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Everything posted by Selred

  1. Why not? Feels an easy perk for City/Bears fans, even if it's not much traction.
  2. The issue is two fold, the disconnect between expectations and reality (Steve expecting us to push for promotion, without allowing Nigel/Brian to invest into the squad), and the lack of praise for Nigel for the fantastic job he's done on the shoestring budget.
  3. Seen them a few times, but now they are a 3 I can't muster the excitement. Muse were excellent down at the Gate, would love them to return. Stones would be superb to return too.
  4. Should be Tinnion and Nigel to agree on sale. But agree, when it comes to negotiating best terms and conditions with agents, other clubs etc, is Tinnion really best placed?
  5. So have a lot of other owners, and made far smarter decisions. The money he's spent, the fact we are behind the likes of Luton, Bournemouth etc says a lot.
  6. Lisa Knights has just been appointed Flyers CEO. Hahaha.
  7. What is the role of Barton? Talks of rifts between SL, JL and Nigel, why doesn’t JL just pretend to praise Nigel even if he doesn’t believe it. Really is incredible the disrespect
  8. agree very knowledgable! Took me 5 mins on the firestick to realise it wasn’t Robins TV.
  9. Who are they?? I look at the club and it's lots of experience people in the right places. Honestly the only job which someone doesn't deserve is Jons.
  10. With the shambles in the boardroom it shows what an absolute gent Nigel is. Bloke could walk at any time, but is staying, has worked under tight restrictions and done wonders. Fair play to him!
  11. Perhaps the role is purely football orientated, hence the nod to those two? We know from the supporters club that ‘Bristol Sport’ do everything else, and don’t give City much flex. Maybe he felt powerless in his role that he could make any difference beyond Nigel and Tins?
  12. Hasn’t he been advising the club already?
  13. Bit short term sighted. Especially if we continue with cost cutting, it’ll eventually show on the pitch
  14. Just reading on another thread that Alexander is gone. Either resigned / dismissed. Deserves its own thread. Would show what a shambles we are at the top. Perhaps due to goal posts continually changing on the football front? (Thinking Scott money etc).
  15. I'm more alarmed by the sunglasses and backwards cap than how dark the shirt is!
  16. Personally not sure how I feel about it. Bloke is an actor, not a broadcaster so in my opinion he's getting the job because of his name. Feels like he's taking the chance away from others.
  17. Thanks @phantom for sharing the details and also answering peoples follow ups here. You get a lot of questions, and sometimes some unfair slack, but wanted to say how much I appreciate these updates.
  18. Watch Bristol City now use this messaging to promote kits. "Bloody Fantastic" @GrahamC
  19. Love to see it! In my opinion City should be in the blood, passed down generation to generation (otherwise no one would actively choose to support us!!)
  20. Why doesn't your son support the City?
  21. Bears will be fine. Got some good players and play good rugby. Ladies no clue. City will be mid table.
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