid test for me - is Academy promotion STILL part of the plan or do we have a new one that involves signing numerous new players and freezing these lads out? That is a valid way of going about things BUT will then make the credit currently being lauded (correctly) redundant if we are at, say, 18% of homegrown minutes by October won't it? The likes of Palmer-Houlden and Araoye are coming back next season but on the flip side we might well accept bids for Pring and Conway (a lot of minutes gone there). If we sign Yebude where does that leave Yeboah? Stokes, Murphy, Bird and anyone else brought in (which could effect the minutes Bell gets for example) won't be homegrown. A lot of water to go under the bridge on this particular topic, the article feels like a snapshot of what HAS happened not, by default, what will CONTINUE to happen imo, so it will be interesting to see what actually happens.
  6. I suppose one question is how many “new” homegrown players has Manning introduced in league matches? Add in the fact that Yeboah has been farmed out, Conway is sharing minutes with Wells, the team we had to put out at Cardiff, Bell is injured (clearly that one isn’t down to the Manager) and it would be reasonable to assume the percentage is lowering regardless of whether anyone is to blame? Then add in the new signings that will be brought in for next season, Conway is almost certain to go, the fact that Manning would rather have seven on the bench than a couple of youth and it will be interesting to see the percentage of minutes next season. I think it will reduce significantly if he’s still here.
  7. If you have the experience in the building you can bring the Academy lads through which is what I think you are saying? You can even win football matches whilst that is happening. The alternative Buy to Sell Strategy is literally the WORST OF BOTH WORLDS in my view. On one hand you are blocking player pathways from the Academy and on the other you are signing players who don't have here and now the experience to compensate for that. You have people still learning at a tough level who have played 75 games more, that's all. The days of an Alex Scott coming along will be even fewer and further between. You won't even get a Tommy Conway or a Sam Bell as often. The reason Nige called the policy bonkers is that it is a strategy that costs significant wedge in the long run, far more than the cost of a Cat 1 Academy which can also be offset against FFFP, and might get you to the Premiership once every 50 seasons at best. It's hit and hope, shit or bust, Laurel and Hardy......you get the drift........ What is wrong with a strategy that aims for the Academy to be the priority where possible, supplemented by experienced and quality heads at the level, and allows the odd Buy to Sell merchant to be acquired where your scouting has identified it would be stupid not to? Isn't that more balanced? Got to be better than bringing in players left right and centre, loaning them back to their clubs, and hoping they hit the ground running for a manager who is "flapping" next season? All this whilst older Academy players are thinking "no chances for me then". This is no more than a "latest cunning plan".
  8. Totally agree on the highlighted bit BUT there were a small number of people who were hijacking threads and haven't been here for a while. The people on here who have valid opinions that are the opposite to mine still post on here. The ones who were hijacking threads, taking the piss and winding people up aren't. They weren't offering opinions, just mocking those that were, a huge difference
  9. They don’t seem to apply basic football principles so why would they get economics right……
  10. Condensed version right there and nailed. If the Few had done this, let's face it, their thread would be burning this forum down....................... The most abusive thing I can think of to describe our hierarchy, better than any swear words or personal insults, is that they are showing Gas levels of incompetence.
  11. Not for me. There were people who were hijacking threads months ago, ruining some decent debate at the time, and they have now disappeared. One or two were even working for BS, that was demonstrated. There most definitely was a Pearson Out Mob who were keen to denigrate his contribution to barely zero and promise us we had just recruited the next Pep in lieu. They got their wish. 100% true that is. It's taken us back 18 months imo whether they wanted it to or not. These are the same bunch who say we should be careful what we wish for when anyone questions ownership. No sympathy for them tbh. That's just my view. Yes, we are at a divisive point, that much is fact, some of the most divisive being the hierarchy of the club itself.
  12. Absolutely. I did say, at the time, given Nige was fired, not coming back and there was nothing we could do about it, that we had to give Manning time. However he has now had half a season and to all intents and purposes has totally bombed over the last three months. That, coupled with the biggest lack of fan connection that I can remember with a manager for a long time coming off the back of a bloke who the majority of fans had a big connection with, is enough time given for many. The bigger issue that won't go away though is that we have a Chairman, Technical Director and some BS Suit called Gavin in charge, the majority of fans can see that they aren't up to it, not even close, even the local radio has had enough and are labelling them "personality vacuum's" and this has led to an "Us v Them" situation reflected in club media content. That will end one way and one way only (my opinion is in twelve months time if the status quo continues and we make a right horlicks of next season) unless they change tack and unheard of levels of contriteness are displayed or, more likely, Steve steps in and does something about it. When Manning is fired the Ferry Mob will be back on saying he's been hounded out..................guaranteed.
