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Slippin cider

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Everything posted by Slippin cider

  1. Good point….in Kalas, Vyner and a n other we trust ….
  2. Oh a basket case and no mistake!
  3. Not tried Matina but the Caribbean food lady is amazing! …love the variety of food in there , we’re very lucky here in Bristol.
  4. If so, this takes their level of utter stupidity to a whole new level .
  5. Feel sorry for the public on the trains back to South Wales having to put up with these total idiots !
  6. Kevin’s not your friend ! ….
  7. A win at Luton and a draw at Preston…..I’m happy with that thanks …
  8. As long as it’s not Simpson he’s laughing….
  9. Except it wasn’t carried , neither was it torn down. It jumped down from its plynth and rolled itself into the docks as those accused were somehow found not guilty.
  10. For me, the following are pretty tremendous: Chinese - Happiness- Seamills Indian - Urban Tandoor or Salkaara Fish n Chips - Henbury Fryer or Stoke Bishop fish bar
  11. The coppers are not interested, too much paperwork to get involved. They’re only there for the burgers and pies …
  12. Proper yo-yo team ….they’ll go up this season….we’ll see them again the season after …
  13. Dare I say Vyner did ok since coming on apart from the late free kick
  14. His first touch is getting much better and then his pace and strength, tough to deal with …hope he keeps it up!
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