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Posts posted by BobBobSuperBob

  1. 1 hour ago, BCFC11 said:

    Never liked Noel Edmonds tbh may just be me but he’s a odd character, always seems very flirty/slimey around females even on TV, I could be  be totally wrong mind you and he may well be a lovely bloke like Wally.

    See he drove Geoff Dunford round Europe in his converted Double Decker Bus , When GD was ill with his prostrate cancer

    Fair play to him

    • Like 2
  2. 8 minutes ago, Unan said:

    Never want to see an injury but Bonham, their saviour keeper, has gone off injured.


    7 minutes ago, BobBobSuperBob said:

    Back strain ?


    6 minutes ago, Unan said:

    Yeah something something carrying joke something 

    Ha ha 

    Was just joking but it seems his back has indeed given out



    • Haha 1
  3. 34 minutes ago, BCFC11 said:

    I know the majority of them are completely deluded and full of shit, but this Belter has to be right up there....

    Taken from Sagchat ref their banning orders.

    I cannot believe the Teds are not on that list. Secondly these "Rovers" fans, they don't live in Ashton do they?

    The same belter posted this about Scunnys first goal....


    It wasn't off side. He was offside but Clarke came running in just as he shot and played him on side. There was another player who was off side but as he didn't touch the ball he wasn't interfering with play. If all the Roves players had stood still then yes it would have been offside



    anyone know wtf he is on about ?   or what sport / rules he is wittering about 


    • Haha 1
  4. ‘ Avon and Somerset Police have notified us of an ongoing incident in the Horfield area, of Bristol, near the tented village , where a scruffy youth , described as having bad acne , has been running amongst traffic randomly head butting mini buses following Rovers home defeat , which sees them staring at League Two.......again

    Several roads have been closed and motorists ,, and horses , have been advised to avoid the area

    One mini bus driver, Mr Alan Robinson who was operating Rovers dial a ride , said he was ‘ shocked but uninjured ‘ in the attack

    • Haha 7
  5. 46 minutes ago, Red Right Hand said:

    If past experience is anything to go by it would only need to be a tenner. One of them could then go in and pass his ticket through the fence to the other.


    All paid for by selling lost season tickets

    or a quick sleight of hand in the Supporter Club accounting



    • Haha 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Ska Junkie said:

    That was with a special 'bring 2 mates for a tenner' too!

    Less than 8k home fans again.



    I dont  think this would have influenced the attendance ....





    How many Sags would you think would have two mates ......

    • Haha 11
  7. 10 minutes ago, BCFC11 said:

    That was October last year tbf and don’t think anything was ever proven that it did take place? 

    City will no doubt get the blame for some of the trouble today from a few of them atleast, it’s what they do’s.


    The link on the Evil Post site had me


    I knew I was having a bad week but .....:comando:

    • Haha 2
  8. 32 minutes ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

    Isn’t it 7 and a half hours? Five games? Still hilarious though!

    Apologies BS4

    You are correct 

    My bad maths

    527 minutes to be precise

    Still things are looking up, their record signing goalscorer nearly netted for the first time in a year ...hit the post....getting closer

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