  13. I can't speak for others but I would say that post Southampton has confirmed for many what they were thinking before we went to Coventry and got a result, then beat Middlesbrough and then the 3-0 (Tins said it so it must be true.........) drubbing of said Real Madrid on Sky. You cannot ignore the stats since Boxing Day and you certainly cannot ignore an overall league losing record that now stands at 48% and seemingly rising. The one game we have won in the last six was some of the worst football I've seen down the Gate for literally years. Total boredom from start to the point I walked out. When we beat Middlesbrough 3-2 early doors there was a Nige Out Merchant who quoted "isn't it refreshing to see a win delivered like that by a Progressive Young Coach". I thought at the time "that's a bit early" and you have to wonder what the Nige Out Fan Club think about it all right now. There doesn't seem to be many of them here to tell us though for some odd reason. Their boy is literally at the point of needing several snookers to save his job and that's not something I say with any relish either. If any of you are reading the forum right now I think it is your mob that are just as responsible the mess we are currently in on the pitch as Chas and Dave supposedly running it. You lot have played a large part in significantly disrupting a football club that was going along unspectacularly but nicely and also, should the almost inevitable happen bar a miracle, potentially disrupting the career of the progressive young coach you spoke of in the "old days" for some time. Next time, Be Careful What You Wish For lads.....
  14. The funny thing is, though, that game against Fulham with literally a team of kids who scrapped a 0-0 draw against a team that should have obliterated us and was a game where fans were given something to get behind. We then struggled as we inevitably would in the circumstances and ultimately brought in a Player Manager who was chalk and cheese to the bore in charge now. If you want to introduce a siege mentality, us (including the fans) against everyone, Terence Cooper showed you how it’s done. Literally paid out of his own pocket for the lads to EAT on the way home from away trips. HIS boys. Showed plenty of emotion, got lads of limited ability running through brick walls. Fans right on board with it. Truthful, approachable. Compare that to todays current siege mentality, billionaire club owner and board v punters, organised by entitled staff who think 30 years service (less the breaks……) entitle them to a top job taking plenty of dosh out of the club and not having to perform in return. Untruths everywhere, leaks all over the shop. Propaganda being peddled. It was awful at times back then, but for different reasons it feels worse now.
  15. That's what boils my piss. Tinnion wanting to be ten points better off yet had his front foot manager been able to beat a number of poor sides since Boxing Day we would have most of those ten points if not all. He couldn't even manage a draw between the lot of them.
  16. "As Chairman I take responsibility".......... Nah, can't see that catching on.
  17. We haven’t lost all the games, just 48% of them. If Leicester beat us he’s lost HALF of them spanning half a season. If that’s not a massive concern I don’t know what is tbh.
  18. 100%. Unfortunately it was Jon Lansdown and a minority of vocal supporters who couldn’t see it and Steve allowed the ensuing calamity to occur because of it. Progress was slow but we were making progress and had the previous set up been given the investment that Manning or his replacement will get we would not only have moved forwards but achieved it spending less money overall (not having to pay settlements for a start).
  19. What is getting promoted in a "pure" way? I'm all ******* ears on this...................
  20. I would have said he was more of a manual spitter...........
  21. When he says he can't control how supporters think that tells you all you need to know. If I was him, cos you can guarantee he knows where he stands now if he didn't a week or two ago, I'd be tempted to have a go against both Leicester and Plymouth and if he picks up three points from those two he gets more time. However the way we set up on Saturday was pure fear until the game was lost so I can't see that happening.
  22. The real cult is the “anyone but Nige” mob, exactly the people who advise us to careful what we wish for which is slightly ironic. Nobody wished for the current results and performances that’s for sure!! They started all this and now seem to be missing.
  23. Don't take it too seriously @Fjmcity albeit some of our current football probably ought to come with a Parental Advisory Sticker................
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